S class coupe Flashcards
Does Beryllium fall into alkaline earth metal group?
What is the isotope of Francium that has the highest half life and for how long?
223 Fr
21 mins
What is the rarest of all s block elelments?
Which is the most abundant s block element?>
Na and K
What is igenous rock ?
these are the rocks that forms from the cooling of molten magma
What are some of the ions that are found in large proporions in livign organimsms and what is their funciton?
Na , K , Mg and Ca
they are important for keeping ionic balance and conduction of neural signals
What is the atomic size order of the alkali metal group?
Li < Na < K< Rb< Cs< Fr
What is the order of ionization potential of the alkali metal group?
Li < Na < K< Rb< Cs< Fr
What is the order of hydration enthelpy of the alkali metal grou p ?
Li > Na > K > Rb> Cs > Fr
What is the order of aqueous radius order of the alkali earth metals?
Li > Na > K > Rb> Cs > Fr
Why are the lithiums salts mostly hydrated ? What ist he water of hydraiton of LiCl 3 ?
becuase of their high hydration enthalpy
What is the order of density of the alkali metal group ?
Li < K < Na < Rb< Cs
What is hte order of metallic bond strenght of the alkali metals?
Li > Na > K > Rb> Cs > Fr ( less size better bonds)
What is the color of the flame of oxidation of Li , Na, k, Rb and Cs?
Li : crimson red Na : yellow K : violet Rb : red violet Cs : blue
What are the elements used to make photoelectric cells?
Cs and K
What are the oxides of Li , Na, k, Rb and Cs?
Li : oxide Na : peroxide K : superoxide Rb : super oxide Cs : super oxide
What is the reaciotn between air and alkali metals?
only oxides except
Li + N2 – Ni3N
What is the oxidation state of KO2 ?
Which element reacts least vigorously with water in the alkali metal block and why?
Li due to small size and high hyration energy
At what temperature deos Li react with H2 ?
1073 K
What is the reaction between liquid ammonia and what is its color and nature to magnets?
M + (x +y)NH3 –> [M(NH3)x]+ + [e(NH3)y ]-
it s BLUE in color and PARAMAGNETIC
What happens when the alkali metal amonia solution is kept undisturbed for long? And what is its color and nature to magnets?
M+ + e - + NH3 ——> MNH2 + 1/2H2
is is bronze color and DIAMAGNETIC
What is the Li alloy used to make plantes?
Al + Li
What is the Li alloy used to make armour ?
Li + Mg
What is the aloy used to make thermonuclear reactors?
Li + Mg
What were used as ati knock additives to petrol?
organo lead compounds
What is used as coolant in nuclear reactors?
liquid Li
What is the used of KCl?
What is used to manufacture soft soap?
What is an excellent absorber of CO2?
What is the metal used to make photoelectric cell?
What is the hydrolysis reaction of various metal oxides?
M2O + H2O :
M2O2 + H2O :
MO2 + H2O :
M2O + H2O : MOH
M2O2 + H2O : MOH +H2O2
MO2 + H2O : MOH + H2O2 + O2
What is the color of superoxide?
yellow orange
Na2O2 oxidizing or reducing in nature?
oxidising agent
What is the color of alkali metal hydroxides?
brittle and white
What is the melting and boiling point order of metal halides?
MF > MCl >MBr > MI ( both boiling and melting point)
What is the reason for the low solubility of LiF ?
due to high lattice energy
What is the reason for insolubility of CsI?
due to low hdration energy
Where are the various halides of Li soluble in ?
ethanol , acetone , ethlyacetate
and LiCl pyridine
What is the strongest reducing metal in the 1st group ?
Do alkali metal chlorides form hydrates? have water of cyrystalization ?
no but is it is present only in LiCl. 2H20
Is is the ydogen carbonte of alkali metals solid or liquid?
alkali metals are solid in nature except Li
What is the product of ethyne and alkali metal ?
etynide but only in the case of Li it deos not react
Where is LiCl and MgCl more soluble in water or ethanol?
ethanol due to polariation
What is the water of hydration of LiCl and MgCl2?
LiCl 2H2O
MgCl2 , 8 H20
What are the reactions of the solvay process ?
2NH3 + H2O + CO2 ====> (NH4)2CO3
(NH4)2CO3 + H20 + O2 + CO2 === > 2NH4HCO3
2NH4HCO3 + NaCl ====> NH4Cl + NaHCO3
NaHCO3 + HEAT == Na2CO3
NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 ====> NH3 + CaCl2 + H20
What is the process used for the formation of Na2CO3.10 H2O
solvay process
What is soda ash and what temperature deos it for/m?
375 K
What is the temperature at which all the water in the waashing soda leaves it?
> 373 K
What happens when CO3- is aded to water?
CaCO3 -2 + H2O ===== HCO3- AND OH-
What is the use of sodium carbonate? What is it otherwise known as?
washing soda
1) water softner
2) used to manufacture glass, soap , borax and caustic soda
3) paper , paints, and textile
4) it i sused to quantative and qualitative reagent
How do we obtain pure and crude NaCl?
crude : crystallization of brine solution
pure sodium chloride: passing HCl saturated NaCl through the solution with impurites. The Cl reacts with Na
What is the use of NaCl?
1) common salt or table salt
2) Na2O2 , NaOH, Na2CO3
What are the uses of sodium hyrozide?
1) manufacturing soap
2) petroleum refining
3) bauxite purification
4) textile industry
5) for preparation of pure fat and oil
6) as a labroratory reagent
How is NaHCO3 - prepared?
Na2Co3 + H2O+ CO2 ===== NaHCO3
What is used for antseptic for skin?
What is used in fire extinguisher?
What is the concentration of Na and K in and out of RBC?
Na == 10 mmHg
K === 105 mmolk
What is the concentration of Na and K in and out of RBC?
Na == 10 mmOlK
K === 105 mmolk
What is the concentration of Na and K in the plasma of blood?
Na == 143 mmOlK
K === 5 mmolk
What is th water of hydration of MgCl2 and CaCl2 ?
Mg : 6 water
ca : 6 water
What is the trned for electropositive character of the alkaline eath metals ?
increases down the group
What is the flame test color of Be, Mg , Ca Sr, Ba ?
Be : no color Mg : no color Ca :brick red Sr : crimson red Ra : apple green
How is BeCl2 formed ?
BeO + C + Cl2 ==== BeCl2 + CO
What is the reaction between hydrides of alkali earth metals?
other alkaline earth metals drectly reacts with hydrogen to orm hydrides
BeCl 2 + LiAlH4 ==== 2 BeH2 + LiCl + AlCl3
Which is more ionic in nature alkali earth metals or alkali metal?
alkali metals
Are alkaline metals alkaline or acidic ?
but in BeO we see covalent character (amphoteric in nature )
Are halides of alkaline metals soluble in wate?
all halides are soluble in water
except in Be halides which are soluble in non polar solvent
At what temperature does the BeCl dimer dissociate?
1200 K
What is the water of crystallization of MgCl2 , CaCl2 , SrCl2 and BaCl2 ?
MgCl2 === 8 water
CaCl2 ==== 6 water
SrCl2 === 6 water
BaCl2 === 2 water
Are the carbonates of alkaline earth metals soluble in water?