S15:Serverless Overviews from a Solution Architect Perspective Flashcards
Cual es el Maximum execution time en Lambda?
15 min
You’d like to have a dynamic DB_URL variable loaded in your Lambda code
Donde lo pones?
Place it in the environment variables
Que tipo de instancia tenemos que provisionar para nuestra DynamoDB database?
DynamoDB is a serverless service and as such we don’t provision an instance type for our database. We just say how much RCU and WCU we require for our table (or auto scaling)
Describe 2 puntos de DAX
DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
- it is a cache that fronts your DynamoDB tables and caches the most frequently read values
- -They help offload the heavy reads on hot keys off of DynamoDB itself, hence preventing the ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
You would like to automate sending welcome emails to the users who subscribe to the Users table in DynamoDB. How can you achieve that?
Enable DynamoDB streams and have the Lambda function receive the events in real time
To make a serverless API, I should integrate API Gateway with
Lambda because is a serverless technology
You would like to provide a Facebook login before your users call your API hosted by API Gateway. You need seamlessly authentication integration, you will use
Cognito User Pools
Your production application is leveraging DynamoDB as its backend and is experiencing smooth sustained usage. There is a need to make the application run in development as well, where it will experience unpredictable, sometimes high, sometimes low volume of requests. You would like to make sure you optimize for cost. What do you recommend?
Provision WCU and RCU and enable Auto-Scaling for production and use on-demand capacity for development