Rozanski & woods + Rup Flashcards
What is the R&W equivalent of Rup’s Logical view?
Functional View
Fill in the missing keywords in this diagram of the Rozanski & Woods viewpoint set.

A = Context Viewpoint
B = Functional Viewpoint
C = Information Viewpoint
D = Concurrency Viewpoint
E = Development Viewpoint
F = Deployment Viewpoint
G = Operational Viewpoint
What products are present in an Architectural Description (AD) ?
the products in an architectural description (AD) include:
- Views
- models
- principles
- constraints
Geef een korte omschrijving van de activiteiten in de Elaboration phase
- Risico’s identificeren en overwinnen
- Testen architectuur, kritische UC’s uitwerken,
- proof of concepts
What can be said about the Quality attributes in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model ?
Quality attributes are less explicit in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model
Give an example for each level of software pattern
architecture (system level) : client/server
design (subsystem level) : observer
language idioms (block level) : how to loop through a list of items in Java
Give a description of the event-driven Architectural pattern
- a popular distributed asynchronous architecture pattern used to produce highly scalable applications.
- self-contained and highly decoupled event processing components that asynchronously receive and process events.
What is another name used for Scenarios in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model ?
Use–Case View
Waarom Rup ?
- Zit conceptueel mooi tussen Waterval en Agile in.
- Behandelt meer procesonderdelen dan Scrum.
- Heeft eigen sterktes (maar ook zwaktes)
- Wordt gebruikt bij veel grote bedrijven
- “Op maat maken” dwingt je tot begrijpen
list the core perspectives
- performance and scalability
- security
- availability and resilience
- evolution
Give a short description of the development viewpoint in the R & W viewpoint set
the development viewpoint describes the architecture that supports the software development process.
What can be said about the ease of development of the Microkernel Architectural pattern?
It’s low, it requires thoughtful design and contract governance, making it rather complex to implement
Give a short description of the context viewpoint in the R & W viewpoint set.
the context viewpoint describes the relationships, dependencies and interactions between the system and it’s environment
What can be said about the scalability of the Microkernel Architectural pattern?
It’s low, often implemented as single units and hence not highly scalable.
List the stakeholders of the process view in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 view model
the stakeholders of the process view are:
- acquirers
- developers
- maintainers
- system integrators
What are the tactics of the Security perspective ?
- apply recognized security principles
- authenticate the principals
- authorize access
- ensure information secrecry
- ensure information integrity
- vulnerability analysis
- application of security technology
Give a short description of the Deployment view
The deployment view shows how the run–time entities are mapped on the execution platform and the hardware.
list 5 examples of Quality Properties
- Performance
- Efficiency
- Security
- Maintainability
- availability
What are the concerns of the Security perspective ?
- authentication
- authorization
- confidentiality
- integrity
- accountability
- availability
- intrusion detection
- recovery
Give a description of the DDD Domain Driven Design Architectural pattern
- an approach to software development focused on modelling a business domain and defining business objects
- domain model is expressed in the language of business domain experts
- aimed at avoiding communication problems and improving the common domain language
What is the definition of an architectural tactic?
an architectural tactic is an established approach or solution you can use to achieve a particular quality property (QP)
What can be said about the flexibility of the Layered Architectural pattern?
It’s low.
What is an Architectural tactic
an architectural tactic is an established approach or solution you can use to achieve a particular quality property (QP)
Geef een korte omschrijving van de activiteiten in de Inception phase
- Inhoud, scope, risico’s en globale planning helder krijgen.
- Eens worden over de inhoud / opzet van het project
What is the definition of a stakeholder?
a stakeholder is a person, group or entity with interest in or concerns about the realization of the architecture.
Give a short description of the Implementation view
The implementation view describes the organization of the software modules and implementation details.
What is the ISO/IEC/IEEE defenition of Architecture ?
(System) fundamental concepts or properties of a system in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and in the principles of its design and evolution
What are the key responsibilities of an architect?
- Create and communicate the vision that aligns to the requirements
- Create and communicate the road to achieve that vision
How do Architectural patterns relate to Architectular tactics?
an architectural pattern often implements multiple tactics,
usually related to different qualities,
in a coherent way
What are the elements of the SAD of Simon Brown?
- context
- functional overview
- principles
- SA
- external interfaces
- code
- data
- infrastructure architecture
- deployment
- operation and support
- decision log
Give the definition of a Viewpoint
A viewpoint is a collection of patterns, templates, and conventions for constructing one type of view. It defines the stakeholders whose concerns are reflected in the viewpoint and the guidelines, principles and template models for constructing its views.
What can be said about the Rozanski and Woods View set?
- extension and refinement of Kruchten’s set
- aimed at modern, large scale, distributed information systems
- renamed & evolved Logical, Process and Physical
- added Information and Operational
What are the fundamental pieces of the Logical View
- subsystems
- components
- dependencies
- interfaces
The Rup/Kruchten 4+1 model is:
a) rather technically oriented
b) rather focused on the users of the system
What are the 4 phases of the RUP op maat method.
- Inception
- elaboration
- construction
- transation

What is the relationship between architecture and design
architecture frames design, architecture is part of the design process but not all design is architectural.

List the stakeholders of the Logical view in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 view model
the stakeholders of the logical view are:
- acquirers
- end users
- developers
- maintainers of the system
Give a short description of the Use-case view
The use-case view describes Key scenarios that drive the discovery, design and validation of the architecture
What is the focus, result and guidance of a Viewpoint ?
Focus: a type of structure
Result: a view – model(s), a primary arch structure
Guidance: models to create, advice based on practice
What are some of the challenges in creating an Architectural Description(AD) ?
some of the challenges in creating an Architectural Description(AD) are:
- Different stakeholders need different things from the AD
- some stakeholders are very knowledgeable, others aren’t
- you never have enough time to fully document the architecture.
- you have to leave some areas undefined or vaguely defined without losing credibility
- the AD needs to capture design decisions and the rationale clearly without confusing readers with too many irrelevant details and options.
- the AD needs to be sufficiently detailed to unequivocally answer all the important decisions.
What is the focus, result and guidance of a Perspective?
focus: a quality property
Result: changes to views, supporting artifacts
Guidance: a process for application, advice based on practice.
which of the following statements is correct?
- A view consists of solely ONE model that represent it
- using multiple views is essential for both designing and describing an architecture.
only statement 2 is correct. A view consists of one OR more models that represent it
What can be said about the ease of development of the event-driven architectural pattern?
It’s low, due to the asynchronous nature of the pattern as well as contract creation and the need for advanced error handling.
Fill in the missing keywords on positions A,B,C

A = View
B = Viewpoint
C = Perspective
Architectural views solve what problem ?
views solve the problem that it is not possible to capture all the functional features (and quality properties) in a single model
“layers refer to _____ structure : organized on the level of _____“
Fill in the missing words in the sentence above.
- logical
- abstraction
What can be said about the scalability of the Layered Architectural pattern?
It’s low, the Layered pattern leads to tightly coupled and monolithic implementations.
What are the 9 types of Architectural patterns?
- layered (hierarchical)
- Data flow
- Micro kernel
- Event driven
- Micro-services
- Distributed
- Shared data
- VM
What drives software architectures?
- Functional requirements
- Quality attributes or non functional requirements
List the stakeholders of the Implementation view in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 view model
the stakeholders of the implementation view are:
- developers
- software management
- configuration management
What can be said about the testability of the Layered Architectural pattern?
It’s high, layers can be tested independently of other layers, these other layers can be mocked or stubbed.
is the following statement correct ?
“an architectural pattern often implements multiple tactics, usually related to different qualities, in a coherent way”
“tiers refer to ____ structure : they are ____ deployed on separate computers”
Fill in the missing words in the sentence above.
- physical
- layers
What are the deliverables of the Process View in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model?
the deliverables of the Process view are:
- Activity Diagram
- Sequence Diagram
What are the deliverables of the Deployment View in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model?
the deliverables of the Deployment view are:
- Deployment diagram
Give some reasons why quality properties are crucial to stakeholders
- slow functions don’t get used
- unavailable systems cause business interruption
- security problems cause headlines
- unmaintainable systems become irrelevant
In order to describe a perspective several aspects need to be elaborated on. What are those aspects ?
- desired quality
- applicability
- concerns
- activities
- tactics
- problems and pitfalls
what is the definition of Perspectives ?
A perspective is a collection of patterns, templates and guidelines to ensure the system has the right quality properties
What is an Architectural Description (AD)?
An architectural description (AD) is a set of products which documents an architecture in a way which is understandable by its stakeholders.
What are the 3 levels of software patterns?
- architecture (system level)
- design (subsystem level)
- language idioms (block level)
What can be said about the flexibility of the Micro kernel Arhictectural pattern?
It’s high, as the application evolves incrementally, add features and functionality
Wat zijn de kenmerken van Rup?
- Iteratief en incrementeel
- Use-case gedreven
- Geeft stakeholders een stem
- Architectuur centrisch
- Risks first
- Aanpasbaar (op maat)
- Focus op kwaliteit
What is the difference between an Architectural View and a view ?
none, they are synonyms for the same thing.
Provide the missing keywords for A, B, C in the following diagram about Architectural Descriptions.

A = Architectural Description
B = View
C = Viewpoint
Give a short description of the information viewpoint in the R & W viewpoint set
the information viewpoint describes the way that the system stores, manipulates, manages, and distributes information
What can be said about the ease of deployment of the Layered Architectural pattern?
It’s low, a small change to a component can require a redeployment of large portion of application.
what are the two questions that need to be answered before applying a perspective
- Which perspectives would help you to achieve your quality properties (QP’s) ?
- Where may you have conflicts if applying different relevant perspectives ?
Name 3 different kinds of IT architects
- Enterprise Architect
- Software Architect
- Solutions Architect
What can be said about the performance of the event-driven architectural pattern?
It’s high, achieves high performance through its asynchronous capabilities
Which of the following statements is/are correct: 1. The R&W viewpoint set is an extension and refinement of the Kruchten’s set.
- The Viewmodel of Rozanski & Woods is aimed at old, large scale and distributed information systems.
Only Statement 1 is correct.
The Viewmodel of Rozanski & Woods is aimed at new, large scale and distributed information systems.
What are the 6 levels of Architecture
The 6 levels of architecture are:
- enterprise
- application, product
- embeded system
- infrastructure (system, network)
- platform
Give a short description of the functional viewpoint in the R & W viewpoint set
the functional viewpoint describes the system’s run time functional elements, their responsibilities, interfaces, and primary interactions
is the following statement correct ?
“You apply perspectives to the architecture to ensure quality properties are acceptable and guide it’s development”
Wat zijn de best practices van Use cases, zoals omschreven door Cockburn
- Schrijf iets leesbaars
- Beschrijf top-down (breadth first)
- Gebruik 3 tot 9 stappen per use case ‘refactor’ waar nodig
- Data en business rules benoemen maar elders beschrijven
What are the 3 pattern categories ?
- creational patterns
- structural patterns
- behavioral patterns
What can be said about the Ease of development of the Layered Architectural pattern?
It’s high, layers can be developed independently; but defining an abstract service interface is not easy.
Geef een korte omschrijving van de activiteiten in de Construction phase
Iteratief ontwerpen, bouwen, testen
Name two templates for creating Architecture
- Rup
- Simon Brown
What are the deliverables of the Logical View in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model.
The deliverables of the Logical View are:
- Component Diagram
- Class Diagram
- ERD Diagram
Describe the steps in the TOGAF model
Preliminary phase: Frameworks & Principles
A: Architecture Vision
B: Business Architecture
C: Information Systems Architecture
D: Technology Architecture
E: Opportunities and Solutions
F: Migration Planning
G: Implementation Governance
H: Architecture Change Management

list the viewpoints of the Rozanski & Woods viewpoint set.
- Context Viewpoint
- Functional Viewpoint
- Information Viewpoint
- Concurrency Viewpoint
- Development Viewpoint
- Deployment Viewpoint
- Operational Viewpoint
Geef een korte omschrijving van de activiteiten in de Transation phase
- Bugfixen, deployen,
- Trainen, overdragen aan beheer, afsluiting
What can be said about the performance of the Layered Architectural pattern?
It’s low, there is a performance overhead from going through layers to service a request.
What are the concerns of the Availability and Resilience perspective
- classess of service
- planned/unplanned downtime
- Mean time between failure (MTBF)
- Mean time to repair (MTTR)
- disaster recovery
- redundancy
- clustering
- failover
Give a short description of the process view
The process view deals with the dynamic aspects of the system, like threads & processes, inter–process communication, scheduling aspects and shared resources.
List the stakeholders of the deployment view in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 view model
the stakeholders of the deployment view are:
- acquirers
- system engineers
What is another term sometimes used for Architectural pattern
Architectural style
What is the R&W equivalent of Rup’s Implementation view?
What can be said about the ease of deployment of the event-driven architectural pattern?
It’s high, Overall this pattern is relatively easy to deploy due to the decoupled nature of the
event-processor components.
Give a description of the Layered Architectural pattern.
- one of the most common architecture patterns
- decomposes application into groups of subtasks, each of which is at a particular level of abstraction
- each layer provides services to the layer above it and acts as a client of the layer below
- a layer depends only on lower layers, has no knowledge of higher layers
- dependencies are kept local, changes can be made within the layer without affecting other layers
What are the tactics of the Evolution perspective
- contain/encapsulate change
- create flexible interfaces
- apply change–oriented architectural styles
- build variation points into the software (use patterns)
- achieve reliable change
- preserve development environments
- achieve reliable change (configuration management, automated testing, ci, cd)
What can be said about testability of the event-driven architectural pattern?
It’s low, Correctness hard to ensure due to the asynchronous nature of this pattern.
List the stakeholders of the Use–Case view in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 view model
the stakeholders of the Use–Case View are:
- users of the system
- acquirers
- developers
- maintainers
- testers
What are the deliverables of the Implementation View in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model?
The deliverables of the implementation view are:
- Package Diagram(s)
- File structures
- Description of frameworks
- libraries
- programming language(s)
What are the tactics of the Performance and Scalability perspective ?
the tactics of the Performance and Scalability perspective are:
- optimize repeated processing
- reduce contention via replication
- prioritize processing
- consolidate related workload
- distribute processing over time
- minimize the use of shared resources
- partition and parallelize
- use asynchronous processing
- make design compromises
Vul de geblurrde begrippen in onderstaand diagram in.

A = Role
B = Artefact
C = Activity

Give a short description of the operational viewpoint in the R & W viewpoint set
the operational viewpoint describes how the sytem will be operated, administered, and supported when it is running in its production environment.
What is another name used for Physical View ?
Deployment View
Why is it wise to create multiple views instead of a single model ?
it is impossible to describe a software architecture by using a single model. such a model is hard to understand and is unlikely to clearly identify the architecture’s most important features. It also tends to poorly serve individual stakeholders because they struggle to understand the aspects that interest them.
Give a short description of the concurrency viewpoint in the R & W viewpoint set
the concurrency viewpoint describes the concurrency structure of the system and maps functional elements to concurrency units to clearly identify the parts of the system that can execute concurrently and how this is coordinated and controlled.
Give a short description of the deployment viewpoint in the R & W viewpoint set
the deployment viewpoint describes the environment into which the system will be deployed and the dependencies that the system has on elements of it.
Software architecture
Software architecture is high–level requirements & design of a software system
What are the virtues of a Software Architect ?
- Artistic skill
- Analytical skills
- Understanding of the domain
- Communication skills
- understanding the capabilities of the development orginasation
What are the tactics of the Availability and Resilience perspective ?
- select fault–tolerant hardware
- use hardware clustering and load balancing
- log transactions
- apply software availability solutions
- select fault–tolerant software
- identify backup and disaster recovery solutions
What is the definition of Quality Properties
Quality Properties are the non–functional characteristics of the system.
What can be said about the testability of the Microkernel Architectural pattern?
It’s high, plug-in modules can be tested in isolation and can be mocked by the core system
what are the concerns of the Performance and Scalability perspective ?
the concerns of the Performance and Scalability perspective are:
- Processing volume
- response time
- responsiveness
- throughput
- predictability
name 4 structures that can be defined by an Architecture
4 structures that can be defined by an Architecture are:
- Functional structure
- information structure
- concurrency structure
- design time structure
What can be said about the flexibility of the event-driven architectural pattern?
It’s high, event-processor components are highly independent and decoupled, so changes are generally isolated
What can be said about the scalability of the event-driven architectural pattern?
It’s high, scalability is naturally achieved by highly independent and decoupled event processors.
What is the definition of a software architectecture as defined by the software engineering institute?
The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software elements, the externally visible properties of those elements, and the relationships among them.
What are the 4 layers in the Enterprise view
the 4 layers in the enterprise view are:

- Business
- Data
- Application
- Technology
What are the concerns of the Evolution perspective
- magnitude of change
- dimensions of change
- likelihood of change
- timescale for change
- development complexity
- preservation of knowledge
- reliability of change
Enterprise architecture
is an attempt to get to grips with “everything” contains different models with different emphasis is in general top–down starting with the business
How do requirements relate to architecture
requirements are an input to architecture they frame the architectural problem. An architecture is a framework for evaluating requirements

how does one apply architectural tactics ? describe the 4 steps that need to be completed in order to do so.
- identify the relevant tactics
- evaluate (dis)advantages for implementing the key–drivers
- evaluate their relationship (e.g. contradiction)
- make appropriate design decisions
What are some challenges when dealing with many structures ?
- organization of ideas
- understanding different aspects simultaneously
- dealing with different aspects equally
- consistency
Which of the following statements are incorrect?
- a view is a pattern of a generalized viewpoint
- a view is the class (or template), the viewpoint is the instance.
- models (e.g. diagrams) are the artifacts from which the view is made.
statement 1 and statement 2 are incorrect.
a viewpoint is a pattern or generalization of a view
the viewpoint is the class (or template), the view is the instance
What are the deliverables of the Use–case view in the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model?
the deliverables of the Use–case view are:
- Use Case Diagram(s)
- Use Case descriptions
- Use Case realizations
Give the definition of an Architectural View
An architectural view is a representation of the whole system, as seen through the prism of specific concerns.
What can be said about the ease of deployment of the Microkernel Architectural pattern
It’s high, often plug-in modules can be added to the core system at runtime.
What is the R&W equivalent of Rup’s Process view?
What can be said about the performance of the Microkernel Architectural pattern?
It’s high most applications built using the microkernel architecture pattern perform well because you can customize applications to only include those features you need.
What are the 5 views in the Rup / Kruchten 4+1 model ?
- Logical View
- Implementation View
- Use–case View
- Process View
- Deployment View
Fill in the missing keywords in this diagram of the RUP/Kruchten 4+1 model

A = Logical View
B = Implementation View
C = Process View
D = Deployment View
E = Use–Case View
How detailed should an Architectural Description(AD) be ?
the architectural description (AD) should show the overall picture, but also decompose into enough detail.
Give a short description of the Logical view
The logical view describes the functional structure and behavior of the system.
What can be said about the RUP / Kruchten 4+1 view set?
- best known approach
- different interpretations exist
- rather technically oriented
- quality attributes less explicit
Give a description of the MicroKernel Architectural pattern.
- patterns consists of independent plug-in modules and a basic core system.
- many operating systems implement the micro-kernel architecture pattern.
- pattern is typically used for application platforms where different versions of a system need to be supported, i.e. platform must cope with continuous evolution.
What is the definition of an architectural element?
an architectural element is a clearly identifiable, architecturally meaningful piece of a system
Why use an Architecture ?
- shared understanding, the big picture
- a framework for evaluating requirements
- emphasis is on system’s quality attributes (perspectives)
- manage complexity
- avoiding duplication
What is the role of a Software Architecture?
- High level system design
- system level abstractions
- Statisfy high priority requirements

Give an example of the Creational pattern category
an example is the singleton pattern which ensures a class has only one instance.
Give an example of the Structural pattern category
an example is the decorator pattern which is used in classes.
Give an example of the Behavioural pattern category
an example is the observer pattern, a design where observable and observers are loosely coupled
Give a description of the Creational pattern category
creational patterns involve object instantiation and provide a way to decouple client from objects it needs to instantiate
Give a description of the Structural pattern category
structural patterns let you compose classes or objects into larger structures.
Give a description of the Behavioural pattern category
behavioral patterns are concerned with how classes and objects interact and distribute responsibility