RTBC-Image Production Flashcards
The area on the anode where electrons are converted into photons is known as the:
Actual focal spot
As the anode angle is decreased, what happens to the severity of the anode heel effect?
Increased heel effect
A radiograph with a wide window width is described as having:
long-scale contrast
Concerning personal health records, federal law does NOT allow a patient to:
remove their health records from a system database
A beam with more divergence can cause increased:
penumbra and distortion
Which of the following describes the beam energy produced by a waveform with a low-voltage ripple?
high beam energy
Scatter radiation does NOT affect:
recorded spatial resolution
A radiograph is acquired using 10 milliampre-seconds (mAs) and 50 kilovoltage peak (kVp). What new mAs is needed to double the image receptor exposure?
20 mAs
Which technical factors can affect image receptor exposure?
grids, kilovoltage peak (kVp), milliampere-seconds (mAs), source-to-image distance (SID)
The ability to produce a high-voltage electrical current in the x-ray tube is accomplished through which device?
When source-to-image distance (SID) is increased, which change must be made to maintain image receptor exposure?
increase milliampere-seconds (mAs)
Which two factors determine the size of the effective focal spot?
target angle and filament size
An image with high spatial resolution would also be described as having increased:
What is needed to move electrons through a circuit?
Image receptor exposure is defined as the:
amount of radiation striking the image receptor
What is true regarding low-pass filtering, or smoothing?
smoothing is a local processing operation
What device should be used to measure part thickness for accurate technique selection?
A radiograph that has high image contrast will have:
few shades of grey
In order for electric current to flow, the conducting material must be configured into a connecting loop this is known as a:
What is the outermost component of a computed radiography (CR) cassette?
carbon fibers