Rousseau; Human Nature Flashcards
Which type of theorists use the state of nature?
State of nature is used by social contract theorists including Rousseau
Rousseau wants to try and get back to the origin of human society
“For how can the source of inequality among men be known…
unless one begins by knowing men themselves”
Why have other philosophers concerned about getting back to state of nature failed?
Because when they try and come up with what natural humans are like, they look at vices/attributes that humans have in today’s society and place these vices on the natural man.
What has changed the primitive state of man?
The progress of civilisation.
What happened to the statue of Glaucus?
What does it look like now?
It has been disfigured by time, sea and storms so that it looks more like a wild beast.
Who does he compare the statue of Glaucus to?
the human soul over time.
Why does Rousseau disagree with humans being naturally vain?
Because vanity is a product of socialisation/society not a characteristic of the natural man.
Which philosopher thinks that human beings are vain, glorious and egotistical in the state of nature?
Hobbes state of nature
Rousseau’s account of how human’s develop is what type of history?
A conjectural history.
Define Conjecture
An opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.
Rousseau’s account in not factually how human beings came to live in society
“Lets begin…
by putting aside all the facts, for they have no bearing on the question.”
Rousseau’s natural man; What characteristic of the natural man does Rousseau agree with Hobbes about?
They are solitary in the state of nature, humans are not naturally social creatures.
Man in his state of nature is essentially an animal like any other, in what ways? (Think speed)
They were agile, quick and “ferocious” and able to escape predators
What is natural man’s only instrument/ weapon?
His body, so can use it for a variety of purposes.
Were they clothed? Where did they live, in the forest, beach or countryside?
They were often naked, the ones in colder regions would have worn animal fur.
They were forest-dwelling creatures.
The natural man has a “Robust and…
nearly unalterable temperament”
Define Robust
Strong and healthy
Why does the natural man enjoy great health while there are lots of illnesses now?
Because diseases are a product of civilisation, no need for modern medicine.
What quote does Rousseau say that shows diseases are a product of civilisation?
…most of our ills are of our own making”
Name a diseases that is a result of the extreme inequality of our lifestyle?
Gout and diabetes
How can you tell that nature treats all animals better than when domesticated in society? (Think of the lion in the zoo compared to in the wild)
Because the horse, cattle, Bull are all taller, braver and stronger in the wild than when domesticated.
Name one characteristic that the natural man has in society that he doesn’t have in state of nature?
Weak, Fearful and servile.
Natural Man’s phycology; In Rousseau’s state of nature do humans interact with each other lots?
They can go days without encountering another human being. They have no sense of their relationship to other people.
Natural Man’s phycology; Rousseau believes that there were no stable family structure or sexual unions, Why?
The family was constructed by society, not present in early stage of nature.
Natural Man’s phycology; How did procreation happen?
Males and females came together by chance, procreate, never see each other?
Natural Man’s phycology; Were sexual unions long-lasting/ was monogamy present?
No and No.
Natural Man’s phycology; What happens to children one they have the strength to look for food?
They leave their mothers and depart forever.
Natural Man’s phycology; Can they speak in the state of nature?
No language in the state of nature.
Natural Man’s phycology; What was the initial language ?
Gestures because more expressive than noises.
Natural Man’s phycology; What do Rousseau’s natural man have no fear of that Hobbes definitely do? Do they live in the present?
No fear of death, don’t know they’re dying. They live in the moment, do not even anticipate what will happen later in the day.
Natural Man’s phycology; The closer you are to nature, the less able you are to project into the…
Natural Man’s phycology; Does the natural man have any foresight? Why not?
No because he has no knowledge of the world so therefore no curiosity.
Natural Man’s phycology; What is an example that Rousseau uses to show that the natural man has not foresight?
e.g. In the morning, they might sell their bed of cotton but then return in tears because they haven’t foreseen that they would need it that night,
Natural Man’s phycology; What is the one thing in Hobbesian state of nature that encourages us to leave it?
The fear of death.
Natural Man’s phycology; What are the needs/ desires of the natural man limited to, “nourishment…
a woman and rest”
What are the only evils that the natural man knows?
pain and hunger.
Along with the development of civilisation is the development and multiplication of what? (Think of modern society)
Needs. We “need” our mobile phones, hair dryers, hot water ect…
Do we need love in the state of nature?
What are the two types of love that Rousseau differentiates between?
Physical and moral love,
What aspect of love is artificially made from society?
moral love.
Is Rousseau’s state of nature conflict prone?
no complete absence of conflict
Rousseau’s state of nature is absent of conflict but this is not necessarily because people are
benevolent or good.
Rousseau is often mistaken for thinking natural human beings are good, why in a sense is this true? What does he say that critiques Hobbes?
“natural goodness of human beings” in the state of nature
Says that unlike Hobbes, just because they have no idea of goodness, does not mean they are naturally evil.
Human beings are not conflict prone but they are …
fierce and aggressive.
Hence showing he does not think they are angels .
Will there be occasional bouts of violence in the state of nature?
The natural state was peaceful and best suited for the human race, who does not agree?
Name one reason why Hobbes’s state of nature is conflict prone? (think of multitude of passions)
He’s given the natural man a multitude of passions that are a product of society, not nature.
Another reason why Hobbes state of nature is conflict is because he makes a distinction between…
Explain with example of a branch?
Injury and damage
If a branch falls on you then you are damaged but if someone hits me with a branch i will seek retribution, vengeance or justice
If someone hits me with a branch, I will seek?
Retribution, justice or vegeance
Does Rousseau’s natural man recognise damage or injury ?
Only damage
Why do Rousseau’s natural man not recognise injury?
Because they have no sense of others as a result of being solitary.
Would the natural man see a difference between a branch falling on you and one being swung into the face?
No because they do not seek a difference between injury and damage.
Why would the natural man not need to seek revenge if someone who hits you with a branch?
Because no sense of being devalued and therefore no need to seek revenge someone who has appeared to devalue you.
What would a dog mete at a stone that has been kicked at it?
Same sort of vengeance that the natural man would have?
The dog immediately biting at the stone but two laters doing something else, no contempt.
Is there any vanity towards other human beings in the state of nature?
No vanity or contempt towards other human beings.
Equality; what type of equality is in the state of nature?
natural equality.
Why is their natural equality in the state of nature?
Because there is no chance of subordination.
Why do strong people not subordinate the weak in the state of nature?
What does subordination require?
Rousseau says subordination requires institutions, enforcement mechanisms, requires someone to be bound to some kind of contract/ obligation to someone else.
Natural man is not dependent on you, so it’s impossible to …
enslave them. i.e. a slave is dependent on you for survival so easy to take their freedom/ be enslave.
Is there a actual notion of command and obedience or notion that we should legitimately defer to someone else?
No, there’s no hierarchy.
Label the two principles prior to reason in the basic human nature?
Self preservation and Pity.
What is the french for self preservation ?
Amour de soi
Describe self-preservation?
Love of self, a basic instinct to preserve ourselves. Its different from vanity.
Which two philosophers see self-preservation as natural to humans?
Hobbes and Rousseau?
What does self preservation lead to in Hobbes state of nature?
conflict with others.
What does self preservation lead to in Rousseau’s state of nature? (what type of violence)
it involves fending off attackers and feeding ourselves.
Define pity?
The passion that prompts us to feel pain of others its a basic sympathy that we have with other people.
Does pity decline or increase in civilisation?
Decline’s in civilisation
Do animals have pity as well? example of an animal showing pity?
Yes they do, understand when others are hurting and feel their pain. e.g. mourning sounds of cattle entering the slaughterhouse as feel other cow’s pain.
What counters pity in the state of nature?
Pity counters our self preservation; we instinctively go to help the person we hear human suffering.
What is pity dampened by?
our propensity to rationalise. reason smothers basic sentiment of pity.
What will a philosopher use their reason to not get involved in?
A fight or if someone is in pain.
Why does the uneducated women get involved?
Because she’s closer to nature; her natural pity is active.
Are human beings capable of progress?
What is crucial to human development according to Rousseau?
Define perfectibility ?
Its human beings constantly striving to improve.
Why is perfectibility a mixed blessing; why in some respects is it a curse?
Because its in our capacity to improve and develop our own intellect that leads us into society and vice (source of all misfortunes) Without it, we would have lived a tranquil life in state of nature.
On the other hand, why is perfectibility a good thing?
Because he suggests that it makes us more interesting and above other species.
Is perfectibility reaching perfection?
No, but its constantly able to improve ourselves that makes us human.