Rule 2 - Officials and Their Duties Flashcards


A.R. 19. B1’s shot does not strike the ring and lands untouched on the end line, causing Team A to be awarded a designated spot throw-in. B6 replaces B1. The ball is placed at A2’s disposal for the throw-in and she leaves the designated spot. The center official blows their whistle and states that the thrower left the designated spot. The officials now learn that the administering official had misinformed the thrower.


RULING: Because the officials made a mistake by providing incorrect information to the thrower thereby causing the violation, the officials shall readminister the throw-in. This is similar to the situation when the officials misinform the teams as to the number of free throws to be attempted.
(Rule 2-3)

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Officials’ Jurisdiction
A.R. 20. Team A is ahead by one point. The game-ending horn sounds with the ball loose at the division line. Clearly after playing time has expired, A1 retrieves the ball and dunks into A1’s basket. The referee, before checking/approving the final score, sees this action by A1 and assesses a player/substitute technical foul. Team A’s coach pushes the referee after the technical foul is called. The referee assesses a disqualifying foul to Team A’s coach, ejects the coach and awards Team B four free throws.


RULING: The referee is correct. The officials’ jurisdiction does not end until the approval of the final score. Until the officials’ jurisdiction ends, an official may call a technical foul, an unsportsmanlike foul, or a disqualifying foul, correct a correctable error (Rule 2-12), or correct a bookkeeping mistake by the official scorer.
(Rule 2-4.3)

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Officials’ Jurisdiction
A.R. 21. The officials leave the playing area at the end of the game, and while they are in the locker room, it is discovered that there is a mistake in the score or that there was a request for a correctable error (Rule 2-12).


RULING: When the officials leave the visual confines of the playing court when the last period is over, the score has been approved and the game is over.
(Rule 2-4.3)

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Officials’ Jurisdiction
A.R. 22. A1 sets a legal screen for teammate A2, who has the ball. B1, in trying to defend the shot, pushes through the screen of A1. When the illegal contact occurs, A2 has not started her trying motion, but when the official blows the whistle A2’s trying motion has started. She continues her trying motion and the ball enters the basket.


RULING: The goal by A2 is scored because when the whistle sounded, A2 was in the act of shooting and continuous motion applies. If Team A is not in the bonus, Team A will be awarded the ball for a throw-in at the out of bounds spot nearest to where the foul occurred. If Team A is in the bonus, A1 will be awarded two free throws.
(Rule 2-7.12 and 6-5.1.f)

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Officials’ Jurisdiction
A.R. 23. When an official is required to hand/bounce the ball to the thrower- in, is it the duty of the official to wait until both teams are ready before doing so?


RULING: No. The resumption-of-play procedure is in effect for the entire game, except to start the second half or any extra period. After the official has given the direction signal and other necessary information, teams are expected to be ready for all normal play situations. When the official inadvertently indicates the wrong team for a throw-in and discovers the error before the throw-in ends, the official should withhold the ball from play to permit the players to re-deploy. The officials should not permit unusual delays during a throw-in.
(Rule 2-7.13 and 4-26)

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Duties of Scorers
A.R. 24. B1 commits a fifth foul [any combination of personal, unsportsmanlike, and all technical fouls], which results in two free throws for A1. The official scorer and official timer fail to notify any of the game officials that B1 has been disqualified. When the scorers realize the mistake, they inform the official timer to sound the game-clock horn. The official timer sounds the device as the first of two free throws is made or missed. The referee asks the scorers’ table personnel to explain the problem. The referee is advised that B1 has committed five fouls, after which the referee advises the coach and player of Team B that B1 has five fouls. The coach replaces B1.


RULING: Play shall be resumed with the second free throw by A1. There is no additional penalty assessed for the official scorer’s and timer’s mistake in failing to notify the officials of B1’s fifth foul.
(Rule 2-9.4 and 3-6.2.b)

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Duties of Scorers
A.R. 25. A player who has committed a fifth foul [any combination of personal fouls, unsportsmanlike fouls, and all technical fouls] continues to play because the scorers have failed to notify the officials.


RULING: As soon as the scorers discover the irregularity, they should sound the game-clock horn as soon as the ball is in control of the offending team or is dead. The disqualified player shall be removed immediately. Any points that may have been scored while such a player was illegally in the game shall count.
(Rule 2-9.4)

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Duties of Scorers
A.R. 26. At halftime, the official scorer, who is a member of the home-team faculty, removes the scorebook from the scorers’ table:
(1) Of his or her own volition; or
(2) At the request of the home-team coach.


RULING: (1) When the scorebook is not taken to the home team’s locker room, there should be no penalty. When there is evidence that the official scorer removed the scorebook to take it to the home-team locker room, an administrative technical foul shall be assessed. This administrative technical foul does not count toward the team foul count.
(2) When the home-team coach instructs the official scorer to remove the scorebook, the head coach shall be assessed a direct technical foul.
(Rule 2-9.11, 10-12.2.d and 10-12.4.c)

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Duties of the Scorers

A.R. 27. When may a scorer signal the officials by sounding the horn?


RULING: When the scorer desires to call attention to a player who is illegally in the game, the scorer may signal the official when the ball is in control of that player’s team or when the ball becomes dead. When it is for an illegal substitution, the scorer may signal when the next dead ball occurs or when the offending team has team control. When it is for conferring with an official, the scorer may signal when the ball is dead. When the scorer signals while the ball is live, the official shall ignore the signal when a scoring play is in progress. Otherwise, the official may signal for the game clock to be stopped to determine the reason for the signal.
(Rule 2-9.14)

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Duties of the Scorers

A.R. 28. The game-clock horn sounds while the ball is live.


RULING: Players should ignore the game-clock horn since it does not cause a dead ball. The officials shall use their judgment in blowing the ball dead to consult with the scorers and timers. When the players on both teams do not ignore the game-clock horn and stop playing, the officials shall stop play and award the ball to the team in control at a designated spot nearest to where the ball was when the stoppage occurred.
(Rule 2-9.14)

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Duties of the Scorers
A.R. 29. The official scorer fails to record two points awarded to Team A by an official during the first half as a result of basket interference by B2.


RULING: The scorer’s mistake shall be rectified at any time until the referee approves the final score.
(Rule 2-9.16)

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Duties of the Scorers
A.R. 30. After two minutes of the first extra period, it is discovered that during the second half of regulation play, the official scorer failed to record one point as a result of a made free throw by Team A.


RULING: The score shall be recorded and play shall be continued at a designated spot from the point of interruption.
(Rule 2-9.16)

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Duties of Timer
A.R. 31. In a game with no official courtside monitor, the red light or LED lights that signal the end of the last period cannot be seen nor can the game- clock horn be heard. The officials disagree whether the ball was in flight during a try for field goal or whether a foul occurred before time expired.


RULING: The final decision shall be made by the referee. The official timer shall indicate if the ball was in flight before the red light or LED lights signal was activated or before the game-clock horn sounded only when requested to do so by the referee. The referee shall use his or her best judgment, but when the evidence for counting or not counting the goal or foul is equal, the referee shall rule that the goal counts and that the foul shall be charged. In a game with an official courtside monitor and a game clock with a tenth-of-a-second display, the status of the try for goal and the committed foul shall be ascertained with the use of the courtside monitor using first, zeroes on the game clock then the red of LED lights when the game clock is not visible and the horn when neither is available.
(Rule 2-10.15.c, 2-6.3, 11-1.2, 11-3, and 5-7.2)

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Duties of Shot-Clock Operator
A.R. 32. A1 touches the ball that was thrown in by A2. The ball strikes the playing court and bounces until A3 gains control by dribbling. The shot-clock operator started the shot clock when A1 touched the ball.


RULING: The operator was correct. When play is resumed by a throw-in, the game clock and shot clock shall be started when the ball is legally touched by or touches a player on the playing court.
(Rule 2-11.5)

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Duties of Shot-Clock Operator
A.R. 33. Player B1 deflects A1’s pass toward the sideline. Player B2 chases the ball and while airborne and before landing out of bounds, throws the ball backward onto the playing court where it is recovered by Team A. The shot clock operator resets the shot clock. Is the shot clock operator correct?


RULING: Yes. The act of throwing the ball backwards and onto the court demonstrates team control by Team B; therefore, the shot clock is reset.
(Rule 2-11.6.a and 4-7.1)

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Duties of the Shot-Clock Operator
A.R. 34. With the alternating-possession arrow favoring Team A and 20 seconds remaining on the shot clock, A1’s try for goal lodges between the backboard and the ring/flange.


RULING: Team A shall be awarded possession for a throw-in and the shot clock shall be reset.
(Rule 2-11.6.d)

Duties of the Shot-Clock Operator
A.R.	35. A1 releases the ball on a try for goal and then B1 partially blocks the shot. The ball:
(1)	Hits the ring or flange; or
(2)	Goes through the basket; or
(3)	Goes out of bounds.

RULING: (1) and (2) The play is legal and the action shall continue.
(3) The official shall blow the whistle to stop play and the shot-clock operator shall stop but not reset the shot clock. On the ensuing throw-in by Team A, the game clock and shot clock shall start when the throw-in touches any player on the playing court.
(Rule 2-11.7.a)


Duties of the Shot-Clock Operator
A.R. 36. While A1 is dribbling the ball in her backcourt, A2 and B2, who are located near the free throw line in Team A’s frontcourt, foul each other and the official stops play for the fouls. The fouls committed by A2 and B2 are:
(1) Personal fouls; or
(2) Technical fouls.


RULING: In (1), A2 and B2 have committed a double foul. Play will resume at the point of interruption with a throw-in to Team A at the out-of-bounds spot nearest to where the ball was located when the official stopped play for the fouls. The shot clock shall not be reset.
In (2), A2 and B2 have committed fouls of equal gravity. No free throws are awarded, and play shall resume at the point of interruption with a throw-in to Team A at the out-of-bounds spot nearest to where the ball was located when the official stopped play for the fouls. The shot clock shall not be reset.
(Rule 2-11.7.f )


Duties of the Shot-Clock Operator
A.R. 37. Team A is in control of the ball when A1 and B1 commit a double personal foul. While reporting the foul, the official assesses a technical foul against the coach of:
(1) Team A; or
(2) Team B.


RULING: Charge the fouls to A1 and B1, but no free throws are awarded. In (1) and (2), any player from the offended team shall attempt the two free throws for the technical foul. Play shall be resumed at the point of interruption, with the ball awarded to Team A, the team in control, at a designated spot nearest to where the ball was located when the double personal foul was committed.
(1) Since the technical foul was assessed to the coach of Team A, the team in control, the shot clock shall not be reset.
(2) Since the technical foul was assessed to the coach of Team B, the shot clock shall be reset.
(Rule 2-11.7.h, 2-11.6.b.2 and 10-11)


Correctable Errors
A.R. 38. After the bonus is in effect, B1 is penalized for holding A1. A1 erroneously is not awarded her free throws. A1 is awarded the ball out of bounds and completes the throw-in to A2. The coach of Team A notifies the official scorer that the coach wants to meet with the official concerning a correctable error. When Team A scores a field goal, the official scorer sounds the game- clock horn and advises the official of the coach’s request for the conference. The official recognizes the correctable error after talking with the coach and official scorer.


RULING: The field goal by Team A shall count. This error is correctable because it happened within the prescribed time limit of Rule 2-12. A1 shall be awarded her merited free throws and play shall be resumed with a throw-in by Team B, who is entitled to run the end line.
(Rule 2-12.1.a, 2-12.5, 2-12.2 and 2-10.13.a)


Correctable Errors
A.R. 39. B1 pushes A1 during an unsuccessful try. A1 is awarded two free throws. The first free throw by A1 is successful, after which B2 takes the ball out of bounds under Team A’s basket and passes to B3, who passes to B4 for an uncontested field goal in Team B’s basket. The captain of Team A then calls to the attention of an official that A1 did not receive a second free throw.


RULING: The goal by B4 shall count. A1 shall be permitted to attempt the second free throw with no players lined up along the free- throw lane. The ball shall then be awarded to Team A out of bounds at the end line nearer Team B’s basket and the thrower-in shall be permitted to run the end line. This was the point where the game was stopped to correct the error.
(Rule 2-12-1.a and 2-12.2)


Correctable Errors
A.R. 40. Before the bonus rule is in effect, B1 fouls A1. The official errs by awarding A1 two free throws.
(1) A1 makes the first free-throw try, and the error is then discovered; or
(2) A1 is successful in both free throws and then the official detects the error; or
(3) A1 is successful in the first free throw attempt but misses the second free throw and, as a result, the game clock starts and B1 scores a field goal.
In each of the three situations, the error shall be called to the attention of the official before or during the first dead ball after the game clock has been properly started.


RULING: Each of the three situations is a correctable error.
(1) and (2): Team A shall be awarded the ball at a designated spot nearest to where the foul occurred. The free throws and activity during it, other than any technical foul, unsportsmanlike foul, or disqualifying foul, shall be canceled. Any points scored, time consumed and additional activity that may occur before the recognition of the error, shall not be nullified.
(3) Team A shall be awarded the ball out of bounds at Team B’s end line, which was the point of interruption, to correct the error. The free throws and activity during it, other than any technical foul, unsportsmanlike foul, or disqualifying foul, shall be canceled. Any points scored, time consumed and additional activity that may occur before the recognition of the error, shall not be nullified.
(Rule 2-12-1.b, 2-12.5 and 2-12.2)


Correctable Errors
A.R. 41. A1 is fouled by B1 during a field-goal attempt and the try is successful. A2 erroneously is awarded the free throw. While A2’s successful attempt is in the air:
(1) B3 fouls A3; or
(2) B3 commits an unsportsmanlike foul against A3.
After the successful free throw by A2 and before the ball becomes live on the throw-in, the coach of Team B properly asks the referee to correct the error of awarding the free throw to the wrong player.


RULING: The free throw by A2 shall be canceled, and A1 shall properly attempt the free throw. The common foul by B3 in (1) shall be canceled. The unsportsmanlike foul in (2) cannot be canceled. The error shall be corrected when A1 is given the free throw to which A1 was entitled as a result of the original foul. In (2), the game shall continue with the administration of the two free throws to any member of Team A resulting from the unsportsmanlike foul by B3. Team A shall be awarded the ball at a designated spot at the division line opposite the scorers’ table.
(Rule 2-12-1.c and 2-12.5)


Correctable Errors
A.R. 42. (1) A1 or (2) B1 is called for basket interference at Team A’s basket. In (1), the referee erroneously counts the score or, in (2), erroneously fails to count the score. In each case, the error is discovered during the first dead ball after the game clock has started.


RULING: In (1) and (2), the official made a judgment that basket interference occurred. However, after the judgment was made, the official erred, in (1) by erroneously counting the score and in (2) by failing to count the goal. The official’s error in (1) and (2) shall be correctable because the error was recognized within the proper time limit.
(Rule 2-12.1.e and 2-12.3)


Correctable Errors
A.R. 43. Team A has the ball and is working for a shot. The shot-clock horn sounds and then A1 shoots and scores an apparent field goal. The shot-clock horn is not heard by the officials on the playing court. Play continues with Team B inbounding the ball. With 20 seconds remaining on the shot clock, the official calls traveling on B1. At that time, the official timer calls the referee to the scorers’ table to explain that the shot clock had sounded before A1 released the ball for the try.


RULING: Officials are permitted to use information from table officials to make corrections. Since it is within the correctable-error time frame, the error can be corrected. When it is determined, in the official’s judgment, that the try was released after the shot-clock horn sounded, the goal shall be canceled. Since the clock was running in this case, the official has until the second live ball after the error to make the correction. The error shall be correctable until the ball is put in play after the traveling call.
(Rule 2-12.1.e, 2-12.3 and 2-7.6)


Correctable Errors
A.R. 44. A2 is shooting the second of two free-throws. After the ball is released the official blows the whistle for a foul against A3 for pushing B2 while working to get the rebound. The ball goes in the basket. While reporting the foul the official cancels the score. Is this a correctable error?


RULING: If the official judged the free throw to still have been in A2’s hands when A3 committed the foul against B2 when in fact it was not, this is not a correctable error, this is a judgment by the official. However, if the official cancelled the free throw in violation of Rule 6-6.1.c, then this is a correctable error for erroneously cancelling a score.
In this situation, it is appropriate to afford the officials the time provided in Rule 2-12.2 to correct the error. The error shall be recognized and corrected by an official during the first dead ball after the game clock has been properly started.
(Rule 2-12.2 and 6-6.1.c)


Correctable Errors
A.R. 45. B1 fouls A1 after the bonus is in effect. A1 is not awarded the bonus free throws. Team A is awarded the throw-in. Team A controls the ball inbounds, and A3 eventually asks for and receives a timeout. During the timeout, an official recognizes the correctable error or it is called to her attention that A1 should have been awarded two free throws.


RULING: A1 shall be awarded two free throws and play shall be resumed as after any normal free throw. Points scored, time consumed and additional activity that may occur before the recognition of the error shall not be nullified.
(Rule 2-12.5 and 2.12.1.a)