Ruby Flashcards
See how many letters in a string
“String”.length = 6
Flip letters backwards
“String”.reverse = gnirtS
Multiplying strings
“String” * 5 = stringstringstringstringstring
Convert an things into a string
40.to_s = 40
Convert things into integers
'5 is the number'.to_i = 5 'The number is 5'.to_i = 0 #to_i ignores the first thing it doesnt understand(and the rest of the string from that point on.) so the first one was converted to 5 but the second, sonce they started with letters, were completely ignored so the computer picked zero.
What are [ ]?
Empty lists. Lists store things in order.
Like a line for popcorn.
Check which one is the highest in an array.
[12, 47, 35].max = 47
What is a variable?
A place where you store programs and save them for later use
Arranging values in order
What are arrays?
Lists for storing things in order
Converts things into floating point number.
99.to_f = 99.0
Convert things into an array.
Convert things into list.
Target and find things then search and replace.
poem[‘string’]= ‘replacement’
What is chaining?
Combining methods to get a lot more done. #ex. poem.lines.to_a.reverse.join - break up a poem, reverse it, reassemble it.
What is { }?
An empty hash. A little dictionary. Hash is a series of key value.
Hash recipe: variable = {key:value}
B= {name : antoine}
What are symbols?
\: tiny efficient code words with a colon. #ex. :splendid
What are blocks?
Chunks of code which can be tacked on to many of rubys methods. #ex. books.values.each { |rate| ratings[rate] += 1}
What is def
def means define. Define a method or create one. #ex. def look <<< method name
What is File.foreach?
A method which opens a file and hands each line to the block.
What’s split?
A method for strings, which breaks the string up into an array.
What is strip?
A method that removes extra spaces.
What is attr?
What are classes?
Everything in Ruby is some kind of object. Classes explain objects. How a certain object works.