Russia(1917-1924) Flashcards
Before 1917, the name of state and gov, governing force, government supporters
Tsaric, Tsaric, military
After 1917, the name of state and gov, governing force, government supporters
Soviet russia, Comunist bolshevik, proletoriat
War communism
economic policyapplied by the Bolsheviks during the period of theRussian Civil War.
War communism features
expropriationof private business
thenationalizationof industry
the forced requisition of surplus grain and otherfoodproducts from the peasantry by the state.
What is red terror
The Red Terror was a campaign of political repression and executions in Soviet Russia carried out by the Bolsheviks
Economic features of red terror
War comunism
seizure of wealth
Social features of red terror
Class warfare
Use of fear
Religious features of red terror
Suppression of religion
The goal of the red terror
eliminate political dissent, opposition, and any other threat to Bolshevik power
Global revolution main ideas
Imperialism, protectoriat role, vanguard party, permenant revolution
global revolution outcome
russian revolution, global influence, formation of UUSR
Global revolution new economic policy
reforms by lenin 1921, revive the soviet economy, bolshevik party by Lenin.
Pilietinis karas metai
War communism year
Kas yra NEP
Naujoji ekonimine politika
Who caused NEP
Vladimir Lenin
NEP year
How NEP worked
he peasant class was permitted to own and farm their land while paying state taxes
Why NEP ended
due to Stalins need for capital, as he wanted the broad industrialization outlined in the Gosplan’s Five-Year Plans of 1928.
NEP results
returned the economy to pre-1914 levels and gave the Communist Party the breathing space it needed to survive
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