S18C228 - Acquired bleeding d/o Flashcards
Platelet defects
- quantitative (production, consumption, destruction)
- qualitative
- manifestations: nonpalpable petechiae, purpura, mucosal bleeding, menorrhagia, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematochezia
Platelet defects
- quantitative (production, consumption, destruction)
- qualitative
- manifestations: nonpalpable petechiae, purpura, mucosal bleeding, menorrhagia, hemoptysis, hematuria, hematochezia
Transfusion threshold for platelets:
-ITP bleeds less at a lower platelet count than other causes of thrombocytopenia
-autoimmune dz causing rapid destruction of platelets
-Sx: purpura, petechiae
-normal bone marrow
-more common in younger children
-usually resolves in 1-2mo, chronic ITP lasts >3mo
-assoc with other autoimmune dz
-mild anemia may also be present
-smear shows large scant platelets
-tx: avoid ASA/NSAIDs, control BP, avoid procedures, prevent falls
>50 no tx
children >30 do not need hospitalization or tx usually
children 50 no tx
20-30 consider steroids
20 can be managed as out-pt if no bleeding
Acquired thrombocytopenia: decreased production
- marrow infiltration (tumor/infxn)
- viral infx -rubella, HIV
- drugs
- radiation
- vit B12/folate deficiency
Acquired thrombocytopenia: increased destruction
- viral infxn: HIV, mumps, varicella, EBV
- drugs (heparin, protamine)
Acquired thrombocytopenia: sequestration
- cirrhosis
Drugs that cause thrombocytopenia
- heparin
- sulfa
- quinine
- EtOH
- indomethacin
- acyclovir
Drugs that impair platelet function
- glyocprotein IIb-IIIa agents (plavix)
- PCN, cephalosporins
Platelet clumping
- can occur in younger pts
- results in a false thrombocytopenia count
- is seen on a peripheral smear
ITP tx
-prednisone 60-100mg OD PO with taper
IVIG 1g/kg/d for 2d or anti-D for very low platelet counts and bleeding
-tranfuse platelets only if needed
-life-threatening bleed: methylpred 30mg/kg/d IV x3d, IVIG and platelet TFN after 1st dose of methylpred given
-conjugated estrogen can be considered for uterine bleed
Drug-induced thrombocytopenia
- presents very similar to ITP
- HIT causes a drop in platelets but pts are paradoxically hypercoagulable due to platelet activation
Things that cause qualitative platelet abnormalities
- uremia
- liver dz
- antiplatelet Abs (ITP, SLE)
- cardiopulmonary bypass
- myeloproliferative d/o (CML, polycythemia vera)
- dysproteinemia (MM, waldenstrom macroglobulinemia)
- vW dz
Transfusion threshold for platelets:
Acquired coag d/o: DIC pathophys
- innappropriate and widespread activation of coagulation system
- results in intravascular fibrin formation and activation of fibrinolytic system, clots breakdown, coag factors are consumed, bleeding ensues
- pathophys: increased cytokines and activation of tissue factor (part of extrinsic pathway), leads to thrombin generation, small fibrin clots in microcirculation, leading to occlusion of small vessels and end organ dysfxn, consumption of platelets and coag factors
- as well, tPA is activated and this leads to excessive activation of fibrinolytic activation and pathologic bleeding