Russian Revolution- 19th century Russia Flashcards
Revolution L1
develops bc= discontent of society, leads to= overthrow of the ruling regime, followed by = reorganization + reconstruction
R empire L1
8000 km from east to wesr + 3200 km from noth to south
how much of total land mass L1
Poor infrastructure ??? L1
britain could fit into r 100x but had the same km of railway track
Ethnically diverse????? L1
170 ethnic groups ie great russians= 44.3%, ukranians= 18%, poles= 6%, Belorussians = 4.5%
Nobility L1
1% population but owned 25% of land, oppointed to govt positons bc of position in societ and x on merit
APPROX 0.5% IN 1897, starting to play an active role in local govt
Urban workers L1
new class, small abt 7% very poor working and living conditions.
Peasants L1
approx 80% of pop, most poor + illiterate+ widespread disease+ occasional famine
TSAR define L1
the emperor tsar of all russians is ‘an autocratic and unlimited monarch; god himself ordains that all must bow to his supreme power’
Bureaucracy L1
‘a complex web of inefficiency and underserved priviliege’
The Police L1
2 groups, the okhrana (tsars secret police’, only 1 police per 3850 peasants.
cossacks= offered land in return to loyalty to tsar ie acted as informal police
Orthodox church L1
under state control from 1721, legitimising the tsars autocratic powers. church opposed political change
The Army
conscription= form of punishment. notorious for the severity of its discipline and grimness of conditions. abt 1.5 mill, cost= 45% og govts annual govt expender
peasants had smaller then 10 acres, farms inefficient. during bad harvests there were famines. lots of lanf in r was x good for farming
Industrialization 1870s
coal production less than 5% of Britain= 25% of all coal needed to be imported- but had increased 16x since 1860