Excavations must not endanger life or
Any person undertaking an excavation
shall ensure that the soil of the adjoining
property will not cave in or settle.
Cut slopes shall no be steeper than 2:1
Number of exits
Every building shall have at least one exit
Upper floors with occupant load of more
than 10 shall have at least two exits
A mezzanine floor bigger than 185sqm or
having more than 18.00m in any dimension
shall have at least two stairways to an
adjacent floor
Every floor with occupant load of 500-999
shall have at least 3 exits.
Every floor with occupant load of 1000 or
more shall have at least 4 exits.
50% of floor above + 25% of floor above that
Width of exits
Total width of exits = Occupant load/165
Note: This is the total width in meters
Again, +50% of occupant load of storey
above + 25% of occupant load of storey
above that
Arrangement of exits
If two exits are required, the two exits must
be apart by at least 1/5 of the perimeter of
the area served.
If three or more are required, they shall be
arranged a reasonable distance apart
Distance to exits
If without a sprinkler system, 45.00m
If with a sprinkler system, 60.00m
Measured from any point in a building,
measured along the line of travel
Exit Doors
When serving an occupant load of 50 or
more, must swing in the direction of exit
Double acting doors shall not be used as
exits when serving a tributary load of more
than 100. Must be provided with a view
panel of not less than 1300 sq. cm.
Type of locks
Exit doors shall be openable from the inside
without the use of a key or any special
knowledge or effort
Size of doors
Minimum width of doorway: 0.90mm
Minimum height of doorway: 2.00m
Minimum clear width of exitway: 0.70m
Shall be capable of opening at least 90
Maximum door leaf width: 1.20m
Prohibited door
The following shall not be used as exit
Revolving doors
Sliding doors
Overhead doors
Change in floor level at doors
There shall be a floor or a landing on each side
of an exit door
The floor/landing shall not be more than
50mm lower than the door threshold
Exception: For Group A or B occupancies, a
door may open over the top step provided that
the landing is not more than 200mm from the
floor level and the door does not swing over
the top step.
Minimum width: 1.10m
This width shall be unobstructed, except
that trim handrails and doors when fully
opened shall not reduce the required with
by more than 200mm.
Doors in any position shall not reduce the
width by more than ½.
Dead ends
Maximum length: 6.00m
Stairways Widths
Occupant load more than 50: 1.10m
Occupant load of 50 or less: 0.90m
Occupant load of less than 10 (private): 0.75m
Handrails shall not reduce the width of
stairways by more than 100mm
Riser and tread
Maximum riser: 200mm
Minimum tread: 250mm
Stairway headroom
Not less than
2.00m measured
from the nosing
Length = stairway width
If the stairway has a straight run, landing
length does not need to exceed 1.20m
Landing width shall not be reduced by more
than 100mm by any door when fully opened
Max. vertical distance between landings:
Stairways shall have handrails on each side
If a stairway is more than 3.00m in width, at
least one intermediate handrail shall be
Height of handrails: 800-900mm above the
nosing of treads
In Group A or B occupancies, stairways 1.10m or
less in width serving one individual dwelling
may have one handrail only
Stairways having less than four risers need not
have handrails
Basement stairways
If a basement stairway and a stairway to an
upper storey terminate at the same exit
enclosure, a barrier shall be provided to
prevent persons from continuing into the
Also; provided directional exit signs
Winding stairways
Allowed as exits as long as the required tread
(250mm) is provided at a point 300mm away
from the narrow end
However, the tread must not be narrower
than 150mm at any point
Circular stairways
May be used as exits provided that the
minimum width of run is not less than
Aisles leading to an exit shall be provided for
all portions with installed seats, tables, etc.
Shall be at least 0.80m wide if serving only
one side, or 1.00m if serving both sides
This minimum width shall be measured at
the point farthest from the exit, and shall be
increased by 30mm for every meter in length
towards the exit
Aisle travel distance
The line of travel to an exit door by an aisle
shall not be more than 45.00m
Maximum 7 seats between wall and aisle
Maximum 14 seats between two aisles
Maximum slope: 1 in 8
The number of seats between aisles may be
increased to 30 if:
Exit doors are provided along each aisle at the
rate of 1 pair of exit doors for every 5 rows of
The back-to-back distance between seats is 1.00m
Minimum clear width of exit doors is 1.70m
Standard seats
Back-to-back distance: 840mm minimum
Width: 450mm minimum
Back-to-back distance:
600mm if without backrests
850m if with backrests
850mmif chair seating
Width: 450mm minimum
Rise: 400mm maximum
Number of seats between any seat and an aisle
shall not exceed 15 seats (31 seats bet. 2 aisles)
Fire extinguishing systems
Automatic fire extinguishing systems are
required for the following:
Habitable storeys with an area of 200 sqm or
more with an occupant load of more than 20
Dressing rooms, rehearsal rooms, workshops or
factories with occupant load of more than 10
Assembly halls under Group H and I with
occupant load of more than 500
Dry standpipes
All buildings 4 or more storeys in height shall
be equipped with one or more dry standpipes
Standpipes shall be located within enclosed
stairway landings
Siamese connections shall be located on the
street-front of a building 300mm-1200mm
above grade
Wet standpipes
The following shall have wet standpipes:
Group H or I occupancy of any height
Group C occupancy 2 or more storeys in height
Groups B, D, E F and G 3 or more storeys in height
Group G and E occupancy over 1800 sqm in area
Group H buildings without stage whose seating
capacity is less than 500
Locations of wet standpipes
All portions of the building are within 6.00m
of a nozzle attached to a hose 23.00m in
length (standpipes 58.00m apart)
For assembly occupancies:
1 outlet on each side of the stage
1 at the rear of the auditorium
1 at the rear of the balcony