Routing Flashcards
What is Route53?
A managed DNS containing a collection of rules and records which help clients reach a server through URLs.
- can use public or private domains
- has load balancing through DNS
- comes with limited health checks
- multiple routing policy options
- pay $0.50 per month per hosted zone
What are the most common records of a Route53?
A: hostname to IPv4
AAAA: hostname to IPv6
CNAME: hostname to hostname (only for non root domain)
Alias: hostname to AWS resource
What are the Route53 policy type?
- Simple (single target routing, no health checks)
- Health Check (routing by health check results)
- Failover (health check mandatory)
- Geolocation (routing by location)
- Latency (least latency routing to Region)
- Weighted (controls % of request routed to an endpoint, can include health checks)
- Multi-value (routing to multiple resources, not a substitute for ELB)
What is TTL?
Time to Live mandatory setting on Route53
- High TTL = 24hrs (potentially outdated route)
- Low TTL = 60s
Can Route53 register a domain for you?
Yes. However if you use a 3rd Party registrar like GoDaddy, GoogleDomains, etc. you must create a hosted zone in Route53 and update the NS Record at registrars website to use the Route53 name.
What is Elastic Beanstalk?
An AWS managed service that provides a developer centric view of deploying an application on AWS.
- uses EC2, ASG, ELB, RDS etc all in one view that’s easy to read
- allows us to have full control over the configuration
- free except for underlying instances
What are the architecture models for Elastic Beanstalk?
- Single Instance deployment
- Load Balanced with ASG
- ASG only
What are the components of Elastic Beanstalk?
- Application
- Application version
- Environment name
What is a domain name registrar?
An organization that manages the reservation of Internet domain names (i.e. GoDaddy, Google Domains, etc.)
What is stickiness?
Attaching a user to a particular instance.
What are some of the platforms that Elastic Beanstalk supports?
- Go
- Java SE
- Java with Tomcat
- .NET on Windows with IIS
- Node.js
- Python
- Ruby
- Packer Builder
- Docker Containers (single, multi, preconfigured, or custom)