RTBC-Skull Flashcards
Which cranial bone is best visualized on the anteroposterior (AP) axial projection of the skull, Towne method?
Occipital bone
Which projection demonstrates the frontal bone with minimal distortion and superimposition?
posteroanterior (PA) axial projection, Caldwell method
On a properly positioned posteroanterior (PA) axial projection of the skull (Caldwell method), the central ray exits at the level of the:
The articulation of the frontal bones with the nasal bones is known as the:
What is the degree difference between the orbitomeatal line (OML) and the infraorbitomeatal line (IOML)?
7 degrees
The pterygoid process is a part of which bone?
On a parietoancanthial projection of the paranasal sinuses, Waters method, the petrous ridges should:
be projected just below the maxillary sinuses
The line that extends through the midline of the orbits is also known as the:
Interpupillary line
Which facial bone is found in the medial wall of the orbit between the ethmoid and the maxilla?
When performing a lateral projection to evaluate facial bones, the central ray entrance point is:
midway between outer canthus and the external auditory meatus (EAM)
How should the central ray be directed when performing a posteroanterior (PA) (Caldwell method) of the sinuses with a vertical image receptor?
In which bone are the optic foramina located?
Sphenoid bone
When the patient is properly positioned for a posteroanterior (PA) axial projection of the skull, Caldwell method, what two anatomic structures will be in contact with the image receptor?
nose and forehead
The parietoacanthial projection of the sinuses (modified Waters), in which the central ray passes through the patient’s open mouth, best demonstrates which paranasal sinus?
A properly positioned posteroanterior (PA) axial projection of the average skull, or Caldwell method, will project the petrous ridges:
In the lower third of orbits
Which group of paranasal sinuses is located directly inferior and anterior to the sella turcica?
Which three bones does the temporal bone articulate?
Parietal, Occipital, and Sphenoid
For a parietoacanthial projection, Waters method, the first step in positioning is to have which body part(s) resting against the image receptor (IR)?
What is most likely indicated if an air-fluid level is seen in the sphenoid sinus on a lateral skull radiograph?
Basal skull fracture
The hard palate is formed by which bones?
Maxilla and Palatine
Which projection requires the patient to extend the neck until the infraorbitomeatal line (IOML) is parallel to the image receptor?
Submentovertical (SMV) projection
Which cranial bone contains a petrous portion and mastoid air cells?
Temporal bone
Which type of fracture occurs only in the orbit?
Which sinuses are visualized on a properly positioned lateral projection radiograph?
Ethmoid, Frontal, Maxillary, and Sphenoid
What radiographic positioning landmark corresponds to the location of the anterior nasal spine?