S&N - Services and Ingress Flashcards
How can you redirect users to use different service depending on what url they use?
for exmaple
You need another loadbalancer to redistribute requests according the the urls to the different services
What does Ingress do?
- helps your users access your application using a single externally available url
- that can be configured to route to different services within your cluster based on the url pod
- at the same time implement ssl security
- still needs to be published as a NodePort or with a cloud native load balancer
What is a layer-7 load balancer?
- supports host and path based load balancing
- ssl termination
- supports only http/https traffic and therefore only listens to port 80/443
What can Ingress be thought of as?
- as a layer seven load balancer built in to Kubernetes cluster
- that can be configured using Kubernetes primitives just like any other object in kubernetes
How is Ingress implemented?
- deploy a supported solution, like Nginx, HAproxy, traefik -> Ingress Controller
- specify a set of rules to configure Ingress -> Ingress Resources
How are Ingress Resources created?
- using yaml definition files
How can you deploy an Ingress controller?
Choose solution from: GCP / NGINX / …
First two are supported by Kubernetes
1. Deploy deployment for ingress controller (i.e. nginx deployment.yaml)
2. Create a configmap for the deployment to receive its config from
3. Create a service to expose the ingress controller to the outside world
4. Create a serviceAccount for the ingress controller with the right roles, clusterRoles and role bindings
Describe an example for an ingress controller yaml
spec: replicas: 1 selector: match-labels: name: nginx-ingress template: metadata: labels: name: nginx-ingress spec: containers: - name: nginx-ingress-controller image: quay.io/kubernetes-ingress-controller/nginx-ingress-controller:0.21.0 args: - /nginx-ingress-controller - --configmap=${POD_NAMESPACE)/nginx-configuration env: - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.name - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace ports: - name: http containerPort: 80 - name: https containerPort:443
What is a Ingress resource?
- a set of rules and configurations applied on the ingress controller
- rules like, simply forward all traffic to the certain node
- or forward traffic to different applications based on url
- or route based on the domain name itself
How do you create a simple ingress resource?
yaml definition file, like ingress.yaml
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-wear spec: backend: (defines, where traffic will be routed to, single backend = no rules) service: name: wear-service port: number: 80
What structure to Ingress resources use?
- different rules
- deal with different paths
rule 1: for www.my-online-store.com, deals with paths:
- www.my-online-store.com/watch
- www.my-online-store.com/wear
- www.my-online-store.com/listen
rule 2: www.wear.my-online-store.com, deals with paths, connecting to some backend services:
- www.wear.my-online-store.com/returns
- www.wear.my-online-store.com/support
one rule for everything else
How do we create a more complex Ingress resource? (routing based on path, /wear and /watch)
spec: rules: - http: paths: - path: /wear backend: service: name: wear-service port: number: 80 - path: /watch backend: service: name: watch-service port: number: 80
How do we create a more complex Ingress resource? (routing based on domain name, .wear. and .watch.)
metadata: name: test-ingress namespace: critical-space annotations: nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: / (-> rewrite whats under rules: ... path: to be the specified value) spec: rules: - host: wear.my-online-store.com - http: paths: - path: /wear backend: service: name: wear-service port: number: 80 - host: watch.my-online-store.com http: - path: /watch backend: service: name: watch-service port: number: 80
How can we imperatively create an ingress resource?
kubectl create ingress <ingress-name> --rule="host/path=service:port"</ingress-name>
What use are the annotations and rewrite rules?
- with them you can specify, to what endpoint inside the application ingress redirects traffic to
- for instance, in ingress you redirect to /pay, but the application may not have a /pay endpoint
- for that you use the ‘rewrite-target’ option