Rules and Rulers Flashcards
A system of government whereby everyone who is eligible has a say in the running of the country
A system of government where a person or a group of people have all of the power in a country. The people living there do not get to choose who represents and leads them.
The ability to do something that scares you
Things that a person should be entitled to/ freedoms that are guaranteed
What is a society
A society is a collection of humans who live (willingly and unwillingly) as one and are generally expected to follow a set of rules.
List 6 features of a democracy
- There is a ‘rule of law’ all citizens are equal before the law
- You have access to information
- You can vote in elections that are open and transparent for a candidate that will represent you
- There is a genuine choice between candidates
- All eligible citizens can vote
- You can leave the country if you want
- You have rights
What do RIghts do?
Protect people
Protected by law
Make society fair, just and equal
Right to life, liberty and expression
What does representation mean?
Speaking or acting on behalf of someone
What is the collision between democracy and representation?
Leaders make decisions which they believe best represent the needs of their citizens
What is MMP?
Mixed Member Proportional, NZ’s system of voting
What is a central government?
Make decisions for all New Zealanders
What is a local government?
Looks after needs of regional, city and district areas.
Title Origin Label Key Even Neat
Right to vote: Pakeha Men
Right to vote: Maori Men
Right to vote: All women
Right to vote: Chinese Migrants
Article 3 in the Treaty of Waitangi
The Maori are given the same rights and duties of citizenship as the people of England
When was the Treaty of Waitangi signed
6th Feb 1840
In order to vote in 1800s you had to …
British Subject
21 or older
A landowner
How many members could the Maori vote for in 1867
4 out of 120
Someone who either owned or rented land
How many signatures did Kate Sheppard get on the petition
Where did KS send the petition from
How many women were enrolled to vote in 1893?
About 109,000 out of 140,000
Cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority
What year was Kim Il-Sung made leader
When did the Korean war start and end
1950 - 1953
What was signed to stop the Korean war?
Ceasefire agreement
When did Kim Jong-il become leader of NK?
When did Kim Jong-un become the leader of NK?
Life in North Korea?
There is only one radio station, one tv station and no wifi
There are often power shortages during the evenings because the gov simply switches off the power supply
In 2014 KJU held elections. He was the only one running and people could tick yes or no
Everyone lives in an apartment or house owned by the government
3 class system
Core class - 28% - Pyongyang
Wavering Class - 45%
Hostile Class - 27% - many are imprisoned
abandon home for a country with opposing beliefs
Sending refugees back to home country
- Non-profit organization that focuses on rescuing North Korean refugees who are hiding in China
- Relocate refugees to US or South Korea