Rylands vs Fletchers Flashcards
Rylands vs Fletcher definition
Where the D brings something onto their land and stores it there. It escapes and causes damage to the claimants land. This is a strict liability offence so there s no defence just because theD acted with care and attention. There are four stages to prove.
Rylands vs fetcher stage 1
Firstly, there must be a non-natural use of the land which means D has brought something onto the property that was not naturally there. Transco defined non natural use as a use which is” extraordinary and unusual” or as a “special use bringing increase danger to others”
Stage 2 of Rylands vs Fletcher
Secondly, there must be an escape of the thing brought onto the land. There must be an escape from a place that the D had occupation or control of, to a place where they did not (Read vs Lyons).
Stage 3 Rylands vs Fletcher
Thirdly, there must be damage caused by the escape. Rylands vs Blackburn J said that “D will be liable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of the escape”.
Stage 4 of Rylands vs Fletcher
Finally, the damage must be of a foreseeable type and bot too remote (Cambridge water). If the D cannot predict it, they cannot prevent it.
Defences or rylands vs Fletcher
- Acts of a third party (Richards vs Lothian)
- Acts of god (Natural disaster) - (Nichols v Marsland)
- Statutory authority- Act of parliament
- Acts/defaults of the claimant
- Consent of the claimant