how many scoops of alginate and how much water for lower impressions
alginate - 3 level scoop
water - 3/4 of water
how many scoops of alginate and how much water for upper impressions
alginate - 4 level scoops
water - 1 cup
what does cold water do to alginate
slows down setting time
what does warm water do to alginate
decrease the setting time
how should you place the impression
place it front first and push back to prevent air blows
how much water and how much dental stone for each impression
100g dental stone
what much of a crust should we have
why do we saturate
it softens the particles of the dental stone which will cut down the spatulation time
what does an increased spatulation time do
increased spatulation time increases the set of the mix
how do we spatulate
place the spatula against the side of the bowl and rotate the bowl - we want a homogenous, thick creamy mix
what are the steps for the impression in the study cast preparation
- sift in the dental stone into the water and leave to saturate
- spatulate the mix
- fill impression from posterior aspect -
- invert impression
- agitate impression
- gradually refill impression
- clean off excess
- add additional material to create retention
- score lightly into surface for extra retention
why do we fill the impression from the posterior and vibrate rather than just filling from the front?
so we do not trap air into the occlusal surfaces or incisor edges
why do we invert the impression and vibrate the mix back out
to ensure the material is down into the incisal edges and occlusal surface of all the teeth
why do we agitate the impression
so any left over material will fill the occlusal surfaces
what should be the height of the retentions