RS-topic 2- matters of life and death Flashcards
Yay!! 20/20 in end of topic test:)
5 reasons
Why do Christians believe in Life after Death
6 reasons
- Jesus rose
- St Paul says Christians will rise like JC- 1 Corin
- St John says there will be a judgement day- good=heaven. bad=hell
- Creeds say there is life after death
- All churches say their is life after death
- Gives life meaning and purpose
5 reasons
How do Christian beliefs in life after death affect their lives?
(3 reasons)
- They believe how they live affects final destination (heaven/hell)
- WWJD? follow his example ‘love your neighbour’ and the good samaritan
- ‘whatever you do for the least of these’ mother Teresa sheep and goats- how do you separate?
5 reasons
Why do Muslims believe in life after death?
5 reasons
- Qur’an teaches them
- Muhammad teaches them
- 6 main beliefs- L after D is one of them
- Life is a test- involves judgement. pass=heaven. fail=hell
- Gives life meaning and purpose
5 reasons
How do Muslim beliefs in life after death affect their lives?
(4 reasons)
- Need to live as good muslim because need to be ready for judgement day- plain of Arafat- Saudi Arabia.
- Follow teachings of 5 pillars so you go to heaven.
- Follow Shari’ah food and alcohol laws. Halal no pig.
- No post mortens/transplants–buried in 48hrs
5 reasons
Non-religious reasons for believing in life after death.
3 reasons
- Near death experiences & out of body experiences (light tunnel)
- Evidence for spirit world (example a medium is someone who claims to be able to communicate with dead and living.
- Evidence of reincarnation- freckles=entering of soul?!
5 reasons
Why some people do not believe in life after death
7 reasons
- They believe there is no God, therefore no heaven/hell
- Different religions have different ideas about life after death, if it was true, they’d all say the same thing.
- The evidence for L after D is based on holy books- which book should you believe?
- Science says the soul/mind cannot exist without the brain. But when people are dead, they’re brain dead- therefore no soul/mind exists
- Where is heaven/hell?
- How could we contact each other just with a soul? people are unrecognisable without a body.
- People believe in their family and if they don’t believe, they themselves probably won’t.
5 reasons
Reasons for abortion to legally occur.
4 reasons
- The mothers life is at risk.
- There is risk of injury to mother’s physical/mental health.
- Risk that another child in family would be at physical/mental health.
- Risk that baby will be seriously handicapped
5 reasons
How many weeks can an abortion occur unless mothers life is in danger
How many doctors have to agree for abortion?
24 weeks
2 doctors
5 reasons
Why is abortion controversial?
5 reasons
- Woman can do what she wants with her body- therefore she has the right to abort.
- Some people argue that a foetus born at 22-24 weeks can survive so limit should be reduces (18-200
- Should medical staff be forced to carry out abortions?
- Catholics believe life begins at conception. Therefore it is taking a life
- The baby cannot be considered a separate life until it can life outside the womb, therefore up until this point it is ok.
5 reasons
Christian attitudes to abortion
7 reasons
- Life is holy and belongs to God, therefore only God has the right to end a pregnancy. (sanctity of life)
- Life begins at conception- therefore it is taking a life and the 10 commandments say ‘Do not murder’
- Everyone has a right to life- a foetus has a right.
- There is evidence that women who abort can suffer guilt which can lead to mental illness.
- Adoption is a better solution because it preserves life.
- Doctrine of Double effect- mother is most important.
- Even if women has been raped, one sinful act should not provoke another. They believe good can come out of evil.
5 reasons
Liberal attitudes to abortion and why?
3 because 2
- If mother has been raped=ok
- If the foetus is handicapped and would have no quality of life=ok
- If living in poverty and would have negative effects on rest of family.
BECAUSE - Jesus taught to love neighbour as yourself- abortion is the most loving thing to do
- They believe life does not begin at conception
5 reasons
What are Muslim (Islam) attitudes towards abortion (3 vs 3)
- Stirring- baby moving in stomach. Until then (120) days abortion allowed
- Mothers life is most important.
- Foetus isn’t a human until 120 days
VS - Soul given at moment of conception
- Qur’an says murder is wrong
- Qur’an bans abortion
5 reasons
Abortion became legal in 1967 because of..
6 reasons
- Backstreet abortions
- rape
- baby going to be handicapped
- mothers life at risk
- risk of physical/mental health of mother
- risk to existing children in family, physical/mental
5 reasons
Euthanasia definition
providing a gentle and easy end to someone suffering from a painful, terminal disease who has little quality of life. Can be done by assisted suicide, voluntary euthanasia and non voluntary euthanasia.
5 reasons
Why is Euthanasia a controversial issue?
5 reasons
- Do they really want it or do their relatives want their money?
- Cure may be found 1 yr later
- Doctors should save lives not end them- hypacratic oath to keep patients alive
- People might want to change their mind but it would be too late.
- What safeguards (rules) could be put in place to stop misuse?