S18/20 wounding OAPA structure Flashcards
Identify and define
Wounding is defined under S20 and S18 of OAPA.
What is the AR of wounding?
Both S18 and S20 it is - to unlawfully wound a person. A ‘wound’ is a cut or a break in the two upper layers of skin. This is shown in JCC v Eisenhower.
Define and apply causation?
Must be proven that D caused the wound to V so both types of causation must be proven.
Factual - Pagett - ‘but for’
Legal - Smith - ‘operative and substantial’
Must not be any breaks in the chain of causation.
What is the mens rea of S20 wounding?
Direct intention or recklessness as to cause some harm - Mowatt
Direct - Mohan
Recklessness - Cunningham
What is the mens rea of S18 wounding?
DIrect intention or oblique intention to cause really serious harm - Belfon
Direct - Mohan
Oblique - Belfon - i) The consequence of D’s actions are v c
ii) The d realises it was v c