Rules and reg Flashcards
Recruit officers Powers
Don’t have any. They have no greater power than any civilians.
Should not represent self as PO or advice on public matters.
Conflicting orders?
Notify person assigning new order promptly and respectfully. Their decision stands.
Honor code?
I will not lie, cheat or steal. And I will not tolorate those who do.
Discipline is the instant and willing obedience to all orders, respect for authority, self reliance and teamwork.
When can an officer work more than 18 hours in a 24hr period?
Emergency only, Officer must immediately notify superior if ordered to work more than 18 hours.
Progressive discipline?
Discipline will be based upon the totality of the circumstances-future misconduct will result in a more severe form of discipline.
All RO: Shall report in writing to the registers office if they are using any form of prescription medication. Rule 102 before the next tour of duty.
If requested to identify to a civilian, you must give?
Badge number
How must you self identify to the public?
In a civil manner, nice and polite.
Can you work more than 90 hours per week?
No, only 90 between SAT 0800-SAT 0800.
Exception in the interest of public safety, court appearance, mandatory overtime, emergencies.
Recruit officers will obey all lawful orders wether transmitted verbally or in writing.
Only two rings and well personal hygiene/grooming.
Illness/injury resulting from misconduct?
Will be dismissed with prejudice.
Dismissal for disciplinary reasons?
Not eligible for enrollment in subsequent academy sessions or at any mptc approved police training schools for a period of a minimum 2 years and a maximum of 20 years.
No more than 5% 48hrs
maximum 10% 97 hours. Will be dismissed.
Use of tabacco?
cop 415 101a: shall not consume at all times.
Conformance to law?
Must notify bureau chief in writing, if any criminal complaint, indictments or abuse orders.
Serious incident reports?
Notify registrar as soon as possible
Report any contact with law
Probationary period?
(12months):1 year with no breaks.
No social contact with academy staff
Soundness of moral principles character. Honest and forthright manner.
Bigotry strictly prohibited?
Only approved role play tool.
Police report
Courts testimony.