Russian Revoluion Test Flashcards
What is the order of whenever people ruled??
- Czar Nicolas 2
- Got involved in WW1
- Russian revolution, war gets heated, pulls out war
- Lenin takes the thrown
- Stalin takes the thrown
- Stalin used propaganda to spread ideas
- Peasants were taught the ideals of communism
- Youth were “brainwashed”
- Total censorship of media
Information especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
Describe the Great Purge.
- Stalin arrested many Bolsheviks who participated in the revolution and almost every leader in Stalins government for “crimes against the soviet state”
- These killings were called the Great Purge
- 8 to 13 million deaths occurred
- Stalin became more powerful than any of the previous Russia czars
Give three examples of how Stalins totalitarian government affected peoples life’s.
•Government takes complete central control over every aspect of public and private life
•It challenges the values of democratic states if the Enlightenment
-reason, freedom, human dignity, and the worth of the individual
•Not even the slightest bit of decent was allowed, before the secret police arrested you
•If there was even the slightest suspicion you were planning to overthrow the government of failed to meet your quota, you were gone!
Describe the role of agricultural revolution in Stalins 5 year plan.
Five year plan
• 1928: Stalin outlined five year plan
• The government take drastic steps to promote rapid industrial growth and strengthen military defenses
• Set impossibly high quotas for output of steel, coal, oil, and electricity
• To reach goals, Russia limited the production of consumer goods~thus hurting the population
• Government controlled every aspect of a workers life - who, where, and when they work.
The agriculture revolution
• the agriculture revolution was very successful, but far more brutal
• In 1928, Stalin began to seize 25 million private farms, and combine them into huge collective farms. Peasants work on these farms
• the peasants revolted by destroying crops and livestock
• Stalin struck back with the secret police, sending peasants to work at the threat of death
• Between 5-10 million peasants were killed with millions more sent to Siberia
Wealthy peasants, revolted and their entire class was sent to death or work camps
What was the results of Stalins 5 year plan?
-In 10 Years
•Wheat production was doubled due to collective farming
•Electricity production was up 800%
•Steel production increased from 4-18 million metric tons
•The USSR was becoming a major industrial power
-in the long run
•Stalin responsible for Russia’s industrialization
•Russia was able to stand up to Germany in WW2
•Stalin changed Russia from an agricultural backwater into a world power industrial giant
•But the people paid the price for these gains
Russia’s first Parliament?
Who was the last Czar of Russia?
Czar Nicolas 2
Who was the main leader of the Bolsheviks?
Vladimir Ilyich Lulyanoy
Another name for the Revolution of 1905?
Bloody Sunday
The Bolshevik Revolution overthrew this government.
Provisional government
What group was in charge of November 1917 rebellion?
Factory workers, calling themselves Bolshevik Red Guards
This was organized violence against Jews.
A wave of pogroms
This man influenced the Czarina and helped her son.
This rebellion forced the Czar out.
The March Revolution
This was an important council of workers, peasants, and soldiers by social revolutionaries.
Who was the czar that was assainated? What was his relationship to Czar Nicolas 2 and Alexander 3?
- Alexander 2
* He was the father of Alexander 3, and his grandfather was Nicolas 1 ?
Who were the Bolsheviks?
The more radical Bolsheviks supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for change
Describe Russia’s provisional government.
(A temporary government)
Alexander Kerensky headed it. His decision to continue fighting in WW1 cost him the support of both soldiers and civilians. As war dragged on Russia worsened, angry peasants demanded land. City workers few more rational. Socialist revolutionaries, competing for power, formed soviets.
Stalin was Russia’s __________.
“Fearless leader”
Command economy
- Stalin changed Lenin’s NEP to an economy controlled by the government
- Wanted to catch up to Great Britain and Germany, as well as the rest of Europe, in industrialization
NEP stands for
N- new
E- economic
P- policy
_________ Farming got animals burned and crops burned just because they did not want to hand them over to Stalin