rr3 /23/ Flashcards
We need to write them a letter.
Tenemos que escribirles una carta.
escribir is verb of communication so uses LE
Let him know!
verb of communication
He wanted to warn her of the accident.
Él quería advertirle a ella del accidente.
advertir - to warn, verb of communication
She announced to him that he was under arrest.
Le anunció a él que estaba detenido.
anunciar - verb of communication
Have you asked him for the bill yet?
¿Le ha pedido ya la cuenta?
pedir - verb of communication, use LE, not lo although it looks like you is a DO
I am going to ask him to help me.
Voy a pedirle que me ayude.
pedir - verb of communication
Don´t give him a lot of candy or he will get sick.
No le dé muchos dulces o enfermará.
dar - giving something to someone - functions like a verb of communication - use LE
I lent him the money.
Le presté el dinero.
prestar - give something to someone - functions like verbs of communication
Show it to him!
Show him!
Some verbs of understanding, like entender and comprender, take LE when it is a person.
Algunos verbos de comprensión, como entender y comprender, toman LE cuando se trata de una persona.
I don´t understand him.
I don´t understand it.
No le entiendo.
No lo entiendo.
i don´t believe you.
No le creo. creer also takes le when it is a person.
I don´t believe it.
No lo creo.
They were wreaking havoc.
Estaban causando estragos.