RUSSIAN REV Flashcards
Romanov Dynasty
longest ruling family to ever rule a country (Russia) in European history (300 years)
Bolshevik Revolution or the Russian Revolution of 1917
Communist Revolution which resulted in the overthrow of the
czar and the establishment of the world’s firstcommunist state; the U.S.S.R.
War Communism
Initial economic policy of Lenin where all businesses were seized and were placed under government
name of the original communist party (group) in Russia
Peace Land and Bread
Slogan of the Bolsheviks. Promised to get Russia out of WWI, redistribute land and wealth, and to
end food insecurity in Russia.
Command economy
system in which all elements of business are controlled by the government
Vladimir Lenin
Communist leader who led the communists to power during the Russian Revolution
government in which a ruler has absolute power meaning he has all authority to his/herself. Power is not shared
with the people.
nationalist movement to create a Jewish homeland of Israel in Palestine; today anyone who supports the state of
Nicholas II
last Russian leader of the Romanov Dynasty his infamous leadership and policies led to the Russian Revolution of
1917 and the creation of the world’s first communist state in Russia; the U.S.S.R.
theory proposed by Karl Marx in which the struggle between the have and have nots will lead to conflict and in
the end a classless society where all property, land and wealth will be equally shared
Policy issued by Alexander III that was an attempt to increase nationalism in Russia. It forced people to learn
the Russian language andconvert to Orthodox Christianity
New Economic Policy (NEP)
Lenin’s economic plan that incorporated elements of capitalism
Coup d tat
term used to describe when a government is overthrown
word used to describe attacks on Jewish communities
Representative assemblies set up in Russia to make it more democratic – however Nicholas II ignored it or dissolved it.
Term by Marx and Lenin used to refer to the working class
Term used by Marx to refer to the rich'; capitalist
Revolution of 1905
rebellion that ushered (brought) in the October Manifesto which brought many positive changes which
did not last
Bloody Sunday
peaceful demonstration in which Russians marched calling for reforms to the government; this resulted in
Nicholas II guard firing on hispeople killing 1000s
Karl Marx
Key author of the Communist Manifesto whose ideas led to the foundation of communist/ socialist governments.
Term used to describe something temporary
Term used to describe a vast (giant) diverse territory
The Communist Manifesto
Name of the book that Karl Marx wrote and proposed socialist ideas
a Russian mystic and faith healer. He is best known for having befriended the imperial family of Russia, through
whom he gained considerable influence over. He was eventually assassinated by a group of Russian noblemen who opposed
his influence over the imperial family
Russo Japanese War
War waged to boost Russian nationalism that resulted in a humiliating defeat.