Run levels Boot Targets ans shutdown/ reboot the system Flashcards
What does the command runlevel do
View your current runlevel
What does the command telinit do
change to another runlevel
How to do you change the runlevels at boot
interrupt the GRUB boot process by pressing any key during startup, then at the GRUB selection menu, highlight a kernel to modify, press the a key to add arguments to the end of a kernel line, enter in a runlevel number
What is a systemd target
A target is a unit that syncs up other units when the computer boots or change states
What does the command systemctl list-unit-files -t target
Show all unit files for available targets
what does the command systemctl list-units- -t target do
Show all loaded and active unit files
systemctl get-default
List out the default target
what does the command systemctl set-default do
Change the default target to a different target
What does the command systemctl isolate
Will change the running state of the system from the current target to a different target
What does the command systemctl rescue do
Almost identical to the system v init single-user mode, allows the root user to repair a system
What does the command systemctl reboot do
Will run the Same thing as just typing reboot at the prompt
What does the command systemctl poweroff do
Will perform a complete shutdown of the system by isolating the system to the Same thing as just typing poweroff at the prompt
What are all of the reboot commands
telinit 6
shutdown -r now
systemctl isolate
What does the wall command do
broadcasts a message to all logged in users (after message is typed, terminate the message with a CTRL+D
What are all of the shutdown commands
telinit 0
shutdown -h +1
system isolate
What does the command acpid do
Advanced config an power interface, registers system events (such as pressing the power button or closing laptop lid)