Russian Revolution- Conditions Before Revolution:The Tsar And Political Authority Flashcards
🤴🏻The Romanov Family and Their Legacy🤴🏻
Between which periods did the Romonov legacy last for?
Who was Tsar Alexander II, which periods did he reign until
He was a REFORMIST and introduces many changes to Russia, but still didn’t satisfy anti-autocracy liberals
He was assassinated by the People’s Will Group
Who was Alexander III, and from what period did he reign until?
He opposed reforms unlike his father, and was a supporter of RUSSIAN NATIONALISM, he reaffirmed autocratic power of Tsar
Who was Tsar Nicholas II and from what period did he reign until?
He believed in the Divine rights of Kings (a political doctrine in defense of monarchical absolutism)
He was forced to abdicate on March 15th 1917
This marked the end of the Romanov legacy
Tsar Nicholas Personality
- he had the MORAL CORRECTNESS of AUTONOMY installed at a young age
-he never wanted to be tsar yet was determined to fufill his divine calling from God. - he felt like he needed to keep his ministers weak in order to preserve his own authority
-he was unwilling to adapt to change and a modernising society.
“All around me is cowardice and deceit”
🤴🏻Public opinion/controversy🤴🏻
What scandal occurred before he was married?
- His relationship with 17 year old Russian Ballerina Mathilde Kschessinka which lasted 3 years and 4 years his married to German Alexandra
- after they ended it he would still watch her shows but not speak to her directly
What occurred regarding his touring in Russia?
-while touring an assassination attempt was made on him, Emperor Meijitook attempts to to make up for this but, however this encounter may be the reason for Nicholas harshness in Russo-Japanese War.
Which superstitious event also occurred before his coronation?
A large stampede which just under 2000 deaths and 2000 injuries occurred: this was seen as a bad omen for his reign.
What were some more controversies in terms with his political reign?
- Him appointing the reactionary (opposing political or social progress or reform) Vyacheslav Plehve as minister of the interior was unpopular with Russians
- His use of the Okhrana and unlimited power it was given to suppress the anti-tsarist behaviour In order to maintain autocracy which was disliked
- handling if revolutionaries and protests and undermining state Duma
Who was Rasputin?
- Rasputin was born in JANUARY 1869
- At age 18 he converted to a Khlysty (Flagellants) sect within the Russian Orthodox faith, who believed that the only way to reach God was through sinful actions.
- He was a Siberian peasant who travelled to St. Petersburg in 1905
What kind of impact did he make?
- he was invited into the court circles and in 1908 was invited to the palace of tsar Nicholas during one of his son (Alexei Romonovs) bleeding episodes (born with haemophilia).
- Rasputin healed the boy and later warned the parents that the destiny of both the child and the dynasty were irrevocably linked to him, sparking interest.
Why was he ordered to be killed?
- he was accused by his enemies of religious heresy and rape,
- was suspected of exerting political influence over the tsar,
-was even rumored to be having an affair with the tsarina
His actions helped to discredit the Romanov dynasty…
How was he killed?
- in DECEMBER 1916, Prince Felix yusupov planned to assassinate him because of his threat to the empire
- They first laced his food and wine with cyanide but he didn’t die so they shot him at a close range and still alive, threw him into the River Neva
What impact did he have in terms of the Russian Revolution?
-he helped to discredit the Tsarist Goverment, thus helping to overthrow the Romonov Dynasty
As a result, what was Tsar Nicholson’s able to do?
- There was no legal or constitutional restraints on his power
- could abolish any existing legislation or institution
- could appoint any government ministers or officials
Why did this make Russians less hopeful?
It means that the notion of a constitutional monarchy impractical and a political absurdity that was doomed to fail. Particularly after his regained it in 1906.
Why did this idea of autocracy worry Russians?
It may have meant that he would use his power to collect wealth and abuse the people.
🪖1905 Revolution and the impact on Russia🪖🇯🇵
Why did the Russo-Japanese war in terms of imperialism?
Russia benefited from economic expansion into the Far East and increased access to the Pacific coastline.
Japan had become concerned that Russian expansion of the Trans-Siberian Railway into Chinese Manchuria(China was weak)could threaten Korea.
Japan told Russian ministers they wanted to avoid war didn’t listen
Why did this occur in terms of Russian morale?
- Tsar Nicholas II was advised by Plehve, the Minister of the Interior, that a national victory would lessen the growing opposition to Tsarist rule.
- It was an opportunity to heighten patriotic fervour and national pride.
What occurred at the battle?
On May 1905, the Russian navy was attacked at Tsushima
- 20 Russian ships sank and another 5 was captured.
- only 4 Russian ships managed to reach safety at Vladivostok
What was the impact in terms of their reputation?
The embarrassment of defeat to an Asiatic power added to the view that Tsarist government was incompetent.
The Tsar had to agree to a humiliating peace treaty with the Japanese after the destruction of the Baltic Fleet.
Defeat in the war led to a mutiny on board the Potemkin battleship in June 1905.
Bloody Sunday (causes) Who was the leader?
Russian orthodox priest Georgy Gapon
Where was Gapon working?
He worked at the legal trade union called the assembly of Russian factory and Mill workers (led by Gapon)
It was set up by minister of interior plehve in order to settle economic discontent
What caused Gapon to take action?
n late 1904, four union members at an Iron Working Plant in St Petersburg were dismissed.
Gapon called for industrial action.
Over the coming days over 100 thousand workers in the city went on strike.
Bloody Sunday
What occurred?
- On 22 January 1905, Father Gapon led a march to deliver a petition to the Tsar.
- Thousands of workers took part in this peaceful protest.
- Up to 200 people were killed by rifle fire and Cossack charges
Did the people blame the Tsar, if not why?
They believed that the Tsar was not aware of their situation and instead blamed tsarist officials and ministers.
The tsar was not present in the palace at the time of the revolution.
What is this?
This was the first representative body of legislative power
Why was it created?
- As a result of the 1905 revolution.
- October Manifesto(Sergei witte forced him) (October 30, 1905), which promised that it would be a representative assembly and that it needed to be approved in order to carry out legislation.
What was the first Duma made up of?
-most radical left parties,
such as
- the Socialist Revolutionary Party
- moderate Constitutional Democrats (Kadets) with the most deputies
The Duma drew in Support by symbolically creating reforms
What actions did they take?
They mainly discussed land distribution
- peasants were declared legal owners of their plots of land
- redemption payments were rid of
The Duma was dissolved 42 days later July 21st
Why did it fail in terms of the distrust within the Duma?
There was a split in the Liberals.
The Octobrists were a group that wanted to accept the October Manifesto and saw it as a way forward.
The Kadets wanted a parliament based on the British model – a discussion and legislative chamber, something that Nicholas would not accept.
Sergei Witte permitted peasants to leave their village
Why was this an issue?
Witte was spending discontent around Russia
- peasants who went to the cities for work, imported into that city now dissatisfied they were
- Thus, it furthered any discontent against the regime.
Why did the FIRST Duma fail in terms of the Tsars personal issues?
- The Tsar and prime minister(Ivan Goremyekin) were unwilling to share power
- the Tsar was afraid of liberalism so he signed the Fundamental laws in 1906