S->E; Level 1; P1-15 Flashcards
Perdon (yo) no hablo Espanol.
Excuse me; I do not speak Spanish.
Entienda un poco?
Do you understand a little?
Soy el Senor Jones.
I am Mr. Jones.
Soy de Norteamerica.
I am from America.
Buenas tardes Maria.
Good afternoon Maria.
Como esta (usted)?
How are you?
No muy bien.
Not very well.
Por favor; Tiene un peso?
Please; Do you have a peso?
Cuantos pesos tiene (usted)?
How many pesos do you have?
Quiero comer algo.
I want to eat something.
(Yo) no quiero neada.
I don’t want anything.
Tengo un dolar y doscientos pesos.
I have one dollar and two hundred pesos.
No es mucho.
It’s not much.
Vamos al hotel.
Let’s go to the hotel.
No quiero comer nada.
I don’t want to eat anything.
Cuesta siete pesos.
It costs seven pesos.
How’s that?
Donde esta el bano?
Where’s the bathroom?
Esta alli Senor.
It’s over there sir.
Buenas noches la Senora Smith.
Good evening Mrs. Smith.
Cuanta cuesta una cerveza?
How much does one beer cost?
Nada gracias.
Nothing thank you.
Muy bien; gracias.
Very well; thank you.
Quiere algo comer (usted)?
Do you want anything to eat?
Si; yo se.
Yes; I know.
Sabe (usted)?
Do you know?
Vamos a comer.
Let’s go to eat.
A donde?
To where?
(Yo) voy a pagar.
I’m going to pay.
No; (usted) no va a pagar.
No; you’re not going to pay.
(Yo) quiero pagar.
I want to pay.
Tengo dinero.
I have money.
Tiene dinero?
Do you have money?
Solo un poco.
Only a little.
Cuanto tiempo tiene?
How much time do you have have?
No me gusta la cerveza.
I don’t like beer.
Por que no?
Why not?
Quiero agua fria.
I want cold water.
No se por que.
I don’t know why.
Quiere beber algo?
Do you want to drink something?
Si; tiene (usted) una cerveza?
Yes; do you have a beer?
Va a comer algo.
You’re going to eat something.
Bien; pero que?
Alright; but what?
(Yo) Voy a pagar veinte pesos.
I’m going to pay twenty pesos.
Donde va?
Where are you going?
Voy a Chile.
Going to Chili.
Le gusta Chile?
Do you like Chili?
Voy a comprar algo.
I am going to buy something.
Que va a comprar?
What are you going to buy?
(Usted) Puede comprar las cosas.
You can buy things.
Que puede comprar?
What can you buy?
Cosas buenas.
Good things.
Hay doce pesos aqui.
There are twelve pesos here.
Cuantos pesos hay?
How many pesos are there?
Porque me gusta pagar si puedo.
Because I like to pay if i can.
(Usted) Puede pagar si quiere.
You can pay if you want.
Hay tiempo?
Is there time?
No se si hay tiempo.
I don’t know if there is time.
Tengo doce minutos.
I have twelve minutes.
Puede comer en doce minutos?
Can you eat in twelve minutes?