Rules Flashcards
A tool for learning to read
phonics is a tool
reading is the goal
Introduce chart
teacher says
students repeat
teacher and student say
teacher points out interesting sound, spellings
voiceless consonants
voiced consonants
key to effective teaching
careful planning
k before
i and e
c before
ke usually follows
silent sound
sc usually goes in
beginning or middle of a word
sk usually goes
anywhere in the word
ck us always preceeded by a
short vowel
the beginning word
root word
a letter of group of letters added at the end of a word to change the meaning of make a new word
a hyphen usually shows that the sound is a
when a root word ends with a single consonant and the vowel is short…
the consonant is usually doubled before adding a suffix that begins with a vowel sound
when a root word ends with a y and the suffix begins with an e…
change the y to an i before adding the suffix with an e
6 steps to reading
1 learn to recognize the short vowels and their sounds
2 learn to recognize the consonants and their sounds
3 learn to blend
4 learn to sound one-vowel words
5 learn the sounds of the long vowels. learn to sound 2 vowel words
6 learn and apply the special phonic sounds
the x sound (ks) comes at the
end of a word
are almost always together in a word
when there is one vowel in a word
it usually says its short sound
the long vowel sounds are
the same as their names
when e or o or y is the only vowel at the end of a short word, it usually says
its long sound
ay usually comes at
the end of a word
the special sound ou usually comes
in the middle of a word
the special sound ow usually comes before
n or L or at the end of a word
oi usually comes at
the middle of a word
oy usually comes
at the end of a word
when y comes at the end of a long word, it usually says
long e
wh says “h” when followed by
tch usually follows
a short vowel