Rotation 1 Flashcards
McBurney’s sign
pain w palpation of RLQ
Rovsing’s sign
palpation or rebound pressure of the LLQ results in pain in RLQ
Obturator sign
pain in RLQ when flexed right thigh is internally rotated when pt is supine
psoas sign
pt is supine and attempts to raise right leg against resistance
where does pain start and end for appendicitis
begins in epigastrium –> umbilicus –> RLQ
appendicit is unlikely if
pt is hungry
common blood test findings in appendicitis
on which side of the abdomen is diverticulosis/diverticulitis MC
left side
test of choice for diverticulosis
test of choice for diverticulitis
CT scan
what type of diverticulitis can mimic appendicitis
cecal diverticulitis
what remains causing meckel’s diverticulus
vitelline duct
what is the MC congenital anomaly of the GI tract
Meckel’s diverticulum
Rule of 2’s for Meckel’s diverticulum
2% of population
Within 2 ft from ileocecal valve
2% symptomatic
2 inches in length
2 types of ectopic tissue (gastric MC or pancreatic)
2 years MC age
2x mc in males
Familial adenomatous polyposis is due to
mutation in APC gene
what is familial adenomatous polyposis + tx
they get hella adenomatous polyps
prophylactic colostomy best chance for survival
in which syndrome is there hamartomatous polyps and mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation
what is the MC cause of occult GI bleed
Colon CA
what is the MC cause of large bowel obstruction
colon CA
Common sx in proximal/right sided colon CA
chronic occult bleeding
common sx in distal/left sided colon CA
bowel obstruction
changes in stool diameter
what will you see on barium enema for colon CA
apple core lesion
what is the most commonly monitored tumor marker for colon CA
CEA (carinoembryonic antigen)
characteristics of Crohn’s disease
transmural inflammation that affects any part of the GI tract (anywhere from mouth to anus)
Can lead to fistulas, bowel strictures, perianal disease, abscesses
Skip areas of involvement
what is the most commonly involved segment involved in crohns disease and on what side is it located
terminal ileum (on the right side)
cardinal sx of crohns disease
crampy abdominal pain
chronic, persistent, but intermittent diarrhea
no gross blood