R.S Keyword 12/03/20 Mock Flashcards
Acting against the will or laws of God.
The belief that there are certain actions that are always right or always wrong.
The belief that moral laws exist eternally and are not just human inventions.
The belief that through Jesus’ death and resurrection people can live forever with God.
The consequences of a wrong decision.
A penalty given by a person who has committed wrongdoing.
The end of physical life.
When your body stops working completely.
Eternal life
Life in Heaven.
How Jesus describes how we need to live
People who have accepted God’s forgiveness in this life, will live forever with God when they die.
This meeting with God is what we call Heaven
People who have chosen to reject God’s message have chosen to live away from God forever.
This lack of God for all of time is what we call Hell.
At the end of our life, we will be faced with a choice to choose God or reject God.
The decision we take leads to judgement and decides whether we go to Heaven or Hell.
The raising of the body to life again after death.
Christians believe that Jesus resurrected and that all people will experience it at the end of time.