R.S Unit 8.1 Rights and Responsibilities Flashcards
Bible to make moral decisions:
- Word of God, absolute authority
- God’s teachings on how to behave, the Decalogue
- Teachings of Jesus, Son of God (Sermon on the Mount)
- Life of Jesus, how Jesus would respond
Not just the Bible to make moral decisions:
- Not actual word of God, reflection of social situation
- No modern day issues like contraception
- Church interpret Bible
- Conscience to decide to use Bible or other means
Church to make moral decisions:
- Body of Christ, same authority
- God speaks through Church
- Authority from Magisterium interpret Bible
- All believe same thing, rather than different opinions
Conscience to make moral decisions:
- Voice of God
- Church says to use conscience
- Christian thinker, St. Thomas Aquinas
- Direct voice of God
Not using conscience to make moral decisions:
- Mistake voice of God, Yorkshire Ripper claimed God told him to kill
- Teachings of the Bible
- Teachings of the Church
- If everyone followed conscience instead of laws, chaos
Situation ethics to make moral decisions:
- Jesus overruled Old Testament to heal paralysed man
- Wrong to ignore consequences of actions
- Jesus’s statement ‘Love your neighbour’
- Religion of love and forgiveness
Not using situation ethics to make moral decisions:
- God made laws to follow
- . Church knows better
- Never know all facts to make decisions
- All same thing better than individual ideas
What do Protestants use to make moral decisions:
- Usually the Bible, issues like murder
- Conscience about homosexuality
- Modern issues, contraception, Church/conscience
What do Catholics use to make moral decisions:
- Usually Magisterium, Church, modern life
- Situation ethics issues like AIDS
- Conscience about homosexual intercourse
Why is it important to have human rights?
- Right to life, no death penalty, no killing innocent
- Right to participate in free elections, everyone treated fairly
- Right not to be discriminated, range of beliefs/cultures accepted
- Right to an education, can get a job
Why are human rights important to Christians?
- Right to life, sanctity of life
- All made in God’s image, all treated fairly
- Christians are protected to practice beliefs
- Rights to procession, celebrate festivals such as Easter
What are the problems with human rights for Christians?
- Right to form a civil partnership, homosexuality against Bible
- Against marrying outside religion
- Against homosexulas having a family (adoption)
- Roman Catholics don’t allow women priest, discrimination
Who are people entitled to vote for?
- MPs who sit in the House of Commons
- Local Councilors
Why is it important to vote in elections?
- Gives some control over tax rates
- Chance to affect new laws that may affect you
- Ancestors fought for democratic rights
- Countries whom do not have the right to vote usually treat their citizens badly
How does Jesus’ Golden Rule affect Christian moral duty and responsibility?
Golden rule - to treat others as you would like them to treat you:
- Asylum seekers, put in their situation
- Vote for candidates that will benefit people