Russian FP in Europe 1900-17 Flashcards


What drove Russian FP before communism? (8)

  • Military factors: need to gain secure borders e.g in Asia and were concerned to protect vital strategic areas e.g Straits (Dardanelles)
  • Economic Factors: Great Power Status was increasingly dependent on economic strength. Development of railways allowed influence to be extended e.g East
  • Geographical Position: their few natural defensive boundaries, particularly in the West, her richest area was very vulnerable to attack
  • Ideological factors: desire to lead a federation of Slav people (ethnic group living in Central and Eastern Europe)
  • Historical Factors: Russian state, surrounded by hostile forces, had maintained itself through strong government, tightly organising its scarce resources, and through military might.
  • Domestic Political Factors: domestic Problems could curb foreign policy aspirations - might make government reluctant to risk further criticism with weak foreign policy
  • international context: even in the 19th century Russia was greatly affected by rise of Germany in Europe, an increasingly powerful neighbour
  • Personalities: Nicholas II was prone to pressure for expansion in East and the officials on ground far from St. Petersburg often followed their own policies
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