Rules of thumb Flashcards
Bremsstrahlung max and mean photon energy
max = designated energy, mean = 1/3 designated energy
PDD for 10x10 field @ 10 cm depth co-60 6MeV 10MeV 18MeV
co-60 = 55% 6MeV = 65% 10MeV = 75% 18MeV = 80%
TMR @ 10cm depth
6MeV = 0.78 10MeV = 0.85 18MeV = 0.90
Approximate Attenuation rates
6MeV = 3%/cm 10MeV = 2.5%/cm 18MeV = 2%/cm
Depth of Maximum dose (Dmax) for a 10x10 field size Co-60 6MeV 10MeV 18MeV
Co-60 = 0.5cm 6MeV = 1.5 cm 10MeV = 2.4 cm 18MeV = 3.3 cm
Surface Dose for photons Co-60 6MeV 10MeV 18MeV
Co-60 = 50% 6MeV = 25% 10MeV = 23% 18MeV = 20%
Neutron Contamination in an 18MeV beam
- 5% on the central axis
0. 15 outside of the bem
Neutron head leakage
6MeV = none 10MeV = 0.01% 18MeV = 0.15%
Percentage depth dose dependencies
Field size - as field size increases, the %DD increases due to increased scatter
SSD - %DD increases with increasing SSD due to the inverse square law
Scattering at 1m from phantom
1/1000 of the primary beam
Lateral scatter energy
Maximum energy of about 0.511MeV
Backscatter energy
maximum energy of 0.255MeV
Photon Interaction proportionalities per unit mass
Photo Electric = Z^3/E^3
Compton scattering = Z/sqrt(E)
Pair Production = Z^2/log(E)
Conversion factor for Roentgens to cGY
in air = 0.876cGY/R
in tissue = 0.97 cGY/R
Conversion factor for Roentgens to cGY in tissue for I-125
0.886 cGY/R
SRS therapy
LINAC based is prescribed 70% isodose line
Gamma Knife is prescribed 50% isodse line
Scatter contributions outside the field
Physical wedges - scatter 2.5% the central axis dose
Dynamic wedges - scatter about 1% the central axis dose
** dynamic wedges reduce contralateral bereast dose over physical wedges
Outside of the beam there is a quantifiable amount of dose, extending perpendicular from the beam in the plane of Dmax
10cm away receives approximately 1% of the central axis dose at Dmax
30cm away receives approximately 0.2% of the central axis dose at Dmax
Tissue weighting factors for effective dose equivalent Gonads Red bone marrow Bladder Skin
Gonads = 0.2
Red bone marrow = 0.12
Bladder = 0.05
Skin = 0.01
Electron beams are nearly monoenergetic with average energy equal to that specified
– Electron Range
the 4, 3, 2, 2.33 rule
Depth max Dose R100 (cm) = E(MeV)/4
Therapeutic depth (80%) = R80(cm) = E(Mev)/3
Electron range in water Rp(cm) = E(MeV)/2
Depth of 50% isodose line R50(cm) = E(MeV)/2.33
Depth of Maximum dose (Dmax) for 10x10 field size of electrons 6E 9E 12E 20E
6E = 1.2 cm 9E = 1.9 cm 12E = 2.1 cm 20E = 2.1 cm
Electron Surface Dose (in %)
6E = 80% 12E = 90% 20E = 95%
Electron X-ray contamination in %
6E = 1% 12E = 2% 20E = 5%
Amount of lead shielding needed in mm to stop an electron beam
Occupational limit
50 mSv/year (5mSv if pregnant)
Public limit in Sv
The average worker in the USA receives X from occupational exposures
2 mSv/year
Neutrons need to be taken into account for energies above?
Energy of neutrons produced in photonuclear reactions
Energy of neutrons at shielded door to the vault
100 keV
* most dangerous with radiation weighting factor = 20
Leakage limit
0.1% of the central axis value
Concrete TVLs for shielding 6 and 18 MV beams
6MeV = 37cm 18MeV = 45 cm
Amount of lead in mm to shield an electron beam (to less than 5%)
Rp/10 - in other words
Approximate shielding materials and thickness X-ray CT PET Cs-137 HDR Co-60 LINAC/Cyberknife
X-ray - 1 mm lead CT - 2 mm lead PET - 1 cm lead Cs-137 - 3 cm lead HDR - 50 cm concrete Co-60 - 70 cm concrete LINAC/Cyberknife - 170cm concrete
Sources of radiation exposure for the average person
Radon - 1mSv/year Ingested isotopes - 0.4mSv/year Isotopes occurring naturally - 0.4 mSv/yr Cosmic rays - 0.4 mSv/yr Medical exposures - 2.0 mSv/yr
Lead and Iodine’s k-edge
Lead - 88 keV
Iodine - 33 keV
Increase in mortality risk due to acute radiation
8% per Sv
Increase in mortality risk due to chronic radiation exposure
4% per Sv
Radiation quality factors (from 10CFR20)
Photons = 1 Electrons = 1 Protons = 10 Neutrons = 5-20 (10 for unknown energy) Alpha = 20
Package receiving wipe test limits for 300cm^2 area
Alpha - 22 dpm/cm^2
Beta/gamma - 220 dpm/cm^2
ALARA levels
ALARA level 1 - 10% of the allowed limit per quarter
ALARA level 2 - 30% the allowed limit per quarter
Limit for removing sealed source from service due to leaking
*sealed sources need to be checked every 6 months
Patient exposure release levels
I-125: <1mR/hr at 1 meter
Pd-103: <3mR/hr at 1 meter
I-131: <7mR/hr at 1 meter
Brachytherapy Medical Events
Wrong patient, side or nuclide
Total dose differs by 20%
Single fraction differs by 50%
Teletherapy Medical Events
Wrong patient or site
Total dose differs by 20% (for treatments> 3 fractions)
Total dose differs by 10% (for treatments<= 3 fractions)
LDR dose rate at prescription point
0.2 - 2Gy/hr
HDR dose rate at prescription point
> 12Gy/hr
Exposure time to achieve occupational limit while 1 meter away from HDR source
1 hour
Ir-192 HDR decayment rate
1% per day
Dose from Cs-137 LDR to Ir-192 HDR
D(Ir-192) = D(Cs-137)*0.65
* due to radiobiological effects related to the differing dose rates
Spine chords division
7 - cervical
12 - thoracic
5 - lumbar
5 - sacral
Spinal cord ends
L1/L2 and terminates in cauda equina
Sample CT numbers - relative to water Air Lung Soft tissue Fat Water CSF Blood and Muscle Spongy Bone Cortical Bone
Air: -1000 Lung: -700 Soft tissue: -300 to -100 Fat: -80 Water: 0 CSF: 15 Blood and Muscle: 40 Spongy Bone: 400 and up Cortical Bone: up to 3000
Ultrasound - velocities of sounds in different media
Air: 330 m/s
Water: 1497 m/s
Bone: 3500 m/s
Soft Tissue: 1540 m/s
Typical dose associated with CT
50-75 mGy
TG-21 to TG-51 output level
1% higher
MLC leakage
Intraleaf - 2%
Interleaf - 3%
End leakage - 15%
Pacemaker tolerance
2 Gy
Approximate Z of materials
Air - 7.6
Tissue - 7.4
Bone - 14.0
Prostheses - 20-25
density of various materials Air Lung Bone Concrete Steel Lead Tungsten
Air - 0.0012 g/cm3 Lung - 0.33 g/cm3 Bone - 1.8 g/cm3 Concrete - 2.35 g/cm3 (can vary significantly with composition) Steel - 7.85 g/cm3 Lead - 11.34 g/cm3 Tungsten = 19.25 g/cm3
Predominance and occurrence energies
Pair Production
Predominance - Occurrence P.E: 10-30 Kev - 10-70Kev Compton 30Kev - 25Mev - Occurs everywhere P.P. >25 Mev - >10Mev