RT 111 Flashcards
Explain Anode Heat
- projectile e interact w/ outer shell e
- low energy = NOT ionize, but excited
- excited outer shell e releases heat/infrared
- e returns to og state
Explain Characteristic Radiation
- projectile e interact w/ inner shell
- inner shell ionize = e void
- outer shell e fill vacancy
- transition of outer to inner = charac x-rays
*low energy = orbital e fill is far from void
*high energy =orbital e fill is near void
Explain Bremsstrahlung Radiation
- projectile e miss orbital e, interact w/ nuclear field
- projectile e is slowed down & change direction
- slowed down fx = brems
*low energy =pe barely influenced by nuclear field (deflection =far)
*high energy =pe highly influenced (deflection =close to nucleus)
[qualifications] Radiologist
4 yrs undergrad
4yrs grad
3-4 residency
total: 12 yrs
[qualifications] Radiologic Technologist
3 yrs academia
1 yr internship
[qualifications] X-ray Technologist
2 yrs academia
1 yr internship
demo’d a current of elec by transmitting elec from leyden jar thru wires and a vacuum tube
William Watson
noticed the coloration and the difference in color of partially evacuated tubes
William Morgan
induced an electric current by moving a magnet in and out of a coil
Michael Faraday (1831)
made significant improvement in induction coils
HD Ruhmkorff
[3] worked on cathode rays
Johann Wilhel Hittorf
William Crookes
Philipp Lenard
[yr, person] produced first recognized vacuum, BAROMETER (mercury)
1643 Evangelista Torricelli
[yr, person] invented an air pump capable of removing air from a vessel or tube
1646 Otto Van Guericke
[yr, person] first photographic copy of written material
1727 JH Scholts (johannes heinrich)
[yr, person] produced first film w/ gelatin silver bromide emulsion
1871 RL Maddox (richard leach)
[yr, person] produced and patented roll paper film
1884 George Eastman
[date, person] discovered x-rays (barium platinocyanide glowed)
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
Nov 8, 1895
1901 nobel
[person] developed fluoroscope
Thomas Edison
[yr, person] first casualty of x-ray -both arm ampu
1904 Clarence Dally
[yr, person] first medical x-ray hand
1896 Bertha (wife)
coil of wire that emits e when heated
[component, purpose] filament
thoriated tungsten [thorium -enhance efficiency, prolongs tube life; tungsten - 3410 C]
nega charged metal cup that houses filament, confines e beam to a small area of anode
focusing cup