ROTC DRILL Vocabulary Flashcards
The dressing of several elements on a straight line
The element on which a movement is regulated.
A rhythmic rate of march at a uniform step.
The middle element of a formation with an odd number of elements (See figure 1-1a) or the left center element of a formation with an even number of elements.
A formal military formation designated to observe a specific occasion.
A formation in which elements are placed one behind the other. A section or platoon is in column when members of each squad are one behind the other with the squads abreast of each other.
Commander of Troops
The COT is the senior Cadet taking part in the ceremony.
The space from head to rear of an element or a formation. (The depth of an individual is considered to be 12 inches.
The space between elements in the direction of depth. Between individuals, the space between your chest and the person to your front. Between cadets in formation, the space from the front of the rear unit to the rear of the unit in front. Platoon commanders, guides, and others whose positions in a formation are 40 inches from a rank are, themselves, considered a rank. Otherwise, commanders and those with them are not considered in measuring the distance between units. The color guard is not considered in measuring the distance between subdivisions of the unit with which it is posted. In Cadet formations, the distance between ranks is 40 inches.
Double Time
Cadence at 180 steps (36 inches in length) per minute.
An individual, squad, section, platoon, company, or other unit that is part of a larger unit.
Extended Mass Formation
The formation of a company or larger unit in which major elements are in column at close or normal interval and abreast at a specified interval greater than normal interval.
A single column of cadets one behind the other.
The right or left extremity of a unit, either inline or in the column. The element on the extreme right or left of the line. A direction at a right angle to the direction an element or a formation is facing.
Arrangement of elements of a unit in line, in column, or in any other prescribed manner.
The individual (base) upon whom a formation, or other elements there of, regulates its march. To guide: to regulate interval, direction, or alignment; to regulate cadence on a base file (right, left, or center).
The leading element of a column.
The lateral space between elements on the same line. Interval is measured between individuals from shoulder to shoulder. It is measured between elements other than individuals and between formations from flank to flank. Unit commanders and those with them are not considered in measuring intervals between elements of the unit. The normal interval between individuals is one arm’s length. Close interval is the horizontal distance when the left hand is placed on the left hip.
Left (Right)
Extreme left (right) element or edge of a body of cadets.
A formation in which the elements are side by side or abreast of each other. A section or platoon is in line when its squads are in line and one behind the other.
Line of March
The line on which individuals or units are to march on.
Line of Troops
The line on which cadets are to form when information
Loosened Sling
Indicates a sling adjusted for the movement of sling arms.
Mass Formation
The formation of a company or larger unit in which the major elements are in the column at the close interval and abreast at close interval.
The length of a full step in quick time, 30 inches.
Point of Rest
The point toward which all elements of a unit establish their dress or alignment.
Quick Time
Cadence at 112 to 120 steps (12, 15, or 30 inches in length) per minute. It is the normal cadence for drills and ceremonies
A line of cadets placed side by side.
Slow Time
Cadence at 60 steps per minute. Used for funerals only.
The distance from heel to heel between the feet of a marching individual. The half step and back step are 15 inches. The right and left steps are 12 inches. The steps in quick and double time are 30 and 36 inches, respectively.
Unit Leader
Is the individual who is drilling the unit. This can be any individual who is conducting drill or can be those assigned a specific billet such as squad leader, mustering petty officer, platoon commander, etc.
Assembly Area
A designated location for forming units of platoon size or larger in preparation for a parade, review or ceremony.
How was is the flag put at half-staff, and how is it lowered?
The flag is put to half-staff by raised to the top of the mast briskly and is then lowered to half-mast
The flag is lowered by raising the flag to the top of the mast quickly then lowering the flag slowly.
When the u.s flag is folded how many folds are in the flag?
13 folds
What is the difference between national colors and the national flag?
The national colors are trimmed on 3 sides with golden yellow fringe
What do the colors of the national flag represent?
What does the national flag being positioned at half-staff mean?
This is a sign of mourning
When the national flag is worn out, how is it disposed of?
The star section/union is cut from the flag and then both pieces are burned together.
When can the flag be flown upside down?
In times of distress/ emergency