S Codes Flashcards
These are mandatory for CISAC
00 (zero,zero)
Base Operations
Ex: “That’s S/C Gear change, gear change, all call signs Romeo Victor at 00. “ (all call signs return to base operations)
Positive Control of Target.
55 is only stated when you first take control of target
EX: “That’s Alpha 55, X-1 straight at Harrison, 91 east on Broadway.”
Anyone who observes target but cannot take control or follow.
EX: “That’s Golf 66, X-1 straight at Dexter, 91 West on Main.”
Backing (Back up)- You are able to take control of target from 55. The 68 call is only stated when you first assume position. After each call by 55 the 68 will confirm that they’re still 68. 68 must say when they can no longer be 68. 68 makes the calls when 55 cannot.
EX: (Delta first becomes 68)
Alpha: “That’s Alpha 55, X-1 straight at Main, 91 north 2nd.”
Delta: “That’s Delta 68” Alpha: “That’s Alpha, yes.”
Trigger- watches an inanimate object such as a vehicle, entrance, or exit. Trigger must be 100% in control of the inanimate object.
EX: “That’s Bravo 69 X-1.
“That’s Eddie 69, the south handle of the mall.”
Changeover of control, when 55 requests that 68 take control of target. 68 will acknowledge 55’s request to 74 with: “Call sign/name and yes”.
EX: Bravo: “That’s Bravo, Golf 74 at Busby.”
Golf: “That’s Golf, yes”.
77 77
Pay attention! Target’s status is about to change. Said to alert the team when the target is first seen or of important actions by target.
EX: “77 77, That’s Fred, Z-1 no longer complete magic box, 91 X-1.” (NOTE: 77 77 comes before call sign)
Target is temporarily held.
EX: “That’s Charlie, X-1 83 Orlando, wait…” (Target is held at intersection of Orlando)
Toward, direction of travel.
EX: “That’s Delta, X-1 straight at Chantilly, 91 north on 7th”
Stopped. (i.e. Target parks vehicle, or sits down at food court. )
EX: “That’s Delta, X-1 999 in the cup of Tucson Mall. The 999 is located approximately 100m south of the Dillard’s north handle.”
Within 50 meters of while on foot… (Approaching is not used in conjunction with 83, 91, or 999.)
EX: “That’s Tom, Z-1 approaching Golf Links, wait.”
EX: “That’s S/C, all call signs be advised there is a Boot near Raven 338.”
A location where a surveillance operator can impose control in any direction.
The Bumper is never inside: 1. Bank 2. Day Care/Schools 3. Jewelry Store.
EX: “That’s Teresa bumpered inside Target.”
Call Sign
A surveillance vehicle
EX: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Golf, Echo, Hotel, India.
Used to indicate where surveillance operators are looking when the target’s location is no longer known.
EX: “That’s Alpha, no visual at Cal Ranch Cup, checking 91 east on Charleston”
NOTE: 77 77 CALL
EX: “77 77, That’s Mike, Z-1 conducting a chili with possible Z-2. Z-2 described as follows…”
To observe a location within the surveillance box like an intersection, parking lot exit, escalator or any other place where target may travel. You must be able to see the entire area and report the target’s direction of travel. A commit does not follow the target unless able to assume 55.
EX: “That’s Alpha can quick join 91 west on Avenida Cochise and commit the hawk of Avenida Cochise and Oakmont”
Complete/No longer complete
“Complete” is Entering a vehicle, location, or area.
“No longer complete” is Exiting a vehicle, location, or area.
EX: “77 77, That’s Bravo, Z-1 complete X-1.”
“That’s Bravo, Z-1 no longer complete Safeway, 91 X1.”
Cash Registers
EX: “That’s Tori, Z-1 is 83 at the cookies paying for his meal.”
Parking Lot
EX: “That’s Hotel, X-1 is maneuvering the Walmart cup 91 the north handle of cup.”
Exit off Falcon(Freeway/Interstate)
EX: “That’s Alpha, X-1 OFF, OFF, OFF at Eagle 222, 91 east on Falcon 60, Alpha off.”
EX: “That’s Alpha, X-1 straight at Eagle 222, 91 east on Falcon 60.”
EX: “That’s Matt, Z-1 999 at the Chocolate Iguana Fork at the northwest corner of the 4th and Speedway hawk.”
A Foot Surveillance Operator
EX: “That’s Alpha, windy ridge all foxtrots.”
Fringe Comms
When the communication is broken. Normally associated with being out of range.
EX: “That’s Charlie, request a relay due to fringe comms.”
Gear Change
Break off/Endex
EX: “That’s S/C, Gear change, gear change, gear change. All call signs romeo victor at 00.”
Gone left/right
Target has made a left or right turn
EX: “That’s Bravo, X-1 gone left, 91 west on Campus”
EX: “That’s Carl, Z-1 complete the south handle of the mall, 91 Sears.”
EX: “That’s Alpha, can quick join 91 west on Colossal Cave and commit the hawk of Colossal Cave and Mary Ann Cleveland.”
Anything that can interfere with the control of the target (stoplights, intersections, public transportation).
EX: “That’s Bravo, through the hazard, moving for 68.”
Heat State
Term used to measure a foxtrot or call sign’s exposure (on a scale of one to ten) to the target in order to maintain discretion. It is the individual operator’s responsibility to keep track of personal as well as call sign time and proximity to the target.
EX: “That’s Bravo, Alpha take 69, my heat state is high.”
Targets Workplace
EX: “That’s Bravo, Z-1 no longer complete X-1, 91 Hi Ho Handle.”
Proposed change in direction while traveling or gives an indication they are going to change. For example, the target’s turn signal is blinking, or target pulls car keys out of pocket.
EX: “That’s Hotel, X-1 83 Prince, lane 1, intending left, wait…”
(X-1 is at a light in the left turn lane and/or their left blinker is on.)
EX: “That’s Alpha, tall tower Tony to jug.”
EX: “That’s Tim, Z-1 is still 83 at the bench on his mini-kettle.”
Lane 1/2/3
Lane 1 is the left lane. Lanes are numbered from left to right
EX: “That’s Alpha, X-1 straight at 7th, 91 east on Fry, gone from lane 2 to lane 1.”
Needs location of target. This should be only when arriving late or the location is not clear
EX: “That’s Bravo, need a lock-on for X-1.”