Rule 102 Flashcards
For the purpose of this rule, the following definitions will apply. Employee shall mean all members of the Boston Police Department, both officers and civilian personnel. Force refers to the sworn membership of the Department who are vested with full police powers. Officer means a sworn Department member clothed with full police powers.
Police officers are more visible to the community than most other persons in government or public service. Public scrutiny, and sometimes public criticism, is directed not only at police performance but also at the behavior of those who deliver police services. The establishment of proper standards for police behavior must take into account not only the expectations of the citizen but also the importance of respecting the individual rights of police employees. The Boston Police Department recognizes that its employees have certain basic personal rights and restricts those rights only where necessary to ensure the integrity of the Department and the highest quality of police service are maintained.
Section 3 - CONDUCT
Employees shall conduct themselves AT ALL TIMES, both ON and OFF DUTY in such a manner as to reflect most favorably on the Department. Conduct unbecoming an employee shall include that which tends to indicate that the employee is unable or unfit to continue as a member of the Department, or tends to impair the operation of the Department or its employees.
This includes any conduct or omission which is not in accordance with established and ordinary duties or procedures as to such employees or which constitutes use of unreasonable judgment in the exercising of any discretion granted to an employee.
Employees of the Department shall sign a receipt for a copy of this and all other subsequent Rules and Procedures of the Department as they are promulgated. Employees shall maintain their copies of the Rules and Procedures of the Department in the binder provided and shall be prepared to produce their binder for the examination or inspection by the members of the Staff Inspection Division or any superior officer or supervisor upon reasonable notification. In addition, employees shall be responsible for knowledge of, and full compliance with, all Rules and Procedures of the Department that apply to their duties. District and unit commanders shall return the signed acknowledgments of the receipt of Department Rules and Procedures to the Office of Staff Inspections after all personnel under their command have signed the receipt list.
Superior officers and supervisors shall be held accountable for the actions of all subordinates subject to their authority and under their command.
Except as otherwise provided by law, all officers of the Department shall live in the City of Boston. All employees of the Department shall report their places of residence and their telephone number to the Commanding Officer or supervisor of the Bureau, Division, District, Unit or Office to which they are assigned. They shall also report to that person any change of residence or telephone number WITHIN TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS after such change. The procedures which follow are instituted to standardize the process for all Department employees reporting a change of their name, address, telephone number or tax withholdings and to ensure compliance with Internal Revenue Service record keeping regulations.
Employees shall OBEY and COMPLY with all rules, orders and other directives of the Department whether transmitted verbally or in writing. Employees shall obey all orders of a superior officer or supervisor.
Sec. 8 - Improper Orders
An employee, given an order which he believes to be improper or not in accordance with Department rules, must obey the order. He may then appeal the matter to his commanding officer, and if the matter is not resolved at that level, it may be appealed through the chain of command to the Police Commissioner.
Sec. 8 - Conflicting Orders
An employee given an order which conflicts with Department rules and/or policies or with a previous order from a higher authority, shall PROMPTLY and RESPECTFULLY call the conflict to the attention of the superior officer or supervisor giving the order. If the superior officer or supervisor does not withdraw or change his order to avoid the conflict, the order shall be binding upon the employee unless or until it is specifically countermanded by an officer or supervisor of higher rank.
Employees shall, ON ALL OCCASIONS, be civil and respectful, courteous and considerate toward their supervisors, their subordinates and all other members of the Department and the general public. No employee shall use epithets or terms that tend to denigrate any person(s) due to their race, color, creed, gender identity or sexual orientation except when necessary in police reports or in testimony.
A. Employees shall report for duty at the time and place specified by their superior officer or supervisor and shall be physically and mentally fit to perform their duty. They shall be PROPERLY EQUIPPED and COGNIZANT of the information required for the proper performance of duty so that they may immediately assume their duties. They shall acquaint themselves with all matters occurring since their last tour of duty which affect their responsibilities and be accountable for compliance with all new orders, rules, bulletins and circulars.
B. No officer shall work or be permitted to work more than the equivalent of two (2) tours of duty or more than eighteen (18) hours in any given twenty-four (24) hour period. This shall include all hours worked (including, but not limited to regularly scheduled tour of duty, overtime, court time, paid details, working in (W/I), union business, outside employment). However, if an Officer is ordered to work an assignment that will put the officer beyond the Eighteen (18) hours due to the operational needs of the Department
C. No officer shall work more than ninety (90) hours in one (1) week, from 8:00 AM Saturday until 8:00 AM the following Saturday. These hours shall include all hours worked (i.e. regularly scheduled tour of duty, overtime, court time, paid details, compensatory time, union business, outside employment). Any tour of duty missed due to illness or injury, suspension or administrative leave shall also be included in the calculation of the total of hours worked for the week.
Section 11 - GROOMING
All uniformed personnel when reporting for duty shall be properly groomed. Hair shall be neatly trimmed and not overhanging a shirt collar. Side burns may not extend below the bottom of the ear and shall be straight and neatly trimmed and not be allowed to flare out from the ear. In no case shall the bulk of the hair interfere with the proper wearing of uniform headgear. If a beard or mustache is worn, it shall be well groomed and neatly trimmed at all times in order not to present a ragged appearance. Full and partial beards are authorized, but patchy, spotty clumps of facial hair are not considered beards and as such are not permitted. The bulk of the beard (distance that the mass of facial hair protrudes from the skin of the face) shall not exceed one-half an inch. The length of the individual facial hair shall be limited to three quarters of an inch. No portion of any mustache will extend below the lip line of the upper lip. Police officers, while in uniform, shall not wear earrings or ear-studs; nose-studs; or any type of necklace chain or medallion outside of a uniform shirt, blouse or jacket.
Employees shall remain awake and alert while on duty.
Employees shall not drink alcoholic beverages when on duty unless it is necessary to gain evidence and upon the order of a superior officer. Employees shall not appear for duty or be on duty while under the influence of alcoholic beverages to any degree whatever or have an odor of alcohol on their breath. Employees shall not smoke or chew tobacco while in uniform, when in view of the public, or when in contact with the public. (This is not meant to prohibit smoking in a sector car, wagon, or unmarked car.) No employee shall smoke or chew tobacco when in direct contact with the public (while taking a report, conducting an interview, or making an investigation on private property), in uniform or in plainclothes.