RXPrep Ne Flashcards
How many members serve on the state board of pharmacy, and how long is each term of service?
5 members
5 year term (2 consecutive term limit)
How many public members (non-pharmacists) and how many pharmacist members serve on the board of pharmacy?
1 public member
4 pharmacists
What is the name of the agency that issues pharmacist licenses?
DHHS, Division of Public Health Licensure Unit
What is the minimum age to become a licensed pharmacist?
19 years
What exams are required for pharmacist licensure?
What are the CPE requirements for pharmacists (e.g. how many hours per renewal period, are live hours required, any specific CPE topic requirements?
30 hours required every 2 years
no topic or live hour requirements
no carry-over credit is permitted
How often is the pharmacist license renewed?
Biennially on even numbered years
If a pharmacists’ license lapses, what action can be taken to reinstate the license?
Must submit the following:
- A completed reinstatement application
- Renewal and reinstatement fees
- Additional documentation requested, based on the answers you give to the questions on the application for reinstatement
Are preceptors required to register with the state board?
What are the requirements to serve as a pharmacist preceptor?
The preceptor must possess a Nebraska pharmacist license which is free from disciplinary measures
Do individuals need to submit fingerprints to register as an intern?
Are interns required to have a criminal background check?
When does an intern license expire?
15 months after the date of graduation or at time of professional licensure, whichever comes first
How many intern hours are required?
No requirements in NE
What is the ratio of interns for each pharmacist in a community/hospital setting?
Under what conditions can the number of interns per pharmacist increase?
Does not apply if on experiential training directed by the accredited pharmacy program in which he or she is enrolled
What is the minimum age to become a pharmacy tech?
18 years
Do techs need to be licensed or registered?
What exams or certifications are required for all techs?
All much complete a board-approved state or national pharmacy technician certification within 1 year from registration date.
A complete list of exams can be found on the Board website.
Are there different levels of pharmacy techs based on certification or training?
What activities are techs allowed to do (e.g filling, taking verbal Rx?
Can complete functions which do not require professional judgement and are subject to verification to assist a pharmacist in the practice of pharmacy
Is there a max pharmacist-tech supervision ratio?
What are the requirements for pharmacy staff identification badges?
Each pharmacist, intern and tech must be identified as such
What organization operates the impaired pharmacist recovery program?
Nebraska Licensee Assistance Program
What healthcare professionals can enroll in the state’s impaired pharmacist recovery program?
All NE health and helath-related service licensees, certificate holders, and registratants.
Pharmacists, interns and tech included
Can a healthcare professional self-enroll in the impaired pharmacist recovery program?
Are a mail service pharmacy’s hours and/or toll-free number required to be listed on the Rx container labeling?
Are mail service pharmacies required to be open a defined number of days and hours per week?
What is the name of the inspection of assessment form/s used by pharmacists?
Pharmacy Quality Assurance Report (PQAR)
Who is required to complete the pharmacy inspection or assessment form and how often does it need to be completed?
The PIC or practitioner on behalf of the licensee must complete the PQAR 1 year from the date of the initial on-site inspection
annually thereafter
Is the pharmacy inspection or assessment form sent to the board or kept at the pharmacy? (if kept at the pharmacy, for how long?)
sent to board
What are the space and/or equipment requirements for a pharmacy (e.g. pharmacy size, hot/cold water, compounding equipment, references)?
Must provide the pharmacist with all the equipment, facilities, utilities and reference materials necessary to provide the accurate, efficient and safe practice of pharmacy
What are the advertising limitations for pharmacies?
A person shall not offer, display, market, advertise for sale or sell a lookalike substance
Within how many days must a change of pharmacy address or name be reported to the board?
Name: within 5 working days
Address: at least 30 days before moving to a new premises
Within how many days must a pharmacy closures be reported to the board?
within 15 days of closing
Within what timeframe must a pharmacy notify the board that there has been a change in the PIC?
Must notify the board immediately
What requirements are there for emergency boxes in long-term care facilities or other institutional facilities (e.g. who refills the kit, what time frame must the kit be filled)?
- all emergency boxes must be inspected by a pharmacist at least every 30 days or after a reported usage
- The supplying pharmacist must be notified within 24 hours after and emergency box is opened
- Inspection records must be maintained by the LTCF for 5 years
- Authorized personnel of the LTCF must examine the box once every 24 hours and must immediately notify the pharmacy
- The medications in the box are determined by the pharmacy, medical director and LTCF quality assurance committee
Are there permissible pharmacist breaks or a maximum break duration?
What intern functions can be done without the presence of a pharmacist?
Interns are not permitted to perform any tasks without the presence of a pharmacist
Are there any limitations on medication delivery *by couriers, pharmacy employees or by kiosk)?
Are there any limitations on drive-up windows?
Does the state recognize pharmacists as providers for reimbursement purposes?
yes, pharmacists are classified as “practitioners” (i.e mid level providers) in NE law
Are there requirements for a pharmacist to be designated as “provider”?
Does a collaborative practice agreement need to be submitted to the board?
Yes, the CPA must be given to both the Board of Pharmacy and board with licensed healthcare practitioner
What actions are pharmacists allowed to perform under a CPA? (e.g. initiate, modify, monitor medications?)
The pharmacist designs, implements and monitors a therapeutic plan
Are there any restrictions on what diseases a pharmacist can manage under a CPA?
Is every pharmacy required to have a PIC?
What is the minimum number of hours the PIC must be present in the pharmacy?
works within the physical confines of the pharmacy for a majority of the hours per week that the pharmacy is open for business averaged over a 12 month period or 30 hours per week, whichever is less
What activities are interns permitted to perform? (counseling, compounding, final verification, taking verbal prescriptions)
Interns are permitted to perform all tasks a pharmacist can perform under direct supervision of a pharmacist except manage another intern or tech
Can techs accept new Rxs over the phone?
What are the requirements for tech-check-tech (e.g. practice site type, training, or certification required?)
- Both pharmacy techs are certified
- Both are working within the confines or a hospital preparing medications for admin in the hospital using bar code technology to validate the accuracy of medication
- validating medication that were prepackaged by the manufacturer or prepackaged and verified by a pharmacist
- acting in accordance with the P&P established by the PIC
What activities can a clerk perform?
The NE board does not specify what tasks a pharmacy clerk/cashier can perform
What are the limits on prescribing controlled or non-controlled drugs to oneself or family members?
Disciplinary action may be taken for unprofessional conduct.
- prescribing to oneself, except in case of medical emergency, one’s spouse, child, parent, sibling or any other living in same household
Can new prescriptions or refills be filled if the prescriber is known to be deceased or retired?
The board does not specify
Can pharmacists fill prescriptions written by prescribers in other countries?
The board does not specify
How many years must prescription records be kept?
Within what time frame from the issue date are non-controlled prescriptions permitted to be refilled?
1 year
Is there a maximum number of refills permitted for non-controlled drugs?
Is emergency refilling of non-controlled drugs permitted without prescriber authorization?
What information is required to be on a prescription container label?
- Pharmacy name, address, phone
- Patient name
- date of filling and serial number
- Name of prescriber
- Name of drug
- Drug strength, quantity, dosage form
- any cautionary statements
Is it required to provide a larger type size on the container label for patients with visual impairment?
are patient profiles required to be kept in the pharmacy for all patients(e.g. a traveling patient on vacation getting a one time fill?)
What is required to be on the patient profile?
- name, address, phone, DOB, gender
- History of significant disease, known allergies, drug reactions, comprehensive list of drugs and devices
- any comments of the pharmacist relevant to the drug therapy
Is patient identification required to dispense non-controlled drugs in community setting?
Is the offer to counsel required for all prescriptions?
What are the counseling requirements for medications delivered to the patient or sent by mail?
must be provided in person whenever practical or by the utilization of telepharmacy which is available at not cost
What are the requirements for providing translation services to limited- English patients (LEP)?
- counseling must be appropriate to individual patient and must be provided
- Written information can be used to supplement counseling but cannot substitute
What are the requirements for generic substitution?
- pharmacist must notify the patient that substitution has occured
- If the drug is a solid dosage form it must be marked with an identification code or monogram directly on the dosage unit
What resources can be used to select suitable substitution?
Orange book
What actions can be taken by the prescriber or patient to prevent generic interchange
- ‘no drug product selection”
- ‘dispense as written”
- “brand medically necessary”
- “no generic substitution”
- the patient refuses generic substitution
Is any documentation required when a generic substitution occurs?
Are there any drugs that cannot be substituted?
Does the state have a conscience clause (if so what are the stipulations or what drugs does it apply?
does the state have death with dignity laws?
Does the state have stricter requirements for compounding than federal requirements?
What requirements must be met before an out-of-state pharmacy can compound drugs for dispensing to patients in this state?
- submit application and pay fee
- submit copies of last 2 inspection reports from the state in which you are located
- the home state board must send pharmacy permit and PIC license directly to NE board
Does the state have specific requirements for labeling compounded products?
What drugs are classified in a different schedule in this state compared to the federal schedule?
none- NE follows federal drug schedules
Can marijuana be legally obtained from a state-approved dispensary?
What agencies must a controlled substance loss or theft be reported to and within what time frame must this be reported?
Wholesale distributors must report within 5 business days to the department and/or appropriate federal or state agency
How long does the pharmacy need to keep paper and electronic documents for scheduled drugs?
5 years
Which controlled substance schedules (if any) can each type of mid-level practitioner prescribe?
NP: fall within scope
PA: any as delegated by supervising physician
List schedules of drugs collected in the states PDMP
all prescription drugs for humans an all controlled for animals
In what timeframe must a pharmacy submit the records of dispensed controlled substances to the state’s PDMP?
must submit daily
Which healthcare professionals are authorized to access the PDMP?
All prescribers or dispensers of prescription drugs and their designees
Is there a limit to the number of medications that can be written on 1 prescription form?
Other than prescriptions for Medicaid patients, do any prescriptions require tamper resistant security forms?
What security elements must be present on tamper-resistant security forms?
follows federal requirements
- one or more features designed to prevent unauthorized copying of a completed or blank form
- one of more features to prevent erasure or modification of information written on RX by prescriber
- one or more features to prevent counterfeit form
What changes may be made at the pharmaicst discretion to CII?
May not be changed:
- Patient name, drug name, signature
- can change strength, quantity, directions, after talking to doctor
What changes may be made to CIII-CV?
May not be changed:
- Patient name, drug name, signature
- can change strength, quantity, directions, after talking to doctor
What is the time limit that a CII must be filled from the date of issue?
6 months
Is there a maximum quantity or days supply that a patient can receive of a schedule II drug?
Are partial fills for CII permitted at the request of the patient or prescriber?
Are there any additional requirements for an emergency oral CII compared to federal law?
No, NE follows federal law
What is the time limit that CII-CV must be filled from the date of issue?
6 months
Is there a max quantity or days supply that a patient can receive CIII-CV drugs?
How long are refills valid for CIII-CV?
6 months from issue date
What is the max number of refills allowed for schedule CIII-CV substances?
5 refills
Can a pharmacist provide emergency filling of CIII-CV drugs without prescriber’s authorization?
What controlled drug schedules require identification for dispensing?
opiates in CII, III, IV
Are pharmacists permitted to sell select CV cough syrups without a prescription?
Is naloxone distribution by a pharmacist permissible in all situations or is it pursant to a standing order, protocol or authorization from a prescriber?
permissible under a state-wide standing order
What requirements must the pharmacist meet in order to furnish naloxone under the protocol?
Must dispense at least 2 doses of naloxone to an individual at one time
Does the state allow pharmacists to furnish emergency contraception?
What are the requirements and quantity limits for selling pseduoephedrine?
- 18 years old
- valid photo id
- submit to NPLEX before completing sale
3.6 g/24 hours
9 g in 30 days
Does the state require the submission of pseudoephedrine sales to NPLEX?
yes, before sale is complete
Other than exceeding the quantity limit, are there any conditions in which pseudoephedrine sale can be rejected?
What are the requirements for selling dextromethorphan?
no requirements
Does the state require a prescription for syringes and needles?
Does the state set a limit on the max number of syringes that can be purchased without a prescription?
Does the state allow syringe exchange programs?