S1 Cell Injury Flashcards
What do cells have to deal with changes in environmental conditions?
Effective mechanisms if the changes are mild
However if they’re severe cell adaptation, injury or death occurs
What does the degree of cell injury depend on?
- Type of injury
- Severity of injury
- Type of tissue
What things can cause cell injury?
- Hypoxia
- Toxins
- Physical agents
- Radiation
- Microorganisms
- Immune mechanisms
- Dietary insufficiencies and deficiencies or dietary excess
What are the 4 types of hypoxia?
- Hypoxaemic hypoxia - arterial content of oxygen is low e.g. at high altitude
- Anaemic hypoxia - decreased ability of Hb to carry oxygen e.g. anaemia or CO poisoning
- Ischaemic hypoxia - interruption of blood supply e.g. blacked of vessel
- Histiocytic hypoxia - inability to utilise oxygen inc ells due to disabled oxidative phosphorylation e.g. cyanide poisoning
What is hypoxia?
What is ichaemia?
Lack of oxygen only
Loss of blood supply to a tissue and the lack of oxygen and other molecules/SU strates
How long can neurones ad fibroblasts survive in hypoxia?
Neurones - a few minutes
Fibroblasts - a few hours
How does the immune system damage the body’s cells?
- hypersensitivity reactions - host tissue is injured due to an overly vigorous immune reaction (secondary) e.g. hives (urticaria)
- autoimmune reactions - immune system fails to distinguish self from non-self e.g. Grave’s disease
Which cell components are most susceptible to injury?
- Cell membranes - plasma membrane
- Nucleus - DNA
- Proteins - enzymes
- Mitochondria - oxidative phosphorylation
What happens in reversible hypoxia?
- Ischaemia occurs
- Decrease in oxidative phosphorylation and so less ATP produced
- Less ATP means reduced Na+ pump activity and increased glycolysis and detachment of ribosomes from ER
- Reduced Na+ pump meanings an influx of Ca2+, water and NA+ and K+ efflux which causes swelling, loss of microvilli, blebs, ER swelling and myelin figures
- Increased glycolysis leads to a decrease in pH and glycogen which causes clumping of nuclear chromatin
- Detachment of ribosomes means decrease protein synthesis which causes lipid deposition
What happens in irreversible/prolonged hypoxia?
- Injuries agent causes influx of Ca2+
- Increased cytosolic Ca2+ (from outside the cell, the mitochondria and ER)
- High levels of Ca2+ lead to increased ATPase, phospholipase, protease and endonuclease activity
- This causes decreased ATP, decreased phospholipids, disruption of membrane and cytoskeleton proteins and nuclear chromatin damage
What is an injurious agent?
Something that causes atherosclerosis
Other than hypoxia, what other ways can cells be injured?
- Free radicals
- A sequence of events for another injury that are different but cells can have limited responses to injury so the outcome is often similar
- Other forms of injury may attack different key structures e.g. frostbite damages cell membranes
What are free radicals?
Reactive oxygen species
Have an unpaired electron in the outer orbit so has an unstable configuration so reacts with other molecules
What are the 3 key free radicals with biological significance in cells?
- OH* - hydroxyl
- O2- - superoxide
- H2O2 - hydrogen peroxide
How are free radicals produced?
- By normal metabolic reactions e.g. oxidative phosphorylation
- Inflammation - oxidative burst of neutrophils
- Radiation - H2O —> OH*
- Contact with unbound metals in the body - iron (Fenton reaction) and copper
- Drugs and chemicals
How does the body control free radicals?
- Anti-oxidant scavengers - donate electrons to the free radical (vitamin A, C and E)
- Metal carrier and storage proteins - sequester iron and copper
- Enzymes that neutralise free radicals (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase)
How do free radicals injure cells?
If the number of free radicals overwhelms the anti-oxidant system it leads to oxidative imbalance
- lipid peroxidation of lipids in cell membranes - leads to more free radicals being produced in an autocatalytic chain reaction
- they can also oxidise proteins, carbs and DNA - molecules bent/broken/cross-linked they are mutagenic and so are carcinogenic
How is the cell able to protect itself against injury? What is an example of the protein?
Cells have heat shock proteins - the heat shock response aims to mend misfolded proteins and maintain cell viability
What are blebs?
A rounded outgrowth on the surface of a cell
What are the stages dead cells in hypoxia undergo?
- Pyknosis - condensation of chromatid
- Karyorrhexis - fragmented nucleus
- Karyolysis - nucleus no longer present
In reversible injury, what does cell injury look like?
- blebs form
- generalised swelling occurs
- clumping of nuclear chromatin
- autophagy by lysosomes
- mitochondrial swelling
- dispersion of ribosomes
- ER swelling
In irreversible injury, what does cell injury/death look like?
- rupture of lysosomes and autolysis
- nucleus undergoes pyknosis, karyolysis or karyorrhexis
- defects in the cell membrane
- myelin figures (aggregation of lipids at the membrane)
- lysis of the ER
How can we diagnose cell death?
Look at the function of the organ that has cells that have possibly died
What is oncosis?
Cell death with swelling - the changes that occur in injured cells prior to death
What necrosis?
The morphological changes that occur after a cell has been dead some time e.g. 12 to 24 hours
What are the types of necrosis?
- Coagulative
- Liquefactive
- Caseous
- Fat necrosis
What is coagulative necrosis? What happens in this type of necrosis?
Ischaemia of solid organs e.g. heart, kidney and spleen
Desaturation of proteins dominates release of active proteases.
There is a ‘ghost outline’ of cells.
What is liquefactive necrosis? What happens in this type of necrosis?
Ischaemia in loose tissues e.g. lungs and brain
Involves the presence of many neutrophils
Enzyme degradation (proteases) is greater than denaturation. It leads to enzymatic digestion (liquefaction) of tissues - cells fall apart