RPC Flashcards
Who is Cain and what did he do?
Cain murdered Abel
Cain’s own sinful heart that violence comes and God condemns it and punishes it
What is the sixth commandment?
“You shall not murder”
What is forbidden?
hitting with fist or stone
there are punishments for each offence
where does God condone violence and weighing what context?
In old testament
within context of war
Wars fought by Israelites ordered by God
To claim or protect land that God promised to them
These calls to war - achieve peace in future
How do Christians interpret events in OT?
- giving justification for war to defend people and nations
- argue that war in some situations is only way to establish peaceful solution
What does Jesus speak of in the NT?
“blessed are the peacemakers”
-Sermon on the mount
Teaches followers to love their neighbour, pray for those that persecute the, and to turn other cheek in response to violence
what do some christians believe about Jesus’ teachings?
his teachings make it wrong to use violence in any context, always look for peaceful solution
what do those involved in terrorism think?
- their actions have the potential to force charge
- their use of terror is an appropriate response to the given situation or opposition
what are the reasons why terrorist ground may form?
social reasons - minority groups
feel they receive fewer rights
feel culture being attacked and destroyed
fight for independence or international recognition
religious reasons
what are the different attitudes towards terrorism?
all = use of hatred, terror, violence by christians is not appropriate for finding solution in any situation
- RCC = sometimes a just war is appropriate response to terrorism
- CofE = accepts use of lethal force as a last resort in dealing with terrorists
what does the church believe will combat causes of terrorism?
creating stronger communities
What do some christians think about involvement in politics?
It is wrong to get involved
God is supreme ruler and can be trusted
others argue - it is a moral obligation for them to be involved in politics, important to stay informed about government decisions and speak up if injustice present
how do christians use their vote?
in the right way that bests fits with christian values
by actively participating in politics, even standing as MP, is a way to serve God and cause good change
part of involvement as UK citizen
what is the CofE’s relationship with England?
it is the state church
what is the Monarch’s role?
1) Supreme governor of the church
2) Defender of the Faith - promises to maintain church
3) Has to approve the appointment of archbishops, bishops, and deans on the prime minister’s recommendation
how many bishops are in the house of lords?
they bring a spiritual consideration to the secular process of law
what is a just war?
a war that meets certain criteria which makes it justifiable
what does the just war theory provide for christians?
provides a way or accepting war when all other options have been exhausted
what is Jus Ad Bellum?
consideration of whether it is right to go to war
the five criteria’s for this:
1) the war must be started by proper authority
2) the reason to go to war must be just (protect people)
3) everything must be done to make sure good instead of evil results from war
4) war must be last resort, every other way of solving situation must have been tried and failed
5) force used must be no more than is necessary to win, civilians o those not posing threat should not be targeted (children)
what is Jus in Bello?
concerns actions taken within a war, making sure the correct conduct is followed
needs to stick to these rules to remain a just war
1) civilians should not be harmed
2) appropriate force only should b used
3) internationally agreed rules regulating war much be obeyed
what is Just post bellum?
refers to actions taken after the war
help countries move from war to peace in positive way
1) punishing war criminals
2) healing retrain police and military in a defeated country where a bad government has been defeated
Quote against war
“terrorism threatens, wounds, and kills”
What is islamic extremism?
Extremist take on Jihad ISIS, Daesh Distorted the islamic teaching of jihad Use jihad to justify use of violence Aim to establish strict Shariah Law
what is a Holy War?
an argument that states physical violence sometimes necessary to defend religion
causes of Holy War?
claiming land for religion
spread of faith
defence of religious believers
what are the three elements of Holy Wars?
- achievement of a religious goal
- authorisation of a religious leader (Pope)
- the promise of a spiritual rewards for those who take part (go to heaven)
what do all churches think of war?
global community should do everything it can to ensure all nations coexist peacefully
What do catholics ad anglican’s think of war?
war is always regretful because it shows that other peaceful means of solving situation have failed
what responsibly do christians believe they have during war?
to pray for the leaders of countries and those involved
how is god’s support used to justify holy war?
reference to when he sent the israelites into battle in book of Joshua
Holy War in past?
christianity engaged in series of holy war - Crusades
attempt by christians to reclaim the holy land of jerusalem from muslims
many christians participated out of obedience of pope
What did George Bush dow in 2003?
claimed he had been told by God to invade Iraq as part of a god given mission to being peace to the middle east, security for israel, and state of palestine
many fundamentalist christians - supported justification of this as Holy War
Argued against this that - soldiers are not crusaders and so not to be depicted as such
what are christian christian attitudes towards behaviours during war?
Laws agreed by Geneva convention
set of rules that aim to limit the effects of armed type of ware fare that can take place - biological weapons
safeguard human lives
no torture as part of war
limited in level of violence - if soldier surrenders, taken as prisoner but not killed
wounded soldier - appropriate medical care by enemy
soldiers required to use necessary force to overcome the enemy - but can’t kill if there is other way to stop enemy
what are christian attitudes to conventional warfare?
don’t believe war can easily be justified
Bible teaches to aim for peace and maintain justice - war might be necessary to achieve this
all churches = global community should do all it can to ensure nations coexist peacefully
what did St. Augustine say?
wars that are aimed to punish evil were peaceful acts
christian attitudes to apocalyptic warfare?
nuclear weapons
majority of christians oppose and consider incompatible with faith
Methodist church - condemns use of weapon of mass destruction
Christians believe their use could never be justified
what is apocalyptic war?
war that would lead to catastrophic results and widespread destruction
christian attitudes to technological warfare?
use of drones can reduce awareness of the human cost of war
one side involved of war reduces death toll of soldiers
wide without surfers far greater death tolls
what is technological warfare?
use of development in technology to advance weapons and means of engaging in war
e.g. drones - unmanned aerial vehicles that can be armed with weapons and operated remotely
what does Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells think of technological warfare?
drones pose threat to government’s ability to prevent armed conflict, promote human rights, strengthen international legal regimes
what is pacifism?
belief that any use of violence is wrong, including any act of war
what peaceful methods do pacifists use?
what is absolute pacifism?
belief that there should be no use of military force
Brethren, Amish, Quakers
Jesus accepted crucifixion without fighting back
what is conditional pacifism?
negative consequences of war and violence that make the. unacceptable
there are times when consequences of an act of war are less bad than the alternative
war = necessary
but no civilians should be killed
Catholic Church, Anglican
what are the christian beliefs, teachings and attitudes to pacifism?
Examples in old Testament where God tells people to destroy those tribes who are living in land he promised them
but bible gives christians task of aiming for peace
So think violence is sometimes necessary to achieve peace
Pacifism quote:
“Love your enemies and pray fo those who persecute you”
What is the campaign for nuclear disarmament? How do they campaign?
wants UK to get rid of nuclear weapons
wants to see nuclear disarmament internationally
CCND - Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament- christians campaign against nuclear weapons on basis of their faith
conference, peaceful protests, petitions
using violence to achieve peace like public figures
some will support use of violence to achieve peace
Nelson Mandela - struggle against prejudice due to race
Bonhoeffer- against Nazi, plotted to assassinate Adolf Hitler, believed actions demonstrated justice
Desmond Tutu
Pacifist methods to end racial segregation of black and white people
All people are god’s children, regardless of age, race, gender, health, etc.
treat one another with grace and love - like Jesus
diversity should be celebrated, not reason for war
brings fair human rights for all
should working for peace be the most important activity for christmas?
central teaching in christianity
jesus, before going to heaven, told followers it was his leave he left with them
reconciliation between god and individual = inner personal peace
most important thing for christian to do is follow great commission - jesus’ command to ‘go and make disciples of all nations’
christian’s priority = evangelism + spreading gospel = christians may say they’re working for peace in an indirect way
responding to justice and bringing peace fo areas where there isn’t = continuing jesus’ work
meeting needs of those affected by law and fighting injustement = two great commandments = working for peace very important
what is forgiveness?
making a choice to let go of the wrongs that have been done
doesn’t mean forgotten, but they are not held as grudges or put up as barrier to reconciliation
what is reconciliation?
restoring of relationships between former enemies and creation of trust and understanding between them, no hated or hostility
christian teachings and beliefs about justice, forgiveness, reconciliation?
forgiveness very important
adulteress woman to jesus
“if one of you is within sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her”
reflect on own lives and own sin
Lord’s prayer - forgiveness must be sought by individual
Paul - revenge belongs to god - shouldn’t respond to anything with that
Religious behaviour is meaningless and hypocritical in absence of justice and where there is corruption
what is the impact of forgiveness, justice and reconciliation?
enables relationships to be restored in all cases
who is Mary Johnson?
her son was murdered at age 20
asked to meet her son’s killer
met regularly at his prison and once he was released she helped him get a flat next to her
god’s forgiveness in her life enabled her to forgive her son’ killer
what do christian teachings reveal about forgiveness?
no one is beyond forgiveness
hard to apply but the effects are widespread and can effect whole community
what is the Dialogue Club?
set up in after math of Rwandan genocide in 1994
brought together victims and perpetrators - they talked, forgave, reconciled
Patricia who found her family dead, was asked for forgiveness by Aloys
gradually communities rebuilding lives
what does repent in christianity mean?
much more than saying ‘sorry’
person in wrong must change their thinking and actions
forgiveness = tied in with a change in the person at fault
when would forgiveness be impossible?
forgiveness requires repentance - when people unable to come to point of repentance in lives, forgiveness by others impossible
repentance - recognition and acceptance by person in wrong that their actions were unacceptable
Luke’s quote about forgiving as long as they repent
“if your brother sins, rebuke him, if he repents, forgive him”
what did Rabbi Albert Friedlander think? What do Catholics think of this?
those killed are ones that have been wronged, once dead they are unable to offer forgiveness and no one can on their behalf
god is the judge of humans - no human is
Catholics reject this, they believe priests serve god on earth
what is justice?
fair and equal treatment of all people within a society
appropriate use of punishments, rewards within society
what is injustice?
when unfair action is allowed and can often lead to people’s rights being interfered
what does the bible teach about justice?
righteousness and justice are central to nature of God
teaches that humans are unable to lead lives of perfection, but forgiveness is part of god’s system of justice
god condemns and punishes those who abuse others
has compassion for those who suffered injustice, defends weak, sets oppressed free
what do christians do, as stated in the bible, to fight for justice?
plead for weak speak for voiceless defend the rights of those afflicted to loosen bonds of wickedness let oppressed free
what is social injustice? what are it’s effects?
justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, privileges within society
results in unequal wealth, unfair treatment of individuals due to race, sexuality, religion, law that supports segregation
what is the relationship between peace and just society?
when society is just = fewer reasons for people to drawn to conflict
in diverse communities = no need for conflict if there is dialogue and mutual respect
value chance to experience diverse cultures = terrorism reduced
crime = punished appropriately in jus society - community = safe
if law can be trusted when people report concerns = wont take law into own hands
how do christians work for social justice?
many support Fair Trade movement and chose to buy from it
- ensures fair prices paid to produces in developing countries
many work to raise awareness about human trafficking
salvation army works to rescue those caught up in social trafficking
how do christians view social injustice?
believe all humans - weak, immigrants, members of other minorities - all have same value
no human should possess fewer rights or values than other
value of every human = equal in eyes of god
martin luther king - assassinated for his views even though he carried out all protests in non-violent manny
what is the liberation theology?
God has power to change situations in the world that are unjust
it is right to stand up against governments that oppress their people, or authorities that misuse power
peaceful protests, actively support those harmed in injustice