RR8: RNA Processing I Flashcards
what do the different polymerases do?
pol 1: ribosomal RNA
pol 3: tRNA
pol 2: all the mRNAs and other important RNAs like snRNA and micro RNA
what is the distinguishing feature of RNA polymerase ii?
the fact that it has a CTD
it is very important, as RNA pol II does very different things than the other RNA polymerases
what is the structure of the CTD and what happens if you change it?
has 52 heptapeptide repeats (in humans) and 26 in yeast
7 proteins repeated 52 times
if you remove sections of these repeats from the CTD, the yeast die and they can’t grow anymore
the CTD is essential
what are the phosphorylations that happen on that heptapeptide sequence and what do they lead do?
one of the phosphorylations happens during transcriptional initiation by TFIIH (by the subunit called protein kinase module)
this protein kinase module will phosphorylate all serine 5’ in those heptapeptide repeats in the CTD at initiation
During elongation, serine 2 is also phosphorylated by another protein kinase
this protein plays a critical role in switching from post initiation to real true elongation
what is promoter clearance?
once RNA pol II initiates transcription and starts to form an RNA molecule, it will leave the promoter and GTFs (with exception of TBP)
it will dissociate and reassociate later on
how many nucleotides does pol 2 transcribe before it dissociates?
about 100 nucleotides, stops around the first nucleosome
what happens to the heptapeptide repeat sequence during that pause of RNA pol 2?
serine 5 on the CTD is phosphorylated thanks to TFIIH
this gives rise to specific structures on that sequence that is recognised by a very important enzyme required for the processing of the emerging 5’ end of the pre-mRNA (recruits this enzyme)
how are the exit channel and the CTD positioned relative to each other?
very close
what is the enzyme that is recruited by the phosphorylation of serine 5 on the CTD? and what does it do?
the capping enzyme
interacts with the phosphorylated CTD and becomes very active
recognises the 5’ end of the pre-mRNA and adds a 7-methylguanosine cap to that end
that cap is added thanks to a triphosphate 5’-5’ linkage
this cap will protect the 5’ end of the emerging nascent pre-mRNA from any exoribonucleases that might attack that 5’ end
what are other things that are done to protect the mRNA from ribonucleases?
in animal cells and higher plants the 2’ hydroxyl of ribose group of first nucleotide is methylated, and in vertebrates the second nucleotide is also methylated (on the 2’ hydroxyl)
what other effect except protection from ribonucleases does the cap have?
plays an important step later in processing and expression through its ability to facilitate nuclear export
plays a critical role in recruiting factors important for efficient translation
how is RNA pol II stalled?
- When RNA pol 2 leaves the pre-initiation complex it leaves an interface that was normally bound to those GTFs
- Once that region is freed, a very important protein interacts with it
- that protein is called negative elongation factor (NELF)
- That’s also associated with another protein called DSIF (Drb sensitive inhibitory factor)
- Drb is an inhibitor of elongation
- DSIF and NELF will bind RNA pol2 together, and NELF acts like a plug so that NTPs can’t get into the catalytic site —> elongation stops
- The presence of these two negative factors that slow RNA pol down and have it pause at or around the first nucleosome
how does RNA pol ii continue with elongation after its pause is over?
- The pause complex is also recognized by the other protein kinase critical for elongation which Isn’t associated with a GTF
- Cyclin dependent kinase called cdk9, coupled with cyclin T (also called P-TEFb)
- This kinase will recognise this paused complex and will phosphorylated NELF, DSIF, serine 2 on the heptapeptide repeat and will therefore cause NELF to leave the complex
- Another protein replaces it so that it can’t rebind afterwards
- Phosphorylation of DSIF changes its conformation and becomes instead of being a negative elongation factor, it forces the clamp down, ensuring that RNA pol 2 becomes very processive
- Another elongation promoting factors also associate with the complex
- P-TEFb plays a critical role from changing from stalled to elongation complex
what is the particular significance of the serine 2 phosphorylation?
it recruits factors required for RNA processing
what are the different RNA processing factors and when do those things happen?
splicing factors, poly adenylation factors, export factors
recognise serine 2 phosphorylation and use it as platform to interact with the large domain of RNA pol 2
this happens as RNA is being synthesised, all at once
what needs to happen for RNA to become mRNA?
introns need to be spliced out and exons have to be put together continuously so that they retain a reading frame so that translation works
what do DNA segments that encode introns do?
they are not junk, they encode regulatory information (cis acting elements and enhancers)
how was the discrepancy of the mRNA size and the DNA genes visualised in an experiment?
visualised with an EM micrograph
double stranded viral genes were separated and the mRNA that corresponds to that gene was allowed to bind and make a hybrid
mRNA-DNA hybrid
mRNA will bind to its complementary sequence and it will be seen that big loops in the DNA don’t correspond to anything
what mRNA interacts with is exons
what are the regions in an intron that are recognised by the intron splicing machinery?
throughout the introns per se there is little conservation, but there are specific conserved sequences necessary in specific sequences
* At the 5’ end of the intron to be spliced out: GU dinucleotide sequence
* At the 3’ end of the intron to be spliced out: AG
* Some of the sequences of the other side of the boundary are also conserved, but GUAG stands, it is needed for it to work
* towards the 3’ end of the intron there are also sequences that seem to be present very commonly: the pyrimidine rich region
* There is always an adenosine a bit upstream of that pyrimidine rich region
* Those adenosine is very important to the biochemical understanding of the splicing reaction (branch point)
what are the interactions between snRNPs and snRNAs that happen during intron splicing?
- splicing takes place by virtue of a number of RNA associated proteins
- Small nuclear RNAs (snRNA)
- snRNA are always associated with proteins
- The proteins that associated with snRNA are called small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs)
- the flavor is determined by the snRNA with which it associates (U1, U2, U3, 4, 5, 6 snRNPs)
- RNA-protein complex that are responsible for splicing RNA
- There are 6 snRNAs that are associated with these RNPs and most of them are generated by RNA pol 2 with the exception of U6
- U1 snRNA plays a critical role in splicing out introns by interacting with the boundary at the 5’ end of the intron and 3’ end of upstream exon
- There is base pairing between snRNA (u1) and some of the residues in the 3’ exon end and 5’ end of intron sequence, particularly the GU
- U2 snRNA also interacts with regions a bit upstream of the poly pyrimidine region
- It base pairs with nucleotides around that adenosine residue, called the branch point
- The A never base pairs, the residues around it yes will base pair with the U2 snRNA leaving the A to bulge out from that double stranded RNA
- This changes the conformation and makes it critical for some of the downstream reactions
- U1 and U2 snRNA have to base pair with the RNA in the intron that is to be excised
how was it tested that RNA:RNA pairing is critical for splicing?
- experiments were done to show how essential that is
- Experiments were done where that region that U1 snRNA binds to was modified, and that modification blocked splicing
- If you introduce oligonucleotides that interact with that region, you can also block splicing
- most convincing experiment:
- Transfected in a gene that had to be spliced but was mutated around those sequences, splicing didn’t happen
- But if they co transfected a cDNA that would give rise to a U1 snRNA that could interact to that mutated variant, splicing could be restored
- So, as long as U1 snRNA can interact with the sequence around that upstream boundary, then splicing will take place
- Compensatory mutation
- Same experiments were done with U2 to show that it to must base pair with nucleotides around the adenosine branch point
what are the trans-esterification reactions that occur during intron splicing?
- the whole rection (intron splicing) takes place very rapidly and is dependent on two trans estérification reactions
- the bulged out A plays a critical role here
- This conformation change enhances its ability to interact in the first trans estérification reaction
- The hydroxyl group on 2’ end of the bulged out adenosine carries out a nucleophilic attack on the phosphorus present and attached to the upstream exon
- In doing so it creates a new phosphoester bond, lariat structure (2’-5’ linkage)
- Things are unstable after this
- The now free hydroxyl group on the 3’ end of the upstream exon can carry out nucleophilic attack again on the phosphorus present at the 5’ end of the downstream exon
- In doing so you readjust and you form a new phosphodiester bond and make the two RNA segments continuous (exons)
- Result is the removal of the lariat which contains the intron
how can the intermediates in the intron-splicing reaction be visualised?
if you radiolabel the substrates, you can see them on a polyacrylamide gel
how does the splicing reaction involve the snRNPs?
- the actual reaction also includes associated snRNPs
- In the first step of the reaction, the U1 snRNP will interact with the 5’ boundary
- The U2 snRNP will be recruited to the region around the branch point adenosine
- At that point the complex is recognized by U4 U5 and U6 snRNPs
- This collection of balloons readjusts
- through changes within the spliceosome, U1 and U4 will be ejected and the remaining snRNPs will be the active spliceoome (when the transesterification reaction happens)
what is the result after the splicing reaction?
- is a continuous RNA molecule with two exons linked by that phosphodiester bond
- All the snRNPs leave the complex (U2, U5, U6 because 1 and 4 already left)
- And the lariat intron has to leave
what happens to the lariat intron?
- The lariat intron is a problem because it’s got the weird 2’-5’ linkage and its really hard to get rid of it using conventional RNA degrading enzymes
- devoted enzyme responsible for the removal of the 2’ 5’ linkage and the linearization of the lariat, called the debranching enzyme
- Once the intron is linear, it can be degrade very fast by exo and endo ribonucleases within the nucleus
what is an alternative mechanism for intron splicing without the need for any protein function? what does it need and what does it suggest?
- it was found that introns can be sometimes excised without the need of any protein function
- Removed by the RNA themselves
- RNA must have some sort of catalytic function that is independent of any protein
- The reaction only happens when you add magnesium to it
- Doesn’t work if you don’t have magnesium
- If you treat it with proteases and give it magnesium, it will still happen
- Nucleic acids themselves can do it, they dont need proteins
- RNAs can carry out some of the most essential functions critical for life
- Suggests that RNA molecules were formed first in the primordial world and them came proteins and DNA
self splicing is the exception not the rule, proteins make everything more efficient