S Corporations Flashcards
S corporations
tax passes through to the shareholders
What is an S corp?
- -domestic corp
- -S corp cannot file consolidated tax return w/ C corp
- -S corp can file consolidated tax return w/ S corp
Eligible shareholders
Who can be a shareholder?
- -individual, estate, or trust
- -individual may not be a nonresident alien
- -cannot be corporation or partnership
Shareholder limit
there may not be more than 100 shareholders
One Class of Stock
- -there may not be more than one class of stock outstanding
- -no preferred stock permitted
What are the requirements for S Corp?
*100 U.S. people are common
- -only 100 sharholders
- -shareholder can be U.S. individual, estate, trust
- -only common stock permitted
Election of S Corp Status
- -all voting and nonvoting shareholders must consent to elect S corp status
- -if elected by March 15, election is effective Jan 1
What is the Corporation’s effect of electing S Corp status?
–required year end is Dec 31
–Form 1120S due March 15
–no tax to S Corporation
-LIFO Recapture tax
-Built-in Gains tax
-tax on Passive Investment Income
No tax to S corp Except:
S Corp has a Built-in Gains Tax if:
Tax on S Corp if:
–C Corp elects S Corp status
–assets FMV exceeds adj basis on election date
- -S Corp was never a C Corp
- -sale or transfer does not occur within 10 yrs
- -appreciation occurred after S election
S Corp does not have to pay Built-in Gains tax if:
- -S Corp was never a C Corp
- -sale or transfer does not occur within 10 yrs
- -appreciation occurred after S election
How is the Built-in Gains Tax calculated?
Multiply 35% by the lesser of:
–recognized built-in gain for CY
–taxable income of S Corp if it were a C Corp
What is the Shareholder’s effect of electing S Corp status?
- -S Corps report separately stated items of income and deductions and non-separately stated items of income or loss.
- -allocation to shareholders made on per-share, per-day basis
- -losses are limited to shareholder’s adj basis in stock + direct shareholder loans
Which items flow through to the shareholders?
*taxed when earned (not when distributed/received)
- -ordinary income not subject to FICA
- -rental income/loss
- -tax-exempt interest*
- -percentage depletion
- -foreign income tax
- -section 1231 gains/losses
- -charitable contributions
- -expense deduction for recovery property
- -unrecaptured section 1250 income
- -gain/loss from sale of collectibles
Fringe Benefits
Who can deduct? Who cannot deduct?
Deductible Fringe Benefits:
- -non-shareholder employees
- -employee shareholders owning 2% unless included in w-2 income
Accumulated Adjustments Account (AAA)
How is in increased? How is it decreased?
Increases by:
–separately and non-separately stated income and gains
Decreases by:
- -corp distributions (not below 0)
- -separately and non-separately states exp items and loses
- -nondeductible exp relating to income (except tax-exempt income)
Accumulated Adjustments Account (AAA)
What is it?
tax effects of distributions from S Corps that have Accumulated E&P since inception/election are computed using the AAA.
*AAA is 0 at inception
Computation of Shareholder Basis in S Corp Stock
B–Initial Basis
A–Add Income items (include tax-free income)
–Add add’l SH investments in Corp stock
S–Subtract distributions to SH
–Subtract loss or exp items
E–Ending Basis
Shareholder can deduct S Corp loss
How is the limitation computed?
S Corp SH can deduct on personal tax return the pro rata share of the S Corp loss
Loss limitation= Basis + Direct SH loans - Distributions
How are S Corp distributions taxed to SH?
(w/ no C Corp E&P)
1--distribution to extent of basis in stock -not taxed; reduces stock basis -return of capital 2--distribution in excess of stock basis -taxed as L-T CG (if held 1+ yr) -capital gain distribution
How are S Corp distributions taxed to SH?
(w/ C Corp E&P)
1--distribution to extent of AAA -not taxed; reduces stock basis 2--distribution to extent of C Corp E&P -taxed as div; stock basis not reduced -old C Corp taxable div 3--distribution to extent of stock basis -not taxed; reduces stock basis -return of capital 4--distribution in excess of stock basis -taxed as L-R CG -capital gain distribution
How is the S Corp Election Terminated?
- -holders of a majority of the stock consent to voluntary revocation
- -Corp fails to meet eligibility requirements
- -25%+ of corp gross receipts are passive for 3 consecutive years w/ C Corp E&P
When can S Corp status be re-elected after termination?
a new election cannot be made for 5 years unless the IRS consents to an earlier election