RULE 6 Fire resistive requirements & RA 9514 Revised fire code of the PH Flashcards
The degree to which a material can withstand fire
Fire resistive rating
Usually expressed in the form of a time period rating (how long a material can withstand being burned)
Fire resistive rating
___is the length of time a material can withstand being burned
whIch may be one-nour, two-nours, tree-nours, tour-nours, etc
Fire-Resistive Time Period Rating
All materials of construction and assemblies or combinations there of shall be classified
according to their_______ or ______as determined by general accepted testing methods and/or by the ______
Fire-Resistive Standards
* fire-retardant or flame spread ratings
The ______ shall prescribe standards and promulgate rules and regulations on the testing of construction materials for flame-spread characteristics. tests on fire damages, fire tests of building construction and materials, door assemblies and tinclad fire doors and window assemblies, the installation of fire doors and windows and smoke and fire detectors for fire protective signaling system, application and use of controlled interior finish, fire-resistive protection for structural members. fire-resistive walls and partitions, fire-resistive floor or roof ceiling. fire-resistive assemblies for protection of openings and fire-retardant roof coverings
Fire-Resistive Regulations
Minimum thickness of reinforced slab and prestressed slab with 1-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of reinforced slab and prestressed slab with 2-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of reinforced slab and prestressed slab with 3-hour to 4-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of Hollow masonry (interior and exterior) with 1- hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of Hollow masonry (interior and exterior) with 2- hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of Hollow masonry (interior and exterior) with 3-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of Hollow masonry (interior and exterior) with 4-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of Solid masonry (exterior) with 1-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of Solid masonry (exterior and interior) with 2-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of Solid masonry (exterior and interior) with 3-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of Solid masonry (exterior and interior) with 4-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of solid concrete wall (exterior) with 1-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of solid concrete wall (exterior) with 2-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of solid concrete wall (exterior) with 3-hour fire resistance?
Minimum thickness of solid concrete wall (exterior) with 4-hour fire resistance?
Minimum depth of column (all faces exposed) with 1-hour fire resistance?
Minimum depth of column (all faces exposed) with 2-hour fire resistance?
Minimum depth of column (all faces exposed) with 3-hour fire resistance?
Minimum depth of column (all faces exposed) with 4-hour fire resistance?
Revised fire code of the Philippines
PD 1185
Old fire code of the Philippines
Remove/neutralize fire hazard; firewall
integrated piping system connected to a source of an extinguishing agent
Automatic fire suppression system
head of the city fire station or the municipal fire station
Fire Marshall
equivalent with the Building Official
Fire Marshall
Vertical pipes to which fire hoses attached on each floor of the building
Standpipe system
Wall designed to prevent spread of fire
Fire resistance not less than 4-hours
15m or more in height
High rise building
constinous and obstructed route of exit
Means of egress
Purpose for which a building or space is used
max. number of persons
Occupant load
building that is unsafe incase of fire
Fire trap
Reviews the drawing
Plan evaluator
how many sets of plans are sent to the building official to the Fire Marshall for review
6 sets
Conduct inspections during construction to ensure that the plans are being followed
Fire Marshall
needs to conduct another inspection before the Building Official can issue an occupancy permit
Fire Marshall
issues the FSIC & notified the B.O
Fire Marshall