RTK, RSTK, intracellular receptors + rhythms Flashcards
what are the 2 types of tyrosine kinase receptors (RTK)?
- typically, RTKs function as ________
- receptors with intrinsic kinase activity –> receptors themselves have catalytic activity
- receptors that recruit a kinase when bound to a ligand
- function as dimers/in pairs –> signal initiation requires 2 receptors binding to ligand (but some work as monomers as well: ie VEGF receptor)
what is the most studied RTK with intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity?
- _______-______ structure –> 4 subunits
- MW = ___ kDA
- each dimer is processed from a ________ precursor protein/gene –> formation of _____ bonds + proteolytic ____________
- btw ____ and ________ receptors per cell –> highest in which 2 types of cells?
- homology with which receptor?
- insulin receptor!
- hetero-tetrameric structure –> 2 a and 2 b chains held together by S-S bonds
- MW = 400 kDa
- a single precursor –> disulfide bonds + proteolytic cleavage
- btw 100 and 200 000 receptors per cell (highest in adipocytes and hepatocytes)
- with insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1)
what are the 3 main steps of insulin receptor? after binding of ligand
(binding of ligand)
1. autophosphorylation of intracellular/cytoplasmic domain of receptor
2. docking and phosphorylation of IRS-1 or IRS-2 (2nd messengers: insulin receptor substrate)
3. activation of 2 major signal pathways (MAPK and PIP3)
what is the first protein that RTK phosphorylates?
IRS-1 or IRS-2
MAPK pathway –> also called what pathway?
- 7 steps
- insulin receptor binds insulin and undergoes autophosphorylation on its carboxyl-terminal Tyr residues
- insulin receptor phosphorylates IRS-1 on its Tyr residue
- SH2 domain of Grb2 (adaptor protein) binds to phosphorylated Tyr residue of IRS-1 –> Grb2 recruits sos, sos recruits Ras, causing GDP release and GTP binding to Ras
- activated Ras binds and activates Raf-1
- Raf-1 phosphorylates MEK on 2 Ser residues, activating it. MEK phosphorylates ERK on Thr and Tyr residues, activating it
- ERK moves into nucleus and phosphorylates nucleus transcription factors such as Elk1, activating them
- phosphorylated Elk1 joins SRF to stimulate the transcription and translation of a set of genes needed for cell division
- what type of protein are grb2, sos and ras?
- ras is similar to which protein. why?
- ERK1/2 –> typically activated separately or together
- ERK1/2 phosphorylating TFs like (4) is well defined mechanism of regulation of what?
- ERK __ can bind to ____ and inhibit other ____ from binding = ______ modulation
- adaptor proteins! (connecting proteins)
- to G protein bc has to replace GDP by GTP
- together!
- like Elk, SRF, Ets, c-Fos –> well defined mechanism of regulation of gene expression
- ERK 2 can bind to DNA and inhibit other TFs from binding = direct modulation
- where is ERK 1/2 phosphorylated? by who?
- ERK 1/2 can modulate proteins located where?
- phosphorylated in cytoplasm by MEK
- can modulate both nucleus and cytoplasmic proteins! by phosphorylating them!
- what does MAPK stands for?
- MAPK pathway includes a large complex _______ of proteins
- what is the uppermost level of kinase activity? vs 2nd level vs 1st level?
- give examples of each level for mitogen. –> leads to what? (6)
- mitogen activated protein kinase
- complex family of proteins
- Raf1/A/B –> MEK 1/2 –> ERK 1/2
(MLK –> MKK4/7 –> JNK1/2/3) (pathway for stress that’s analogous to ERK1/2 pathway) - leads to proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, gene expression, cell motility, change in metabolism
RTK signaling through PIP3
- 4 steps
- insulin receptor binds insulin and undergoes autophosphorylation on its carboxyl-terminal Tyr residues
- insulin receptor phosphorylates IRS-1 on its Tyr residue
- phosphorylated IRS-1 or IRS-2 activates PI3K by bindint to its SH2 domain. PI3K converts PIP2 to PIP3 (by adding a PO4 group)
- PKB bound to PIP3 is phosphorylated by PKD1. activated PKB phosphorylates GSK3 on a ser residue, inactivating it
*stop here, will continue rest when we talk about glucose metabolism
which enzyme converts phosphatidylinositol(4,5) bisphosphate to phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5) trisphosphate?
- what converts it back?
- PI3-K adds PO4
- PTEN removes PO4
what are the best known receptors in the class of recruited tyrosine kinase activity receptors? (4)
- also include ______/_______ receptors
- growth hormone, prolactin, interferon and leptin
- cytokine/haemopoietic receptors (over 20 members)
- Growth hormone has ___ bindings sites
1. GH binds to what?
2. what happens? –> initiates what?
3. what?
2 binding sites!
1. GH binds to receptor 1
2. binding of GH to receptor 1 recruits receptor 2 –> forming a dimeric complex –> dimerization of the cytoplasmic regions initiates signal transduction
3. GH-dimeric receptor complex recruits and activates JAK-2 (janus kinase = tyrosine kinase –> similar to IRS = first signal mediator)
- receptor recruits JAK –> what happens? (2 ish)
- then, 3 branches can be activated
- JAKs cross-phosphorylate each other on tyrosines (ie autophosphorylates) + phosphorylates receptors on tyrosines
1. activation of transcription regulatory proteins STAT (4 isoforms)
2. activation of MAPK pathway (as insulin signaling, but here JAK2 plays role of IRS1)
3. activation of PIP3 pathway
- what does STAT stand for?
- STATs act as what? where do they go?
- explain JAK-STAT pathway
- signal transducer and activator of transcription
- act as transcription factor –> they dock onto the the phosphorylated cytoplasmic domain of receptors
1. JAKs cross-phosphorylate each other on tyrosines (ie autophosphorylates)
2. JAKs phosphorylates receptors on tyrosines
3. STATs dock onto specific phosphotyrosines on receptor through SH2 domains –> JAKs phorphorylates them
4. STATS dissociate from receptor and dimerize via their SH2 domain
5. STATs migrate to nucleus, bind to DNA and other gene regulatory proteins –> regulate gene expression
what are the similarities and differences between IRS-1 and JAK?
- both can activate MAPK and PIP3 pathways
- IRS-1 is from intrinsic tyrosine activity receptors
- JAK is from recruited tyrosine activity receptors + can activate STAT pathway
what is the main signal modulator for serine-threonine kinase receptors (RSTK)?
- 3 categories
- what doe they serve as?
- smad proteins are mediators of TGF-b signaling (best known receptor in RSTK class of receptors)
1. regulatory smad
2. copartner smad
3. inhibitory smad - smads serve as transcription factors –> regulate gene expression
explain 6 steps of TGF-b1 receptor (transforming growth factor beta 1 receptor)
- TGF-b1 binds to TGF-bRII
- TGF-bRI is recruited –> dimerizes (NOTE that RII and RI are 2 different receptors (unlike GH receptors) and coded by 2 different genes = heterodimers)
- phosphorylation of dimer
- phosphorylation of smad3 and smad2 (both regulatory smads)
*smad7 (inhibitory smad) can inhibit phosphorylation of smad 3 and 2 - phosphorylated smad 2 and smad 3 recruit smad 4 (copartner smad)
- complex enters nucleus and act as transcription factor to regulate gene expression
- which 2 types of hormones bind to a family of intracellular receptors?
- where are intracellular receptors located in? (2)
- intracellular receptors function as what?
- typically, response is slow/fast? why?
- steroid and thyroid hormones –> both lipid soluble hormones (+ some smaller like vit B and D)
- cytoplasm or nucleus
- function as hormone regulated transcription factors
- typically, response is slow since transcription and translation of proteins are necessary (vs all kinase pathways can change enzymatic function in cytoplasm = response is quicker)
what are the 4 main domains of nuclear receptors?
- what does that tell you?
- DNA binding domain (DBD) –> all TFs have them
- P-box (half-site specificity) –> NR typically fct as dimers –> have to read 2 similar sequences = 2 half-sites
- nuclear localization signal –> bc have to enter nucleus
- hormone/ligand binding domain (LBD)
- by looking at structure, you know that nuclear receptors are transcription factors and hormone dependent
what is the nuclear receptor signaling mechanism?
- hormone enters cell and nucleus
- hormone binds to NR –> which binds to specific sequence on DNA (ie hormone response element) –> change transcription by interacting with coactivators and corepressors
- leads to transcription to mRNA + translation to protein + phenotypic change
DNA binding domain:
- homodimer sequence
vs heterodimer
- 1 dimer: AGAACA
vs other dimer: TCTTGA
- 1 dimer: AGGTCA
vs other dimer: AGGTCA
?????????? confused
- hormone bound NR bind to HRE to allow formation of what?
- general TFs allow what?
- of pre-initiation complex!
- allow pol II to do its work
which pathways can GPCR activate? vs receptor tyrosine kinase?
- all will modify (2)
- many signaling pathways ________, resulting in a complex signaling _______
- G-protein –> adenylyl cyclase –> cAMP –> PKA
- G-protein –> phospholipase C –> IP3 –> Ca2+ + DAG –> PKC
- phospholipase C –> IP3 –> Ca2+ + DAG –> PKC
- Grb2 –> Ras-GEF –> Ras –> MAPKKK –> MAPKK –> MAPK
- PI3K –> PIP3 –> PDK1 –> PKB
- modify gene regulatory proteins and target proteins
- overlap –> signaling network!
Jean-Jacques Mairan = what type of scientist?
- what experiment with mimosa pudica?
- ended up being a 18th century ____________
- astronomer
- kept mimosa pudica completely in darkness –> leaves would continue to open and close in a 24 hour cycle –> friend published results –> 1st publication about rhythms
- chronobiologist –> study of clock/time
- what is a rhythm?
- exogenous or endogenous mechanism?
- mechanisms entrained by internal/external cues? –> 5 examples of cues
- circadian vs infradian vs ultradian rhythm? + examples
- signal from brain independent of external cues
- endogenous mechanism
- entrained by external cues! –> that’s how there is synchronization –> light-dark cycle, temperature, feeding, social cues, stress
CIRCADIAN: 24-hour cycle: - hormone secretion, sleep-wake, body temp
INFRADIAN: longer cycle - reproductive cycle, hibernation, molting, breeding
ULTRADIAN: shorter cycle - sleep stages, heart beat, hormone secretion
what type of rhythm is hormone secretion?
can be all 3! circadian, infradian and ultradian!
examples of circadian rhythm:
- cortisol secretion: max btw when?
- GH and prolactin: maximal secretion when?
- cortisol: max btw 6-8 am
- GH and prolactin: max 1h after going to sleep
- can rhythms change during development? example?
- rhythms must be considered when?
- yes! as we go through puberty, growth, menopause
ie: gonadotropin: released mainly at night during puberty –> released in pulsatile fashion in adults - when measuring hormone levels! to interpret for health and disease!
- How do cells know the time of day?
- what are its main proteins? + function
- mammals have a core clock! a central molecular clock that can alter gene expression
- 2 main proteins/TFs = BMAL and CLOCK
- function together as heterodimers –> bind to their element on DNA sequence/promoters –> drive gene expression of clock controlled genes (CCGs)
what are the transcriptional activator and repressor for BMAL?
- what are they?
- ROR = transcriptional activator
- REV = transcriptional repressor
- both are nuclear receptors/transcription factors
which proteins inhibit the expression of CCGs? how?
- CRY1 and PER proteins –> these proteins are CCGs
- they function as heterodimers and interact with BMAL and CLOCK to inhibit their action –> negative feedback loop of CCGs
what is the circadian pacemaker?
- where is it?
- has an intrinsic/extrinsic rhythm of approximately how long?
- what is its main Zeitgeber?
- which cells are primarily responsible for entrainment?
- Suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons (and astrocytes) –> fire with circadian rhythm
- in hypothalamus
- intrinsic rhythm of around 24 hours 11 min
- LIGHT is the main Zeitgebeter (german word for timer) tha entrains SCN clock –> LIGHT = external cue that controls SCN –> if no light/external cue: SCN will fire at 24h11min = will become off-phase of our days
- photosensitive ganglion cells responsible for entrainment/resetting of SCN thyrhm
where are the ganglion cells that are responsible for entrainment of SCN?
in the retina! –> send signal to SCN for it to reset
- what are peripheral clocks?
- how are peripheral clocks regulated?
- peripheral clock = circadian rhythm intrinsic to peripheral tissues
- external cues (light) –> central clock of SNC –> controls the rhythm of local/peripheral clocks (sets of neurons that control their own stuff) ie feeding, fasting, hormones
BUT some external cues (ie exercise, feeding, pathogens) can directly regulate peripheral clocks
SCN controls peripheral clocks via which 2 pathways?
autonomic and neuroendocrine pathways
which tract is the neuronal connection from retina to SCN?
retinohypthalamic tract
- what acts as link btw external photoperiod and internal milieu?
- what does it secrete? from which cells?
- secretion regulated by what?
- what can the secreted substance do?
- pineal gland!
- melatonin secreted by pinealocyte
- under direct regulation of SNC neurons
- melatonin (and light) can reset clock of SCN bc SCN has melatonin receptors –> bidirectional crosstalk!
how does SNC control secretion of melatonin? 6 steps ish
- photosensitive ganglion cell –> SNC –> neurons –> superior cervical ganglion –> secretion of norepinephrine –> b-adrenergic receptor = GPCR –> cAMP –> prot synthesis –> N-acetyl transferase –> allows conversion of tryptophan to melatonin –> melatonin goes into blood
when is melatonin produced?
- true for all animals? even nocturnal ones?
- melatonin peaks repeat at what interval?
- pineal gland begins producing melatonin in evening –> levels peak in the middle of the night –> decline to low daytime amounts in morning
- true whether animal is nocturnal or not!
- peaks repeat at regular intervals at rhythm of day and night –> shorter during winger, longer during summer
- ________ ______ involved in control of circadian rhythms
- secretes ______ (hormone of the ______)
- 10-fold increase/decrease in dark depending on age (does the peak level increase or decrease as we age?)
- neural connection btw secreted hormone and SCN through what?
- neural connection btw secreted hormone and retina through what?
- what about neural connection with other tissues?
- pineal gland
- melatonin = hormone of the dark
- increase in dark –> peak level decrease as we age (as do all endocrine secretions)
- through melatonin receptor (MT1 receptors)
- through MT2 receptors in retina
- MT1/2 receptors present in other tissues
- melatonin can regulation production of which 4 hormones
- MT1/2 are what type of receptors?
- Cortisol, GnRH, gonadotropins, TSH
- how can light dark cycle regulate rhythmicity of melatonin secretion?
- how can SCN regulate various other hormones? (3)
- light dark cycle resets SCN –> suprachiasmic nucleus interacts with pineal gland and resets the rhythmicity of melatonin secretion
- SCN functions through neuroendocrine, neuronal connections and pineal gland (functioning through melatonin) to regulate various other hormones
what are the potential 5 other functions of melatonin apart from its main function (what is it?)
- main function = regulation of sleep
1. adjustment of jet lag (especially travelling east > 5 time zones)
2. melatonin supplements can be a sleeping aid in elderly (4min decrease in time to fall asleep and 12 min increase in total sleep)
3. marketed as “Health Food Additive”
4. antioxidant (not super conclusive anti-aging properties), but would need supraphysiological levels (super high doses)
5. enhancement of immunity + tumor therapy (evidence is not clear)
what are the adverse side effects of exogenous melatonin? (4)
- daytime sleepiness and hypothermia
- desensitization of melatonin receptors if doses too high
- possible adverse events in those with seizures
- possible interaction/crosstalk with those taking coumadin/warfarin (anticoagulant)
endocrine rhythms –> study
- difference in growth hormone levels between subjects with sleep and without sleep?
- without sleep –> NO peak of growth hormone
- with sleep –> big peak of growth hormone at night!
= do not deprive yourself of sleep!!
how are hormones regulated? typically? but can also be?
- regulation can be __________ as well! classic example?
- one hormone regulates secretion of a 2nd hormone, and that 2nd hormone can come back and regulate the secretion of the 1st hormone = negative feedback system BUT can also be positive feedback system
- can be hierarchical multi-tier as well!
ie: hypothalamus (tier 1) controls pituitary (tier 2), which controls target gland (tier 3) –> there is negative feedback at each level + target gland secretion can regulate both tier 1 and 2
what happens if hormone secretion is not well regulated = endocrine _________? (5)
endocrine disorders!
1. overproduction
2. underproduction
3. altered tissue response
4. tumors of endocrine organ –> productive (overproduction) or non-productive (underproduction)
5. excessive hormone metabolism