RYA Day Skipper Flashcards
Coastal Flare add from Inshore
+2x parachute rocket
Inshore Flare pack contents
2x orange smoke
2x orange pinpoint
safety gloves
orange air recognition marker with vessel name
Offshore pack add from Coastal
4x red rocket flares.
4x pinpoint flares
4x white warning flares.
Setting off flare
Follow instructions, gloves, point slightly downwind, set second flare just after
Rocket flare visibility
300m high buring red 60s.Seen 30m away.
Red pinpoint flare visibility
Burn 60s. Seen 3m away. Keep over side of vessel because of molten lava.
Orange smoke
Used in daylight. Some handheld, some in sea.
White warning flare
Use at night. Expensive. Warns other vessels you are there.
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon. 70degree north to 70degree south. Register with coast guard.
Search & Rescue Transponder. Makes vessel stand out on X band radar. Mount high. 5 miles to boat, 30m to aircraft.
150 newton life jacket
Offshore rated. No harness or with harness. Always use in darkness.
Types of inflation
manual with pull cord. Automatic when wet. Hammer automatic needs 10 cm for 2 to 2 seconds.
Harness lines
Harness points or jackstays.
Check inflator
auto activator should be showing green. Bladder free of nicks and wear. Bottle no corrosion.
Essentials not included in most life jackets
light, harness or thigh straps.
Engine oil.
Check level. Viscosity by rubbing between fingers. Should not be gritty. Creamy could have water in it.
Engine filter.
Blocked can increase fuel consumption and create smoke.
Engine check.
Check belt for wear and tension. Belt runs alternator and water pump for engine. Tension should easily go to roughly 90degrees.
Oil levels.
no cream.
Bilges clean.
Raw water filter clean.
Raw water sea cock on.
Fuel level.
After start: Plenty of water flowing, ignition light goes out, prop is clear.
Coolant water
Make sure topped up, should not be decreasing fast.
Raw water filter
Between engine and salt water. Check daily and clean if necessary. Make sure raw water sea cock is open before starting engine. After starting make sure water coming out of exhaust.
Impeller will wear out immediately without water. Replace once a year. O rings need to be greased. Gaskets just replaced. Some have one or the other. Need replacement belt for alternator/water pump. Spare fuel filters.
Fire blanket essential in galley. Cabins without 2 egress should have fire blanket installed. Smoke detector in each sleeping quarter and main cabin.
galley fire
1) Turn off gas
2) hold blanket by stratps and top endge around hands to prevent burns. Do not throw. Do not remove till cold.
fire extinguisher
CO2 good for electronics and flammable liquids. If not extinguisher in engine bay than a hole into which spray bay from outside.
dry powder extinguishers
Good on flammable solids, but not for stove. Use on small plug to engine compartment to put out fire.
Foam extinguishers
Good all around. Good for engine, but could damage.
gas alarm procedure
Turn off gas
no electrical
vent vessel
pump the bilges with manual pump
Tell crew.
Fire safety
no smoking, so no Italians.
Turn off gas bottle when not used.
Attend stove.
Know extinguisher locations and uses.
Pump out bilges with manual.
Attend engine guages and smell or smoke.
Sail Drive
simila to outboard motor drive. More maintenance.
Pulpit &?
British for life lines
Stem head fitting
Usually has bow roller. Fixing pount for forestay.
Reefing cringles
holes in aft of sail for reefing
Reefing pennants
The rope used for reefing.
Reefing eyelets
Little holes.
Cross trees
British for spreaders
Reef knot
Regular knot for holding 2 lines together.
Round turn & 2 half hitches
Good for posts. Undone under tension. Good for fenders or tow.
Sheet bend
Reef knot but slightly better.
Clove hitch
Good for posts or tow.. 1 wrap. 1 half hitch.
Double sheet bend
Even better than sheet bend. Throw a half hitch at the end in the knot.
Line types
Kevlar -Pre-stretched. Good for halyards.
Polyester - Cheaper version of kevlar. Not as good.
Polypropolene: Good for danbuoy as floats.
Nylon: Docking. Stretches.
Choosing an anchorage.
Not restricted. No local port authority restrictions. Not on lees shore in strong wind. Free from obstructions that snag anchor. Seabed not bad for anchroning. sand, kelp, mud pebbles etc. Reasonable shelter. Tide & Current. No traffic.
Anchor secure
Bod dips slightly. Not skipping. Transit two fixed objects from beam, or bearing of fixed object. Depth gauge min/max alarm. GPS alarm.
Max depth to anchor
Arrival depth plus max increase in tide.
Min depth to anchor
Draught + Fall of tide + Clearance.
Anchor length -Chain only
4x maximum depth
Anchor length -Chain + Rope/Warp
6x maximum depth
2 way tid anchoring.
Anchor upstream. Use all chain/rope. Lay downstream anchor. Make both lengths even.
Kedge anchor.
Spare anchor.
Strong tidal streams.
2 anchors.
Motor boat anchoring
Same lengths. More windage.
Anchor parts
Crown -very bottom of traditional fisherman’s
Shank -main shaft
Stock - Top cross bar on fishermans.
Fluke - tips.
Danforth anchor.
Foldable, compact. Traps fingers. Good in mud & sand but not gravel and rock.
Eye at crown of Danforth (compact) anchor
Tipping eye.
Delta anchor
Good all rounder. Self-stows on bow roller.
Grapnel anchor
Small boats, 4 folding flukes stowes nicely. Average in most areas, but good in rocky.
Bruce anchor
Similar to Delta. Especially good in mud and sand.
Fisherman’s anchor
Old school. Only good in rock and kelp. Bad in mud and sand.
CQR or Plough
Adds hinge to Delta. Great in mud and sand. Better than Danforth for grass and weeds.
Good for quick dinghy anchor.
Pre-departure check-list
Safety brief flares and life raft.
Check batteries are switched correctly.
Check navigation lights and instruments.
Food is prepared.
Trash taken ashore.
Weather forecast.
Fuel level
Fuel quality.
Check life jackets.
Stowed properly.
Harness lines checkd and ready.
Emergency spares.
Radar reflector in place.
Water tanks full.
Ensure crew suitably dressed.
Anchor is ready.
Sail ready to go.
Engine checks.
Passage plans ready.
Riggin pins and split pins checked.
Docking line types
Breast lines = bowline & sternline.
Spring lines -Fore & aft. Bow spring keeps boat from drifting forwards.
Shor lines. 2nd boats bow and stern lines.