Rules Of Inference & Replacement Flashcards
What is the role of inference for Simplification (Simp)?
p & q
What is the rule of inference for Conjunction (Conj)?
p & q
What is the rule of inference for Addition (add)?
p v q
What is the rule of inference for Disjunctive Syllogism (DS)?
p v q
What is the rule of inference for Excluded Middle Introduction (E-MI)?
p v ~p
What is the rule of replacement for Commutation (Com)?
p & q :: q & p
p v q :: q v p
What is the rule of replacement for Association (Assoc)?
p & (q & r) :: (p & q) & r p v (q v r) :: (p v q) v r
What is the rule of replacement for Distribution (Dist)?
p & (q v r) :: (p & q) v (p & r) p v (q & r) :: (p v q) & (p v r)
What is the rule of replacement for Double Negation (DN)?
p :: ~~p
What is the rule of replacement for DeMorgan (De M)
~p & ~q :: ~(p v q)
~p v ~q :: ~(p & q)
What is the rule of inference for Modus Ponens (MP)?
p ⊃ q
What is the rule of inference for Modus Tollens (MT)?
p ⊃ q
What is the rule of inference for hypothetical syllogism (HS)?
p ⊃ q
q ⊃ r
p ⊃ r
What is the rule of inference for Constructive Dilemma (CD)?
p v q
p ⊃ r
q ⊃ s
r v s
What is the rule of replacement for Transposition (Trans)?
p ⊃ q :: ~q ⊃ ~p
What is the rule of replacement for Exportation (Exp)?
(p & q) ⊃ r :: p ⊃ (q ⊃ r)
What is the rule of replacement for Implication (Impl)?
p ⊃ q :: ~p v q
What is the rule of replacement for Equivalence (Equiv)?
p ≡ q :: (p ⊃ q) & (q ⊃ p)
p ≡ q :: (p & q) v (~p & ~q)