rossetti quotes Flashcards
“It’s a _____ life, it is she said” (From The Antique)
“Doubly _____ is a woman’s lot/I wish and I wish I were a man” (From The Antique)
“Were ______ at all in the world/Not a body and not a soul” (From the Antique)
“Still the seasons go and come/ _______ bloom as in days of old” (From The Antique)
“Skene looked at his ____________” (ITRTAJ)
pale young wife
“Young, strong, and __________/The agony struck them ________” (ITRTAJ)
so full of life/dumb
“Close the pistol to her brow/_____________” (ITRTAJ)
God forgive them this!
“I wish I could bear the ______ for both” (ITRTAJ)
“His bride was like a _________/ Maude Clare was like a ________” (Maude Clare)
village maid/Queen
“But he was not so pale as you/Nor I so _________” (Maude Clare)
pale as Nell
“With feet amongst lily leaves/The ____________ now.” (Maude Clare)
lilies are budding
“Take my share of a _______/ Mine of a _______ love” (Maude Clare)
fickle heart/paltry
“I never _________ John? Why will you _____ day by day,” (NTYJ)
said I loved you/tease
“I dare say _________ would take/pity upon you” (NTYJ)
Meg or Moll
“I have no _____? Perhaps I have not/But then you’re ____________” (NTYJ)
heart/mad to take offence
“Let’s mar our _____________ no more/ Song birds of passage _________” (NTYJ)
pleasant days/days of youth
“I’d rather ____________/ Than answer “Yes” to you” (NTYJ)
answer “No” to fifty Johns
“Remember me when I am ______/Gone far away into the _________” (Remember)
gone away/silent land
“And afterwards remember ________” (Remember)
do not grieve
“Better by far you should __________/Than that you should remember ________” (Remember)
forget and smile/and be sad
“The door was shut. I looked between its ________: and saw it lie, my garden, mine, beneath the sky” (Shut Out)
iron bars
“A _____________ kept the gate/Blank and _________ like the grave” (Shut Out)
shadowless spirit/unchanging
“He left no loophole great or small/Through which my _________ eyes might look” (Shut Out)
“I have desired and I have __________” (SLDAM)
been desired
“Oh vanity of vanities, ________” (SLDAM)
“Oh death-struck love, oh _______________” (SLDAM)
disenkindled fire
“When I am dead, my dearest/Sing ______________” (SWIAD)
no sad songs for me
“And if thou wilt remember/And if thou ___________” (SWIAD)
wilt forget
“I shall not hear the nightingale/Sing on, _________” (SWIAD)
as if in pain
“Haply I may remember/And _____________” (SWIAD)
haply may I forget
“I took my heart in my hand/(_______________)” (Twice)
O my love, O my love
“As you set it down it broke–__________ wince” (Twice)
Broke, but I did not
“I take my heart in my hand/___________” (Twice)
O my God, O my God
“Smile Thou and I shall sing/But shall not ___________” (Twice)
question much
“Does the road wind up-hill _________?/Yes to the very end” (Uphill)
all the way
“May not the ___________ from my face?/You cannot miss that ____” (Uphill)
darkness hide it/inn
“Will there be beds for me and ________/Yea beds for ______” (Uphill)
all who seek/all who come
“I tell my secret? No indeed not I/Perhaps ________________?” (WMS)
some day, who knows
“Today’s a _______ day, a __________ day” (WMS)
“Come _________ and surrounding me, come buffeting, ___________ me” (WMS)
“Spring’s an expansive time: ___________” (WMS)
yet I don’t trust
“Perhaps my secret I may say, ___________” WMS
or you may guess
“My heart is like a singing bird/Whose nest is in a _____________” (Birthday)
watered shoot
“Raise me in a dais of silk and down/Hang it with __________” (Birthday)
vair and purple dyes
“Come to me in the silence of _______/Come to me in the speaking __________” (Echo)
the night/silence of a dream
“Watch the slow door/That opening ___________” (Echo)
letting in, lets out no more
“Speak low, lean low/As long ago ____________” (Echo)
my love, how long ago