Royalty Quizzes Flashcards
God exists outside of _____
God predestined us for _____
Which King was humbled by the Lord?
In what was is this statement [sic.], “It wasn’t me, it was Jesus”, problematic?
A: In demeans what God has made us for in greatness. It puts us down. Jesus receives glory, but we should glorify God in our lives. It is false humility
Why was the author saddened by the messages that were preached about revival coming from the youth?
It isn’t only for the youth. It is also for the older generation. It is for everyone regardless of age
Does the bible point to a “rectangular” leadership structure, or “round table” structure?
How did Bethel church honor the Native American community?
Gave a monthly stipend to them regardless, as long as the church leaders are alive
When he was younger Kris Vallotton (K.V., Author) mother became very sick–how did the author cry out to God (that is, what did He say to God) and how did God respond?
His mother had Psoriasis/rash, and he prays “If there is a God, if you heal my mother, I will find out who you are, and I will serve you for the rest of my life!”. God responded by saying: “My name is Jesus Christ and you have what you requested!” She was healed!
When the Kris Vallotton (K.V., Author) was working as a mechanic, God told him something about a man who owned the Jeep he had been working on-what did God say and what did Kris Vallotton (K.V., Author) do?
Kris Vallotton (K.V., Author) told the owner of the Jeep that (the owner) would be K.V.’s Spiritual father. He fixed the car, and at the last minute, K.V. asked through the window for the owner to be his Spiritual father
What happens to new believers who are not parented (i.e. discipled)?
They fall away. Go back to the world they came from
What is the primary difference between a covenant relationship and a co-habitating relationship (think of Judas)?
Covenant Relationship is GIVING; Co-habitating Relationship is RECEIVING/RAKING. There is no commitment in the latter
At one point, God convicted Kris Vallotton (K.V., Author) of co-habitating attitude he had towards Bill Johnson. When K.V. and Bill were riding in the car together, what did K.V. blurt out as a promise to Bill Johnson?
“I covenant to spend the rest of my life serving you. .. Help you accomplish all that God has given you to do with your life, and I will stay with you until I die.”
“Royal people have a powerful sense of ____ in the depths of their souls that drives them to act when they see something wrong.”
When Kris Vallotton (K.V., Author) went to speak at a university, he received a prophetic word for a campus leader of witchcraft-what was the word?
The campus leader would become a politician/was interested in politics
What does Kris Vallotton (K.V., Author) mean by “survival mentality”-something that restricts our ability to impact the world around us?
We don’t have courage in peace to be on the offensive known that Jesus has already won. Instead, we feel the need to just survive until the rapture. The mentality is wrong because we won over this fear in our baptism