RP Facts Flashcards
What do we use to make sense of what we see around us? What is this referred to?
We use our observations and our minds.
This is our evidence
Who developed the cosmological argument?
Thomas Aquinas
What is the Cosmological argument also known as?
The First Cause argument
What is the cosmological argument?
It is an attempt to prove the existence of God by the fact that things exist. It assumes that things must have a cause.
Nothing would be in existence without a First Cause that caused everything else. There needs to be a starting point.
What did Aquinas believe?
He believed that the first cause that caused all things was God
Who said God was created by our own imagination?
Ludwig Feuerbach
What did Feuerbach believe?
He believed that humans invented God to comfort them like a father
Who developed the argument from Design and Purpose for the existence of God?
William Paley
How did William Paley explain his argument?
He used the analogy of a watch.
He said that if someone saw a rock on the ground, they would not need to ask how the rock got there - they would assume natural causes but if it was a watch, they would assume it had a purpose and a design and that someone had put it there and said that the watch was like the Earth and sun.
What is the name of a promise between god and the people
What did god ask Abraham to do
To sacrifice Isaac to show his devotion
Where was god while he spoke to Moses
In a Burning Bush
What was the last plague that god sent to the Egyptians
The death of the Egyptian first born
What is Passover
A celebration of the story of Exodus
What did god give Moses
The Ten Commandments: one god, no idols, don’t say ‘god’ in vain, do nothing on Sunday, honour your parents, don’t kill, don’t commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t lie and treat your neighbours how you want to be treated.
What is the name given to food that follows the food law in Judaism
What are the two names given to Jesus’s followers
Apostle and disciples
What are the names given to the books in the bible of Jesus’s teachings and how many are there
Gospels and there are 4
What are the names of the gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Who was Josephus
The writer who mentions Jesus in his book on the history of Palestine
What was Jesus’s title
The Messiah
How was Jesus executed
What was the name of Jesus rising after death
The resurrection
What did Jesus promise to all those who followed him
Eternal life
What are the five pillars of Islam
Shahadah Allah is god and Muhammad is his messenger, Salah pray 5 times a day, Zakah pay 2.5% of savings to charity, Sawm fasting during Ramadan, Hajj go on the pilgrimage once in a lifetime if you can to Makkah.
What is the Islamic priest
What do the Islamic people do during prayer
Special movements called Rakahs