rossetti quotes Flashcards
“It’s a _____ life, it is she said” (From The Antique)
“Doubly _____ is a woman’s lot/I wish and I wish I were a man” (From The Antique)
“Were ______ at all in the world/Not a body and not a soul” (From the Antique)
“Still the seasons go and come/ _______ bloom as in days of old” (From The Antique)
“Skene looked at his ____________” (ITRTAJ)
pale young wife
“Young, strong, and __________/The agony struck them ________” (ITRTAJ)
so full of life/dumb
“Close the pistol to her brow/_____________” (ITRTAJ)
God forgive them this!
“I wish I could bear the ______ for both” (ITRTAJ)
“His bride was like a _________/ Maude Clare was like a ________” (Maude Clare)
village maid/Queen
“But he was not so pale as you/Nor I so _________” (Maude Clare)
pale as Nell
“With feet amongst lily leaves/The ____________ now.” (Maude Clare)
lilies are budding
“Take my share of a _______/ Mine of a _______ love” (Maude Clare)
fickle heart/paltry
“I never _________ John? Why will you _____ day by day,” (NTYJ)
said I loved you/tease
“I dare say _________ would take/pity upon you” (NTYJ)
Meg or Moll
“I have no _____? Perhaps I have not/But then you’re ____________” (NTYJ)
heart/mad to take offence
“Let’s mar our _____________ no more/ Song birds of passage _________” (NTYJ)
pleasant days/days of youth
“I’d rather ____________/ Than answer “Yes” to you” (NTYJ)
answer “No” to fifty Johns
“Remember me when I am ______/Gone far away into the _________” (Remember)
gone away/silent land
“And afterwards remember ________” (Remember)
do not grieve