S&S Flashcards
What does RGTS mean?
Reasonable grounds to suspect - Means having a sound basis for suspecting that a situation or circumstances exists.
What does RGTB mean?
Reasonable grounds to believe - Means having a sound basis for believing that a situation or circumstances exists.
Lawful and reasonable searches, meanings
Lawful is a search that is conducted, with a search warrant, under a warrantless search power or with a persons consent. A reasonable search is a search that , complies with section 21 of BOR Act, considers the nature of the search, how intrusive the search is, where and when the search takes place.
What to consider when deciding on applying for SW or not?
- Is there time to gain approval and apply for a search warrant.
- Can the scene be secured (under 117)
- Are reasonable resources (including number of staff) available to minimise risk and ensure safety
- is the evidential material at risk
- location of the search and who may be present
What sections cover consent searches, and what must you determine before conducting a consent search
91-96 of S&S Act 2012.
Must determine that search is for one of the following reasons:
- prevent commission of an offence
- investigate whether an offence has been committed
- protect life or property
- prevent injury or harm
What must you advise someone before consent search?
Of the reason for the proposed search, and that they may consent or refuse to consent to the search.
Can a person under 14 consent to a search?
They cannot consent to the search of a place or vehicle (unless they are found driving with no passenger of or over 14 years of age)
What are your obligations when searching a vehicle place or thing? And what section
Section 131.
Before initial entry, you must:
- Identify yourself by name or QID
- Announce your intention to enter and search
- State the name of the act
- Give notice by providing copy of the search warrant
- When detaining for search, give BOR
If using warrantless search power, you must state the reason for your search and….
- Provide a copy of the search warrant or warrantless search notice to occupier (POL 1275), and provide inventory of items seized.
- Report your use of certain powers (S169)
- Consider privilege (S136 - 147)
Within how many days must you provide copy of search warrant and 268 and occupants not present?
Within 7 days after search
What does Section 110 allow you to do?
Allows you to use additional powers when searching place, vehicle or other thing, for example:
- Enter and search V, P or T
- Search any item or items found in that V, P or T
- Use reasonable force in respect of any property for the purpose of carrying out search and lawful seizure
- Seize anything that is subject of the search or anything else that may be lawfully seized
- bring and use any equipment found on the V, P or T
Powers to exclude
If search is impeded by any person or you have RGTB that any person would impede or obstruct search, under 116 you can:
- Exclude that person from the P, V, or T being searched
- Give any reasonable direction to that person
Additional powers to use with either warrantless or warranted search
116 - Secure a P, V or T to be searched and exclude any person
118 - Detain people when searching P and V to determine if connection between person at the place or in or on the vehicle and the object of the search.
119 - Search people found when searching P and V if you have RGTB that evidential material that is the object of the search is on that person or if,
- you have RGTS that the person is in possession of a dangerous item
120 - If you are in fresh pursuit and with RGTB that relevant evidential material is still on the person, you have power to enter any place to apprehend the person and search the person or vehicle
What does section 125 entail
- Can search any item that the person is wearing, carrying or has in immediate control
- Seize any item that the person is wearing etc
- Seize any item that may be lawfully seized even if it wasn’t the subject of your search
Explain privileged material
Privilege allows holders of particular information to refuse to disclose this information. No privilege applies if information is made or received for dishonest purpose or to enable or aid any person to commit an offence
Recognised privileged material includes material gained through communication with:
- legal advisers
- ministers of religion
- medical practitioners
- informants
- journalists
What to do when a search involves privileged material?
You must:
- Ensure that the person or their representative is present when the search is undertaken
- Give the person a reasonable opportunity to claim privilege
- That person must provide you with a list of documents which they claim are privileged.
- Provide POL 268 listing all documents seized, show to person present, invite them to check for accuracy, leave a copy with them
- Person is allowed to make copy of document before it is taken, and they may object to seizure of any document
What does a search warrant allow you to do?
Provides legal authority to enter any place, vehicle or other thing to search for and seize specified evidential material
Alternative methods to apply for search warrant
- Apply for a search warrant orally
- Apply for a search warrant without approaching an issuing officer in person (by using a phone)
- Secure a scene (s117) whilst you apply for a search warrant (Max 6 hours)
4 things to do before making online application
1 - RGTS that offence punishable by imprisonment has, will or is being committed
RGTB that search will find evidential material in respect of the offence
2 - Check targets NIA for other search warrants
3 - Assessed the risks associated with executing the search warrant
4 - Have obtained approval from a supervisor to proceed with application
What to do if children will be at house during SW?
- Search the house during school hours
- Allocating someone to search for the children and remove them to a safe place
What does section 117 allow you to do?
If SW application is or is about to be made, and you are waiting to hear if it has been authorised, and you have RGTB that evidential material may be CADD or removed before SW is issued, you may:
- Enter and secure a place, vehicle or other thing and,
- secure any item found there and,
- direct any person to assist with entry and securing the place or vehicle or securing items in it.
Section 117 can be used until 1 of the 3 following things occur…
1 - 6 hours has passed
2 - The warrant is available for execution
3 - The application for the search warrant is refused