Rossetti poem quotations Flashcards
Remember ‘Better by far….
You should forget and smile/ Than that you should remember and be sad.”
Echo ‘Come to….
me in the silence of the night’
Shut Out
“The door was shut”
“Blank and unchanging like the grave”
In the Round Tower at Jhansi
“Not a hope in the world remained”
“God forgive them this”
“ ‘Will it hurt much?’ ‘No, mine own:’ “
“Thus to kiss and die”
Maude Clare ‘His bride…
was like a village maid/ Maude Clare was like a queen.”
From the Antique ‘I wish…
And I wish I were a man’
No, thank you, John
“I never said I loved you, John:”
“Haunt me with a face as wan”
“Use your common sense”
“Let bygones be bygones”
“No, thank you, John”
Goblin Market
“”Come buy our orchard fruits,””
“You should not peep at goblin market”
“sugar baited words”
“Her hair grew thin and grey”
“scratched, pinched, kicked, knocked”
“when both were wives / With children of their own”
Song “When I. ‘Plant thou…
no roses at my head ‘
Song “When I. ‘And if thou wilt….
remember, / And if thou wilt, forget’
Song “When I. ‘Haply…
I may remember / And haply mag forget’
Remember ‘Remember me when I am gone…
Gone far away into the silent land’
Remember ‘You….
tell me of our future that you planned’
From the A ‘ Still the….
world would wag on the same’
From the A ‘How much…less
less would care or weep / I should be nothing’
Echo ‘Pulse…
for pulse, breath for breath’
Echo ‘Watch the slow door…
/That opening, letting in, let’s out no more ‘
A Birthday ‘My heart…
is like a singing bird’
A Birthday ‘My heart….
is gladder than all these / Because my love has come to me’
A Birthday ‘Carve it…
in doves and pomegranates’
‘Gold and silver grapes’
MC ‘gazed long….
on pale Maude Clare / or ever he kissed the bride.’
MC ‘We waded…
ankle-deep / for lilies in the beck’
Up Hill ‘Does the…
road wind uphill all the way?’
Up hill ‘They….
will not keep you standing at that door’
UpHill ‘Beds…
for all who come’
Twice ‘O my
love, Oh my love’
Twice ‘With a…
critical eye you scanned…’
Twice ‘Smile thou…
and I shall sing / But not question much’
Winter: My Secret ‘I tell my secret?…
No indeed, not I’
Winter examples of nature:
‘a nipping day’
“peck of dust”
‘languid summer day’
Soeur ‘Now dust…
and dying embers mock my fire’
Soeur ‘Oh vanity….
of vanities, desire!’
Soeur ‘My rose…
of life gone all to prickles’